
Bumps under skin in neck

Common Questions and Answers about Bumps under skin in neck


Avatar m tn My boyfriend has about 3-4lumps or bumps on his left arm pit that can be felt under the skin. He says they are painful and itchy. But he has been using the same antipersperant for yrs , doesnt shave very often so does this sound normal or should he oay a visit to a doctor....?
Avatar n tn Just like you, I also had those bumps in my thigh, jaw and recently in my neck. In my neck, i tried hot compress and it gets smaller... Those found in my thigh and jaw, they stayed there for years now. They didn't give me pain. The doctors, told me nothing to worry about. I was just told to increase my water intake. For your peace of mind, better consult an expert on the field. A dermatologist. EENT, or any physician who can diagnose you better. Regards.
1143036 tn?1293031084 My daughter has a significant amount of bumps under her skin on her head and down her jaw. When you run your knuckle on them they move. When they are big or there are a lot of them she gets a really bad headache. Her Chiari surgeon does not have anyone else with them so I am asking if any of you do. He thinks they may be blood vessels. She had surgery in Oct 09 and has been feeling much better but the "head poppies" as we call them seem to be getting worse.
Avatar n tn Not sure where my question may lead, but I ask them because I get lumps, bumps, in my ear lobes and I believe they are pimples under the skin. In my case they feel like peas, sometimes larger. They come and go, and very rarely one gets large enough to be visible and it will at some point rupture usually on the neck side of the ear lob. Not a nice social thing for it to do, but it isn't often. I don't believe I have ever discussed with a doctor.
Avatar n tn I need an answer, last Monday morning, got many of my little red bumps all over my neck, back of neck, arms, shoulders, under my ears, where this coming from? Allergy reaction to my perfume Bella Belara?????? It has been a day and half now some show up on my chest...or is it from stress? There is no scalp, no lesion, no white spot only little red bumps all over.
Avatar f tn Is anyone skin breaking out? I'm getting bumps & they itch real bad. What does that mean?
Avatar n tn red bumps under skin that when ready to squezzed a egg like substance comes out. not ichty but sore. they seems to pop up all different parts of the body mostey neck area.
Avatar n tn It is more likely to occur on the neck and upper chest, in the groin, under the breasts, and in elbow creases. The best treatment for heat rash is to provide a cooler, less humid environment. Continue using your sunscreen. Drinking plenty of fluids and keeping the affected area clean and dry may also help. If it persists, it would be best to see your doctor for further evaluation and management. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar f tn I have had two or three pimple like bumps one on penis and two spaced far apart around my penis.. I have a pimple like bump under my bottom lip one the skin on the left side wife told me that it was ingrown hair I poped it and hard white ozz came out the redness is still there though. I have been itchy sometimes my legs mostly no pain no muscle aches I have a mustache and it gets itchy underneath. And on my chin as well.
Avatar m tn I have atleast 30 or more red bumps on my scaolp from the back of my neck to the top of my head. They bleep and puss and feel like spiders crawling under my skin. It hurts all of the time and I don't know what to do about it. I was seen by a doctor in the Army but that was back in 2003. I have tried shampoos that work harder to remove any dirt or oil from my scalp but nothing has worked. Please help. Any idea to what steps I could take would be great.
Avatar n tn i have a small bump under the skin in my left arm hurts to the touch and im just wondering it this is an allergy or what is goin on.
Avatar m tn I have had this problem for years, with no known reason why/how it began. What happens is I'll first feel a bump or two on my face or neck. They're under-the-skin, non-itchy, painless, skin-colored bumps that swell when I touch (or, guilty, pick!) them and also begin to spread to a cluster. I don't think they're pimples - from what I know, cysts are painful and movable, which these are neither of.
Avatar f tn Please contact an allergic specialist and get skin tests like skin ***** test done. In this a small amount of allergen is introduced into the skin of the forearm and the reaction of the skin is noted. If there is any redness then that person is allergic to the allergen introduced. You can also get blood tests like RAST done. Once the allergen is identified, then avoidance of that allergen is the best treatment. I hope it helps.
1154937 tn?1262238376 I do not know if I am just looking for things and being a hypocondriac or if having those bumps under my skin actually mean hiv since I was at risk. Having those bumps just keep making me think I have swollen lymph nodes as a result of hiv. I guess I am just wondering what it could be since some people told me it can be nerve or muscle contractions because of how i sleep and to wait and see if they grow in size or hurt to then go to the doctor. They have not grown or hurt though.
Avatar n tn I was taking Bactrim for a staph infection and took it for 10 days as prescribed and finished my last dose on Monday, July 7. Yesterday, July 12 I awoke to a slight itchying under my chin but didn't notice it for the rest of the day. This morning however I woke myself up scratching. I had raised bumps and slight swelling. As the day has worn on, it has become noticably red and itching much more and spreading down onto my neck.
Avatar n tn I'm not sure what it is if it's acne, eczema, fungus, yeast or what i'm a male 29 years old 150lbs 5'7'' generally healthy but i noticed that when I run my finger nails on my face i get a lot of white or off white stuff coming out of my pores.. in the mirror i can see them coming out. Kinda like a black head but it's just whitish hard not sure what this is i noticed its coming out of my hair pores on my arm white grayish pointy hard bumps...
Avatar m tn When I woke up today I had two red splotches of skin on my upper right chest area (about an inch below my neck). There are three clear bumps of skin on the area, all small and all very close together as well as there being a smaller black colored bump. They all appeared very suddenly and the whole area (which is around two or three inches of my chest overall) is irritable and mildly hurts.
Avatar f tn about a week ago i noticed my jaw line and neck became very itchy and also had a burning sensation.It's since gotten worse.I can feel tiny bumps on my skin but can't see any of them or see any redness.Please help me?
Avatar n tn The ones that appear on his head and legs are just fatty bumps under his skin. No skin loss. None of these are itchy or cause him any pain. Im not sure if this is just a common allergic reaction or if i need to bring him to the vet.
Avatar m tn Lymph nodes are small glands under your skin and dermal tissue. Pimples are bumps and are sitting on the outside of your skin. Pimples do not look or feel like lymph nodes. Lymph nodes can be painful if you have an infection, but pimples/bumps can be painful also. It sounds like you have a couple of pimples near your hairline, which is pretty normal for people to get. These pimples are often not painful, but sometimes they can be a little sore, especially if you keep picking with it...
Avatar n tn im not really sure what to put this under since i have no idea what it is, anyway im 16 years old, have this yokes under my neck,there white easly noticable if lookin at my neck closly,there whiter then my skin there not pimples or blackheads or atin at first i thought they were spots under my skin,but they have been here far to long, at least 3-12 months and my girlfriend doesnt like them but thank god theres such thing as love lol anyway pic link is below have a look and give me your advice on
Avatar n tn Is it normal to have small, hard, just slightly smaller than pea sized bumps in this area of the neck? Or is it a good chance of being cancer? I will ask my Dr this week, but I am hoping to get some peace of mind until then. Thanks.
Avatar m tn Just starting the other morning i woke up with random itchy itchy tiny (stress very small) insect like bites. They occur in individual "bites". Happened under underarms on both sides, below the wasteband of the pubic area around thigh, also popping under my neck/shoulder area left and right of my neck. Does this sound like anything to worry about or just maybe an allergic reaction to something.
Avatar m tn s pretty hard, and seems to be under the skin. I read somewhere that using an antiperspirant can cause bumps like this, and i use Mitchum Unscented roll on. Does anyone know if this has any type of connection?
Avatar n tn They sound like skin tags. Skin tags are common in pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations. You can get them anywhere but a lot of times you'll get them on the neck, under the arms, inside the legs, and under the breasts.
Avatar f tn After the first bump, I got two bumps that were about 1 cm in diameter, and in the past week I have started getting red bumps all over my body. Mainly on my chest, neck and lower torso area. There are about 30 dots/bumps in total. I've also been getting them twice as fast now, and it's really scaring me. Some are bigger (1cm diameter) and some are smaller(2mm). I'd like to also mention that two other people living with me have also started getting these bumps.
Avatar f tn Two weeks after he had contact with me---the skin on my neck started to feel bumpy...then a few days later reddish bumps popped up all in a row about 5 of them. They look like pimples, but I dount they are pimples. I NEVER had anything like this before on me so I do not know what it is. Could this be from the sucking on my skin that caused some trauma so it gave me a rash? This to me is not even a real rash it DOES NOT itch. I looked online and it sounds like an HIV ars rash!!!
Avatar n tn m asian and fairly dark skinned (about olive-y colour) 2) the bumps are not accompanied by flushed skin, except a faint blush on my cheeks that's a little redder than usual but not very ostentatiously red. it only turns redder if i scratch it. taking piriton (anti histamine) helps, but doesn't make the condition completely disappear, only calms it a little. it flares up again after a few hours though~ i recently dyed my hair for the first time, does it have any connection?
Avatar f tn My skin is quite clear on my face except in certain areas. In the small area under my eyes, where eye bags would be, I have these tiny bumps or what lookes like Small pimples but they aren't. I've had them for years now and at first I thought they could be pimples but when I tried to pop them nothing came out, and the skin didn't break, it just turned red. I have them in other areas like around my jaw line, on my neck, and some on my arms as well.