Contractions not feeling them

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Avatar f tn I liked not feeling them better haha although I had to get induced with my son so im hoping my body knows what to do this time.
689528 tn?1364135841 I had a week or so where I was feeling crampy and in fact it got quite painful...especially felt it when I was trying to do my walking....I had to stop a few times. As I rested it went away. Do your cramps go away with rest? I've also been having a lot of back pain lately. I think the babies are going through a lot of growth during this stage and we are just feeling all the pulling and pressure from that.
Avatar f tn Thats the same thing im feeling as well im not noticing them as much as i use to have them i have one a day now for the past 3 days im 32 weeks and 3 days
1936698 tn?1333915193 That's what I was thinking and it scared me. I'm not having contractions or anything though. Does the baby stop moving when your water breaks?
Avatar f tn I have very little cramps and I have contractions but not really feeling them. I pray and hope that my son comes sometime tonight or tomorrow for sure!! I'm originally due August 30th. How dilated where you when you felt the contractions?
6363715 tn?1394225781 I do have a high pain tolerence but i feel like there not contractions cause every one says there so extreme. Ots totally possible for them to not be very painful tho right?
Avatar f tn I've started to have contractions but i hate being sent home so I'm trying to ignore them until I'm doubled over in pain. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning bright and early anyway. My husband is at work, my 4 other kiddos are in bed already..... Not really a question but just needed to say it and if i put it on Facebook I'll have my family knocking on my door lol.
Avatar f tn s dancing on my uterus... contractions feel like tour whole stomach tensing up. When I got them from dehydration I felt them on top of my belly button and on the bottom of my stomach. It got to the point where I couldn't really speak and they were coming every 4-5 min. Labor and delivery gave me an iv and put two liters of liquid in me.. experience definitely introduced me to how it would start to feel.
Avatar n tn I'm only 16 weeks so I'm a little concerned.. I think I may be having contractions but I'm not sure. It's been 3 years but I thought I'd remember the feeling. Anyways I feel my lower abdomen tightening and it hurts but it only last about 15-20 seconds and its about every 10-12 minutes.. Is it a contraction or just maybe my uterus stretching and growing?
8987997 tn?1413288175 Why would I call a doctor I am not having regular contractions, my water has not broke and this is my 2nd pregnancy? I was asking for advice on how to safely get these contractions going a bit more not for someone to suggest I should panic for no reason I'm experiencing what a lot of women do towards the end of their pregnancy I am not going to panic like something is wrong when I am experiencing nothing out of the ordinary......
Avatar f tn I have been feeling pain like period cramps some kinda painful but not to the extreme and tightness in the tummy .
7588086 tn?1400793414 I've been having them and not feeling them according to my Dr. I only felt them after my water broke for my daughter.
8377023 tn?1399509160 t feel have my contractions last Tuesday I feel like there is a possibility that I could not feel them again. Plus im having a sharp pain that won't go away near my vag. And I dont think its round ligament pain.
323702 tn?1217775973 Hello ladies. Well today I haven't been feeling very well. I feel silly asking cause I've had 3 children and still dont know when the contractions start. Today I have been feeling nauseated and having to go to the BR all day. Also I have been having this painful back pain that had been coming and going all day and my belly gets rock hard and it feels crampy and hurts. Its been coming and going all day. I can't get comfotable.
219836 tn?1213543852 I am not sure if they are contractions. I have them like every 5 minutes or so. Also all day today I been having a clear discharge with a little red on it I don't know what that could mean. ANy suggestions or answers? I won't be seeing the doctor until tomorrow but it wont be my doctor since she was put on bed rest due to complications with her pregnancy which I did not know until today.
1428239 tn?1333457053 I went home and was told to return once the contractions got to the point where I could not talk or walk during them.... I continued to have contractions every 3 mins for hours.. Around 11pm, I decided to lay down to get some rest.. .Contractions continued but evenually I feel asleep, but would wake frequently... I got up this am around 6 30am and started walking....
Avatar n tn They started out as uncomfortable, but now they are a little painful. I have tried everything to make them stop and nothing works. I get the feeling that my Midwives don't believe me and it's getting to me. My mother is a raving lunatic because she's never heard of anything like this before. Has anyone???