
Citalopram withdrawal syndrome

Common Questions and Answers about Citalopram withdrawal syndrome


Avatar n tn There is a lot of confusion surrounding ADs because they can have a "discontinuation syndrome" when trying to come off. Many people call that "withdrawal", therefore people assume it is "addictive". Certainly the body gets used to having it on board, but it is different than an opiate.
1810386 tn?1405549577 Yes I was warned about that too - something called serotonin syndrome that can come from taking an AD with tramadol. Most Dr.'s would caution or advise against it. And tapering is supposed to be the better way to go - I didn't taper but only because I didn't know any of that when I quit.
Avatar n tn Hello, I am a 54 year old male with severe anxiety and am taking 40 mg of citalopram and lotrel for bp issues. I recently read that citalopram can cause long qt syndrome and since my anxiety issues are driven by my health, I am concerned. My resting heart rate is in the low 50's, I have no family history of long qt, but with my low heart rate I wonder if I should cease to use citalopram. My doctor does not feel this is a problem but I thought I should seek other opinions Thanks .
Avatar f tn s now been 4 weeks since I took my last citalopram and nothing has changed. How long can the side effects from the citalopram affect the Wellbutrin?
1305767 tn?1361192676 Citalopram can cause dizziness and is one of it's most common side effects, but usually after a week or so, the dizziness will disappear as your body adjusts to the medication. Since you have been taking this medication "for years," even if you forget to take this med for a day or two, in my humble and non-medical opinion, I could possibly see you experiencing a very brief moment of dizziness, but I don't think it should last all day.
1110049 tn?1409402144 I think you'll get more responses on the anxiety and depression forums. I take it, but a low dose as I started tapering off a long long time ago and had to stop because of health problems that keep coming and I don't want to be in withdrawal facing them. It hasn't worked for me, but it was a long shot since my biggest problem now is what quitting Paxil did to me -- I didn't take it before that.
Avatar m tn If you suffered serotonin syndrome, I think you'd know. My understanding is that people who do end up in the hospital for treatment. I'm assuming here since you take these medications that they were prescribed by a psychiatrist, who should know about such things. On the other hand, many people suffer various side effects from all medications, including ssris.
Avatar m tn I have been taking Citalopram (antidepressent) for years now, 40mg daily. The depressive mood comes and goes! But I wonder if I stop taking it gradually will there be withdrawal symptoms? Is there dependency on this medicine? I was thinking for instance to decrease it 5mg every two weeks or a month.
Avatar n tn My doctor prescribed me Effexor XR and I got my prescription filled but before taking it I decided to do some research about this drug. The withdral and side affects scared me so I decided agains this drug. Then doctor priscribed me Citalopram and I've been taking it since. I have been taking citalopram 20mg a day for about 3 months. At the time of my visits to the doctor I had an insurance that covered my drugs, now I don't have my insurance any longer.
1128565 tn?1316721143 Hi All its Lorraine The specialist changed my antidepressant from 150mg's venlafluxine to 20 mg's of citalopram. I am feeling really tired and every night my legs are aching off me, last night I didn;t sleep much as I was having palpitations. Can anyone relate to this? Good job we've got these sites, or we'd go mad!!
497348 tn?1283436066 Some patients may experience withdrawal reactions upon stopping citalopram.
15256956 tn?1439425231 PM), Diovan HTC 320 / 25 mg (AM), Lovastatin 20 mg (PM), *Citalopram 40 mg (PM), Terozosin 2 mg (PM), Metformin ER 1000 mg (PM), Men's Multivitamin, Omega-3 Fish Oil 1000 MG (AM, NOON, PM), BuSpar 5 MG (AM & PM), Ativan 1 MG as needed. My anxiety is centered around my heart and the fear of having a heart attack and developing a heart condition. I guess you could call it Cardio-Neurosis. This is exasperated by PVC's / PAC's (skipped beats) and Palpitations.
Avatar f tn I've been prescribed to citalopram and am still reducing my dosage of clonazepam(due to seizures). Is it safe to take the two together or should I wait until I'm completely off the clonazepam? I have no allergies that I'm aware of. My doctor was super busy and I forgot to ask if I should stop the clonazepam. Any help is appreciated.
Avatar f tn I have suffered with anxiety and depression for the past year and have been taking 40mg of Citalopram. The past couple of months I have been feeling fantastic but the past week I am starting to feel down and like there is no point to anything again. The only thing I can think is I missed 2 days of my Citalopram and I have been taking it sporadically instead of the same time every day, I'm skipping a day here and there! Could that be the reason?
Avatar n tn Stopping Risperidone cold turkey can provoke an awful withdrawal syndrome or return of original symptoms so wait till you see his new doc.I went through similar problems when I stopped Risdone suddenly.My Psychiatrist restarted me on low dose risdone of 1 mg and is tapering me off in 4 side effects have abated and I am 16 days away from stopping Risperidone.
308074 tn?1289687346 You have probably been experiencing withdrawal from the citalopram. These effects can last a week or two. However, if you started a new medication, you might now be experiencing the side effects from that. Side-effects from a new med typically subside in a week or so.
Avatar f tn Hello there and welcome to the medhelp forum. The combination of drugs, citalopram that is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and amphetamine and dextroamphetamine that are dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor is not recommended. Amphetamines may possess serotonergic activity and should not be administered with SSRIs as there is an additive risk of serotonin syndrome. Enhanced sympathomimetic effects is possible.
Cat I developed what I think is restless leg syndrome 3 months after knee replacement surgery. In talking to a friend today, I found that she has had the same issues and she is taking the same antidepressant, citalopram. Has anyone ever heard of this drug causing these symptoms? I have been on citalopram for several years, and have not had many side effects until now. The symptoms are bad enough to interrupt my sleep.
Avatar n tn Hi, I've been suffering with some problems with anxiety for a long time and more recently they have led me to depression. Months back before I started really feeling the depression my doctor had me try out 20 mg's of citalopram. I was on it for three months and really didn't feel a difference in myself, so I decided to go off them. I did have some trouble withdrawing as it was quite the pain in the ***.
Avatar f tn i have had depression for 5 years and am treated with citalopram 40mg at times i get such bad anxiety and nausea and dizziness icant really connect it to any depressive episodes though i do feel sick when my nerves are bad also does anyone know how to wean yourself off medication very slowly
Avatar m tn I missed 3 days of my 20mg Citalopram prescription (which I've been on for years). I missed because I didn't refill in time. Anyway, SO FAR, I feel better than I have in I don't know how long. The medicine has always kept me very even-keel, but too much so. I never cry much or get depressed, but I don't get as happy and excited as I used to either. I'm pretty tired of not being my silly, happy self.
1131131 tn?1275108488 When taken with Prilosec, the clearance of citalopram may be reduced, leading to higher blood levels of citalopram. Prilosec inhibits the CYP450 2C19 enzyme, one of the two primary enzymes responsible for the metabolism of citalopram. Dosage adjustments may be needed due to this effect.
Avatar m tn s difficult for me to even write this question in an articulate and concise fashion. I expected to feel emotional side effects from the withdrawal of citalopram, such as irritability and depression. But these physical sensations, such as dizziness, distant-mindedness, and a general feeling of being "impregnated in the head" are all very unexpected. Has anyone experienced similar withdrawal symptoms from either of these medications?
Avatar n tn Sudden withdrawal from venlafaxine can lead to the withdrawal symptoms you describe. It should not be discontinued suddenly, instead he should go down to 37.5mg for a time before coming off it. Or, his doctor might consider changing him to a different anti-depressant without as many withdrawal symptoms,(Prozac, citalopram ?) then coming off that. Venlafaxine (Exeffor) is usually prescribed for major depression, in emergencies, or when other anti-depressants have been ineffective.