Dandruff hair loss

Common Questions and Answers about Dandruff hair loss


Avatar n tn There are two kinds of hair loss. There is hair loss with visible scalp disease and there is hair loss without scalp disease. In your case, the hair loss may be associated with both the fungal infection and another underlying condition of seborrheic dermatitis. At this point, there is really no effective medical therapy for hair loss. If your hair loss is associated with tinea and seborrheic dermatitis then the underlying disorders need to be addressed first.
Avatar f tn Dear Doctor, I am an Indian female and got long hair, i got relocated to America 5 months back and for past thre months my hair are in a bad condition i m experiencing severe hairfall, i got a little bit of dandruff and i use dandruff shampoo and conditioner twice or thrice a week,I use herbal essence shampoo n conditioner, But my hair are gettting worse day by day, i m experienceing handful of hair everytime i comb and when i wash my hair, the condition is worst.
Avatar n tn So I went to a dermatologist, who gave me some shampoos that were supposed to help stop hair loss. instead the shampoos made my hair loss worse and gave me dandruff. I started experiencing severe burning sensation on my scalp. It felt like someone is pouring acid on it. It even felt painful to move my hair in any direction. It was so excruciating I ended up in the urgent care twice. They ran a bunch of thyroid and hormonal tests which came back fine.
Avatar n tn hair loss is just hair loss dude, I can relate to that :-(
9562964 tn?1416928231 It will unblock blocked follicles to aid hair growth and also make the hair you have look thicker and stronger.
Avatar n tn I am 22 years old. A year that my hair is oily and hair loss.
Avatar m tn If it helps, it probably is some sort of organism causing irritation and the hair loss, and something like ketoconazole cream or even lotramin would be the thing to do. I would go see another dermatologist about it before trying to treat it yourself. Dandruff shampoo should help a bit, but when I had eyebrow and face "dandruff" (seborrheic dermatitis), it was a course of ketoconazole cream that did the trick, and not the dandruff shampoo.
Avatar m tn Please consult a hematologist if iron deficiency is detected. Hair loss can also be due to dandruff, dermatitis, shampoos, oils, soaps, dust and dirt etc. Thyroid disorders and diabetes too could be a cause. Insomnia, stress and anxiety along with poor diet and excess of caffeine too can be the cause. Hope this helps. Take care!
Avatar f tn If no fleas, why the Advantage and why weekly? He is using it topically between the shoulder blades? I think I would stop the Advntage. Did you ever have flea collars on them? Do you have collars on them? Odd it is all 3 and only the neck area.
Avatar m tn I also have lots of dandruff from wearing a hat. can dandruff cause temporary hair loss? and is head and shoulders shampoo good or bad for the hair.
Avatar m tn I am confused what is the reason for hair loss - dandruff or thyroid. But if it would be due to dandruff then it should not fall in heavy quantity.Do correct me if i am wrong I had my T3,T4 and TSH test about 3 months ago.. T3 and T4 were normal, but TSH wasn't. Maximum limit for TSH is 5.5 and I was having 6.4 when i got tested three month ago. I am about to visit a dermatalogist. What should I do? Should I go to any endocrinologist?
Avatar n tn I am a 24 year old woman who has long, thick brown hair. People always tell me how beautiful my hair is and comment on how silky, shiny, and thick it is. All my life I've been able to run my hands through it! About two months ago, the texture of my hair has changed and is more coarse like and is falling out. Now, when I run my hands through my hair, at least 3 to 10 hairs will come out.
Avatar m tn t cause hair loss. Scalp dandruff is part of the same condition. I think you need a visit to a skin specialist to sort things out and convince you that you are not in fact going bald, which I believe you aren't. Take care. Dr.
Avatar m tn I ahve had no selly scalp since then but i do still wash my hair every 3-4 days with it. Before Jason Dandruff i washed my hair every day and my pillows also smelt in a morning! Below is a link to a smelly scalp forum where there are lots of people with the same problem who have had success with Jason Dandruff. I tried it out and it worked. http://www.hairsite.com/female-hair-loss/forum-page-0-category-18-order-last_answer.html Im Fari on the above forum...
Avatar m tn i am suffering from dandruff from las two months and due this only there is hair loss too. i am using NIZOLE shampoo.but it is not working.
Avatar m tn I am a 24 year old male that is experiencing progressive hair loss. Lately, I have noticed these yellowish/brownish,waxy crusts on the crown area of my scalp. These waxy crusts attach themselves to hair follicles, and if picked at, come off with clumps of hair (sometimes 4 or 5 hairs together). These crusts do not itch or burn. I also have some redness/flaking skin occurring around my nose, eyebrows and forehead.
Avatar m tn ive been dealing with hair loss for quite some time now but ive giving myself scalp messages n it seems to be working real well they are realy short right now and little bit thinner than the other hairs is there something i can do to make them grow faster?
Avatar f tn Yup for 1st time in my life n secound baby n I got bad dandruff it sux. .n to top it off I cant use anyy kind of dandruff stuff cause it irritates my skin so I dont bother.but im not sure where u are but im in nz n the doc can subscribe this reall good stuuf that ya can also use on ur skin I cant member watvit called but it pink n smells YUCK hence y I still havnt botherd with it haha..
1142540 tn?1261368153 One more major question I have for you is when does this get out of my system and when will the hair loss/ itchiness stop? Is this scarring(permanent) hair loss or will it grow back!??