
Chantix and side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix and side effects


Avatar f tn My friend just quit taking Chantix due to the inability to handle the side effects. She has noticed that since quitting the Chantix alcohol has effected her differently. While on the Chantix she noticed the effects of alcohol tokk in quite quickly where now she seems to have a tolerance that was not there before. Is it possible that theh Chantix caused her intolerabilty to alcohol?
984138 tn?1359813073 ) go for it..
Avatar n tn Just go for it and good luck today you can do it. I am on Chantix too and played games with it the first few months like you are smoking here and there. Now I am on Day 16 smoke free and it's a great feeling!! This is the longest I have gone since I started smoking 21 years ago at age 15. Good luck you can do it!!!
Avatar m tn ll keep between me and all of you....but the fact of the matter is, I feel great side effects...MINIMAL W/D's. I had RLS mild for 1 night....beyond that, not a damn thing!! Again Please note: I am not a doctor...I don't know what the KEY is to my success of not taking pills anymore while using this drug, but I'm almost certain that it has something to do with it.... Either that, or God really REALLY wants me to stay alive to do his work...which btw, Mass on Sunday..
Avatar m tn I did have major side effects-mostly nightmares, bad sleep, bad stomach aches and nausea so I stopped it before I quit smoking. I have started it again just two days ago. I am taking it at night with over the counter sleep aid because I know that was the hardest part. It also makes me a little cranky. Definitely works for a lot of people, and some have no side effects at all. As you start taking it, pay attention to how you feel.
Avatar f tn Hi and congratulations on your quit! I didn't use Chantix, but another member here who will be along, did use it so might be able to give better advice. I've read many testimonies of people who did have side effects and I would have to say it's *probably* the Chantix but a little early to know for sure since everyone's quit symptoms are different and this could just be Your quit symptom. A headache is not uncommon when quitting smoking.
Avatar f tn If you are having further concerns speak to a doctor about it and as with any medication for information on side effects both short and long term look up the medication website because they all must be listed by FDA law.
444932 tn?1273980797 Please keep us posted as to how it's going. I blamed everything on the withdrawals and not the pill so maybe I had more side effects other then the upset stomach? I'm just glad that I have finished and am 1 day away from 6 months. I hope it works for you too, good luck.
Avatar f tn my best friend quit smoking but first tried chantix an had some really bad side effects felt strange awful nightmares an had seazure from chantix doc took her off asap. Also seen on tv a lawyer saying if you had bad side effects from taking chantix or even death pls call today we have law suit in effect.
Avatar f tn Quite a few of my smoking friends have also quit using it and none seem to be bothered with any side effects. You may get lucky : ) You mentioned that you were on effexor.......have you considered welbutrin? Welbutrin was used pre chantix with great results. I am not a doctor so you would have to discuss it with your physician but it might be solution. Good luck and I hope this quit will be the last one.
Avatar f tn all drugs have tons of side effects and listed and unproven problems. I know chantix has some, stomach, depression effectsbut never heard of the heart palpatations or the other stuff. I have been taking it for over a year with just about no problems. I only take a few a week and it has been a big help to me.
Avatar m tn Chantix side effects may include suicidal thoughts, depression and even violent behavior
Avatar m tn But I felt suicidal and that is when I did some research on internet that confirmed the side effects. So be careful and do not take medicines on your own.
Avatar f tn Not that I'm pro Chantix, but allow me to play devils advocate for a minute. When one contemplates quitting and then sets out to do it, there is a profound losing your best friend, and we all have to deal with. I myself grieved long and hard. Could your depressed state be that you have finally come to terms with the fact that it is your time to quit? I used Chantix and mourned the loss but I also used it before it was linked to "possible" suicide.
Avatar f tn I used Chantix and had absolutely no extreme effects. A bit of upset stomach was the worst of it. I took it for a month and a half and have been quit for 1 year and 1 month! There are times when I still feel and urge, especially when stressed, but it goes away in mere seconds and it doesn't happen often : ) I hope you feel better with each day and thanks for offering your help.
Avatar n tn Thanks but, the Chantix reference was just an example, I never took Chantix, but learned about it's side effects during my research
Avatar f tn My son took it for 3 months and although he did quit smoking, the side effects have nearly put us over the emotional edge. He had mild side effects while on it, the dreams, slight stomach ache, manageable headaches, but... when he went off it, the whirl wind began. He began with terrible hives, then numbness, dizzy, foggy, moody and the latest is he has been diagnosed with panic and anxiety.
Avatar f tn Go to Google and look up "Chantix side effects." Most frightening. The next time a doctor prescribes any medication for any reason whatsoever, check the internet and with your pharmacist. Doctors are not chemists an never seem to consider the adverse effect of what they give their patients. I took one medication that almost killed me. Now I only trust me and a competent pharmacist.
596605 tn?1369946627 Any better today? I've been thinking about you; read a few more posts on Chantix side effects, and if you still feel that deep fatigue, I would quit the Chantix immediately!...and most especially if you have any kind of emotional issues (I don't mean to assume) as Chantix can exacerbate them. There are many other quit aids to choose from if Chantix turns out to be not right for you.
729288 tn?1251254433 I will pay the $215 on monday for my shipment then I am waiting the 2 weeks suggested and beginning. Here is my question. I am also on chantix.. the stop smoking drug. I really need to stop because I think 27 years is long enough to smoke for anyone. Does anyone know if it will have any kind of reaction? My doc told me to go ahead it wouldnt hurt me.
444932 tn?1273980797 All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome: Constipation; gas; headache; increased appetite; nausea; stomach upset; strange dreams; taste changes; trouble sleeping; vomiting.
Avatar n tn I must be so out of tune with my body and what is happening with it! So many people have identified side effects and seem to know when anything is amiss with their bodies, and I barely noticed anything...a little upset stomach and maybe a bad dream or two. Many have had various problems but I'm not sure if I have heard of your complaint before. Have you read up on their website? Try a google search of "Chantix and swollen breasts" and see what comes up.
1546331 tn?1293737217 I quit two years ago and took Champix and did not have any side effects like he has and my doctor followed my closely and I was also in a local support group to help get me started to quit. But my Mr does not want to do any of those things nor admit that the withdrawl is making him nuts, no just blame it on I never thought I had or possessed such power over his mind. I try to stay away from him in the house since if I say the wrong thing its a blow out...
Avatar f tn I also quit smoking and was on Chantix at the same time. I thought the terrible side effects were Chantix. But I still am in trouble after stopping Chantix 7 weeks ago. Pretty nuts, a change from smoking 40 years, Effexor, Chantix, and Prozac. Should I quit every drug and start over?