Eczema vs psoriasis infant

Common Questions and Answers about Eczema vs psoriasis infant


Avatar n tn A pediatric dermatologist, if there is one in the area may be able to help. Psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis are also differentials but psoriasis is rare in infants and young children.
Avatar n tn Can eczema and/or psoriasis be painless and non-itchy, especially if it is localized? Could eczema cause tingling of the skin? I had small red patches on my penis glans that tingled, but did not itch or burn.
Avatar n tn Maybe it could have been a combination of psoriasis and eczema? There was mild scarring on my arms after the rash inside my elbows cleared up, but my skin returned to normal color within a few weeks. However, to this day, I still have faint white spots from the rash on my stomach and sides (which may have been this guttate form of psoriasis.
Avatar m tn My real question while I wait to test again relates to my eczema and inverse psoriasis. Since my possible HSV exposure the rashes from those two skin disorders has been worse than ever. Does anyone know if there is a link between them and HSV? They are considered autoimmune problems and are made worse by stress, so this isn't helping. And the initial eczema flareup on my legs was the worst it's ever been, which is why I asked about the HIV RNA test being confirmed negative.
Avatar f tn The most causes for the dry patch are Eczema and Psoriasis. Eczema is one condition where the hands get cracked. In this disorder contact with triggering factors like soaps, cosmetics, jewelry, clothing, and detergents causes symptoms. Sometimes sweat, changes in temperature and psychological stress are known to trigger these episodes. Psoriasis is an auto immune disorder that can cause dry cracked hands. Genetic and immunologic theories have been predicted as causes for psoriasis.
Avatar f tn t always even know what eczema or psoriasis is, but if it is psoriasis, again, your child has a health complication in that, but not necessarily causing any other problem.
Avatar f tn ve never been diagnosed with eczema but do have dry skin. Eczema and psoriasis can both itch. Hyperpigmentation can occur from our scratching. Were you told you might be prediabetic after a physical when they checked your lab work? Type 2 diabetes is preventable and you can do diet changes and exercise, weight control often to control it so it does not turn into the real deal. So, I'd work on that! There is something called Lichen Simplex Chronicus.
Avatar n tn Hello, Eczema is one such possibility which can present like this. The other possibility is of psoriasis skin. Psoriasis is a long-term (chronic) skin problem that causes skin cells to grow too quickly, resulting in thick, white, silvery, or red patches of skin.It is thought that psoriasis occurs when the immune system overreacts, causing inflammation and flaking of skin. If the symptoms persist then please get it evaluated from a dermatologist.
Avatar m tn Sounds like psoriasis or eczema to me. If you google ringworm, it has a very distinct appearance. No matter which, thisbbok changed my life, killing every fungal infection I had in just a few days: byebye . fungi.
Avatar n tn Lol literally. Hard to explain. Apparently in people that this has happened to they have eczema or psoriasis all brought about by these bras.
Avatar m tn Hello, From the symptoms it looks like eczema or it can be a fungal infection rather than psoriasis. Psoriasis is a long-term (chronic) skin problem that causes skin cells to grow too quickly, resulting in thick, white, silvery, or red patches of skin. I suggest you to get it seen from a dermatologist because treatment is entirely different for eczema and fungal infections.
Avatar n tn Hi, It could be an eczema present in the buttocks.The term eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistent skin conditions. These include dryness and recurring skin rashes which are characterized by one or more of these symptoms: redness, skin edema (swelling), itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding. Atopic eczema is believed to have a hereditary component, and often runs in families whose members also have hay fever and asthma.
624829 tn?1240755671 I would like to know whether I have Eczema or Psoriasis and what medication would actually help me. Can this be cured ? It is causing me stress. However, the itching only happens twice a day.... please do respond... Thank you.
Avatar n tn My 8 year old son has what is believed to be eczema we have done a biopsy which one pathologist read as psoriasis and another read as eczema and his dermatologist thought he had skin lupus. We are currently treating it as eczema and he is on elidel and triamcinolone cream, we have tried tanning beds and bleach baths. No relieve, this has been going since last Nov. The dermatologist wants to put him on methotraxate (sp?) (chemo drug). I am nervous, any advice????
Avatar f tn This does not look like psoriasis as far as plaque psoriasis is concerned. Plaque psoriasis usually presents with a whitish patch with scales over the patches. Inverse psoriasis on the other hand does not present with the thick scales of plaque psoriasis. I suggest that you have this assessed by your dermatologist. This may be a dermatitis or an eczematous disease. Venous insufficiency should also be ruled out here. Poor circulation may also lead to skin conditions.
Avatar f tn I had dishydrotic eczema on the palms of my hands and then palmoplantar psoriasis. I could literally poke the dishydrotic eczema bubbles on my hand with a sterilized sewing pin and felt nothing (except and explosion of the clear fluid inside.). I don't think it's dishydrotic eczema as they shouldn't be in a row. It could be many other things. It could be hand, foot mouth disease or palmoplatar psoriasis, but if you have no other symptoms, I'd discount both.
Avatar m tn Oh and I don't know if it's true but Eczema and Psoriasis are hereditary right? I don't recall anyone on my relatives who had this kind of skin problems.
Avatar n tn Sorry I forgot to mention... I don't remember if my family doctor said it was psoriasis or eczema on my knuckle.
Avatar f tn I have psoriasis and since my pregnancy, my hormones have actually improved my skin! Psoriasis and eczema and really similar, and when my disease is flaring up, I put aloe lotion on twice a day and I see improvement after a few days.