Desloratadine contraindications

Common Questions and Answers about Desloratadine contraindications


Avatar n tn Took for 1week 5mg desloratadine after my ivf. transfer. Started the antihistamine day 6 after embryo transfer without thinking or consulting the dr.(i always took it during pregnancy and thought its safe but never at such an early stage of pregnancy). Tested positive BHCG day8 after transfer +hcg22 day11+hcg53 day16 hcg56 day18 dropped hcg36. Can the reason of miscarriage be the use of antihistamine ? can antihistamine stop implantation from continuing ?
Avatar m tn i went to dermatologist and he gave Desloratadine and citrizine for 2 weeks....during the medication it is ok,but after 2 weeks again the same condition.So i dint went to doctor again.Before all this i tried Levocitrizine and i felt better than above drugs ,so im now taking citrizine for once for 2 days and if i stop taking it ,again got same (symtomps)condition.So how long should i take this drugs? becouse i dont know about H1 or H2 drugs.Please gave me effective drugs and how to take.
Avatar n tn Why was it suggested? Who suggested it to you? This supplement seems like it's designed for bodybuilders. It's not regulated by the FDA, so a pharmacist may not have information on contraindications. Still, a call to your Copaxone pharmacy as well as your PCP are in order.
672788 tn?1238120672 Someone who would be able to answer questions about side effects and contraindications when taking multiple meds for multiple diagnoses?
Avatar n tn What is the generic name, chemical name, classification and contraindications for Lyvoxil?
Avatar n tn I would look into the pharmaceutical company that makes Arimidex and see what contraindications are listed, including food and supplements. Might even be worth putting in an email to them.
Avatar f tn I would say if your doctor prescribed them because your blood was sticky he/she has weighed the benefits vs risk. Does the doctor know about your condition?
Avatar n tn Here are the contraindications for Malaria vaccine (yellow fever) from the CDC web site. It looks like HCV is OK but HIV is contraindicated.
Avatar n tn I would like to know if there are any contraindications with taking the herb red yeast rice with these prescription medications: Topromax 100 mg bid; Zoloft 200 mg @ hs; Xanax 0.5 mg @ hs PRN and oxycodone 5 mg 2 tabs bid for chronic pain. The red yeast rice will be for reducing my elevated Cholesterol as noted: (VLDL=18; TRIGLYCERIDES=92; LDL=155; HDL=59; TOTAL CHOLESTEROL=232). I was initially prescribed Crestor 5 mg by my PCP but due to some severe side affects I stopped taking it.
Avatar n tn She recommends me to take desloratadine antihistamine every time this rashes appear again. i need your help.. is there any way that this allergy will not occur even though i would not take this kind of medicine? Kindly reply..
Avatar m tn You probably shouldn't take this with anything -- it isn't a very clean product. Contains some things in the inactive department that aren't good to take, such as talc and certain preservatives and sugar. It's basically hops, valerian and gentian, and you can get much purer versions of these if you stick to the better herb companies rather than television and internet marketers.
Avatar f tn You can look this up by googling saffron and its contraindications. You can also manage this stuff by buying a good herbal -- Prescription for Nutritional Healing and its companion Prescription for Herbal Healing are pretty good places to start. If you Google citalopram, it will also list contraindications, and some sites will have herbs as well. I don't know that saffron will be listed, though, as it's not been as commonly used as many others.
Avatar m tn I honestly think tylenol is your best option or asking a doctor . Vicodin is a narcotic pain killer that is used for severe pain. Vicodin falls into a category known as “class C” in terms of its safety and its contraindications in pregnancy. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
Avatar n tn Are there any contraindications to allowing my ten-year-old to learn to use a tampon?
Avatar n tn you should be fine, there are no apparent contraindications
Avatar f tn Your profile says you're from the US, and this drug isn't used all that much here. So if you don't get a lot of responses, that's why. It's used mostly in Europe, due partly to a quirk in its initial development. It just didn't apply for US approval for a long time, and didn't market it here very much when it was new.
Avatar f tn Agree with smiley2000; there are no contraindications for these two meds.
Avatar f tn What are the contraindications of taking penicillin and valacyclovir during the same cycle ? Can they both be taken on the same day ?
422104 tn?1209763904 What are the contraindications regarding Enbrel and MS. My neuro said to go ahead and start taking it. Thank you.
Avatar n tn Hello there, The best person to ask about prescriptions and contraindications is your pharmacist. So whatever pharmacist you get your Proventil from, she or he is the person to ask. Hope everything goes well.
Avatar f tn Indeed you should. Also, Google the drugs -- there are many websites that will discuss contraindications.
Avatar f tn You could look up Paxil online but choose a reputable site like Merck or look for a Physicians Desk Reference site. Look for the section that offers contraindications. There they list all the reasons a person should not take it - due to other health problems or if they're taking certain other medications.