Chronic stress magnesium

Common Questions and Answers about Chronic stress magnesium


Avatar f tn magnesium like any mineral is eliminated by the kidneys so if your situation is a chronic thing you have to take supplements but if your magnesium was low due to stress or disease or the operation you did that means if you have a good diet you won't need magnesium supplements good luck :)
Avatar n tn Do you experience a lot of stress in your life, or have you recently had a major medical procedure such as surgery? Stress can be a cause of magnesium deficiency, and a lack of magnesium tends to magnify the stress reaction, worsening the problem. In studies, adrenaline and cortisol, byproducts of the “fight or flight” reaction associated with stress and anxiety, were associated with decreased magnesium.
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Avatar n tn consult a neurologist immediately, a balanced diet, foods high in potassium, calcium and magnesium, massages to relieve physical stress and fatigue, vitamin B complex rich foods,certain drugs like gabapentin, phenytoin,carbamazepine, botulinum toxin injections. Take care.
Avatar f tn Anyone tried Magnesium supplements for POTS/Dysautonomia? Heard magnesium citrate, chelate, or glycinate might help in dose of 500 mg 2x/day.
Avatar n tn I'm 37 and I have chronic muscle pain in my neck, back, arms, hips, legs ankles and even feet. There are often painful lumps in my muscles; there is also a burning sensation deep in the tissue when pressed or when I stretch. Lately, these sensations are worse when I do mild yoga, stretching and lifting. Muscle pain began when I was young and has not gotten better even though there have been periods when I have felt better than others.
Avatar f tn Hello, I've been researching about nutrition, stress, and nutritional ingredients (vitamins, minerals, oil, etc.) Something I read got me thinking... PTSD -- Is this considered a breakdown in your body's coping skills to handle stress? And is it caused by depletion of the body stores of nutrients that handle stress? Did the rate of nutrient drain from stress EXCEED the refill of nutrients? Based on this: "Magnesium: The Stress Reliever" by Leo Galland M.D., F.A.C.N.
Avatar f tn clinically speaking chronic means lasting or likely to last six months or more or twelve months or more - depending on the specific condition - and acute simply means severe; e.g., I have hypermobility syndrome, which is a chronic acute pain condition...).
Avatar m tn And also could you please elaborate on your symptoms? Some amount of stress is essential for day to day functioning but if gets out of control it can lead to numerous physical and mental problems. I would suggest to you to please relax and try to make a list of all things that are causing stress in your life. This way you will know how to you can deal with each one of them. Also do some breathing exercises, go for short walks, eat regularly and take a mild tranquiliser at bedtime.
Avatar f tn ) The cause: severe magnesium deficiency. Calcium contracts the muscles, magnesium relaxes the muscles. A good article to check out: "Mark Hyman, MD: Magnesium: The Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral Available.
1327415 tn?1294057889 22 It has been suggested that the Type A behavior pattern - which is associated with chronic stress and aggressive behavior - may both cause and be caused by magnesium deficiency.22 Also, *suicide attempts*, which are *violently aggressive* acts against the self, have been correlated with lowered magnesium levels in the cerebrospinal fluid.23 Nutritional Influences on Aggressive Behavior Melvyn R. Werbach, M.D. Journal Of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 7, No. 1, 1995 http://www.
Avatar m tn Hi, I have a copy of a post by Amethyst about magnesium which is really good and does not seem to be available now. I have purchased some Magnesium citrate and it states in the info "magnesium citrate (magnesium 10.4%) 530mg Does this mean that each tablet has 530mg of magnesium or just 10.4% of the 530mg?
Avatar n tn hi there, I have all the same problems and I couldnt figure out why i always felt like that. Mine is all from stress, I seen the doc and he told me that stress can do all that to a person.
Avatar m tn Muscle twitching can be symptom of anxiety and stress. Please remember anxiety and stress will only make your headache worse. Learn some self relaxation exercises like meditation, yoga and deep breathing exercises. Magnesium supplements have been known to help patients with chronic headache. Also make sure you eat on time, drink plenty of water and get some physical exercise daily. Hope this helps!
Avatar n tn It seems to be an uncontrollable movement and I have been researching online about tic disorders and saw that some of the causes were stress - even a good kind of stress- such as an upcoming holiday event. He started this about 3 days before Christmas. I am taking him to his pediatrician tomorrow, but I am very concerned. He has always been very healthy since he was a baby and is in Kindergarten and doing very well in school. I am hoping this just goes away.