
Bumps under skin groin area

Common Questions and Answers about Bumps under skin groin area


Avatar m tn about a year ago some red bumps appeared on my thigh right by my groin where my testicles rub against my thighs. It looked like small red bumps and on occasion i would get a large blister like thing that when it would pop would drain pus and blood and would be really painful. it would then heal and leave a purple scar where it used to be. there would also be bumps under the skin that you couldn't see but you could feel them, almost as if there were bumps under the skin.
Avatar n tn about 4 weeks ago i started getting bumps on my penis. The bumps are flesh colored and aren't pimple like. went to my pcp doc and he said it was jock itch. about 2 weeks later i noticed in the same area fluid deep in the skin of my penis. it wasn't a boil and didn't rise to the top of my skin. I think that it must have burst, since now it's gone. The fluid was about quarter size. now my entire groin is burning. my srotum is bright red.
Avatar m tn A long-term (chronic) condition causing red, tender bumps in the skin of the armpits and/or groin. The bumps often turn into abscesses and can cause scarring over time.
Avatar n tn i realised recently i have small tiny bumps on my groin area, its itchy at times.
Avatar m tn They are commonly seen in the groin area. Since you have shaved the area, in all likelihood, it would be the caused for the current infection. Treatment is with antiseptic washes and application of topical antibiotics such as mupirocin or neomycin containing ointment on the bumps. They should resolve in a week's time. Ref:http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar n tn It is more likely to occur on the neck and upper chest, in the groin, under the breasts, and in elbow creases. The best treatment for heat rash is to provide a cooler, less humid environment. Continue using your sunscreen. Drinking plenty of fluids and keeping the affected area clean and dry may also help. If it persists, it would be best to see your doctor for further evaluation and management. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar m tn ve put petroleum jelly, neosporeon, hot water seems to easy the itch but it seems to be speading out on my enter groin area Have it both on legs and alittle on testicles. Feels as if it is under skin. What else might I try for this? And what is it?
Avatar m tn it seems like every where that two body parts with skin that touch have gotten this including under my armpits, my tale, my groin, my foreskin on my penis and even the inner thigh area which i thought was just me being gaulded until powder did not solve anything. it does not really bother me until night time then the itch is unbearable. the worse thing is that during all this going on around my genitals i have gotten some kind off bumps forming on my scalp.
Avatar m tn This problem has been nothing more than annoying, itchy skin. But I have developed a more serious problem on my groin. My upper thighs are also itchy, and for about 2-3 weeks have now been covered in red bumps that range in size from pimples to bug bits. The large bumps have also appeared on my scrotum and my penis. I have been using calamine lotion and hydrocortisone as an attempt to treat it, but have noticed little progress in healing the problem (only limiting the itchiness).
Avatar m tn For about a year I've been getting bumps on my hands, feet, and groin. The bumps look similar to a blister but are NOT liquid filled and when broken open the skin is dry and scaly underneath. For the most part they do not itch, burn, or hurt but very occationally the bumps itch severly and once the bumps on my hand felt as if I had been hit with a hamer everywhere they appeared. They made my thumbnails feel like they were going to blow off. As a result my thumnails had the same bumps.
Avatar m tn Hello, recently I have been getting itchy red bumps on my testicles and around my groin area. The bumps are small and are mostly on my testicles. I have never had sex before so I don't think that is an issue. Also I have been itching it with my hand and tiny bumps have been appearing around my fingers. They don't itch or bug me at all though. Any help would be appreciated.
Avatar f tn I few days ago, I noticed some bumps on my groin area. Of course, my first reaction was to think it was herpes. I haven't had intercourse in over six months, but I've had a cold sore recently and was concerned I didn't wash my hands well enough one day and after going to bathroom may have transferred the virus.
Avatar m tn m not sure of the spelling),? It is manifest by multiple sebaceous cysts on or under the skin which become infected and have to be drained and eventually surgically removed.
Avatar n tn Then I noticed, what seem to be 2 bumps in the upper right groin area, in close proximity to the pubic area, however, situated in the groin flap. Bump #1 is larger (larger than a follicle), and it is flesh colored, it has a "hair" coming out of it, and I can also look through the bump and see a shadow of the hair's root within it. However, it does overlap the hair, so it looks like its siting on the hair, and the hair is coming out the side of the bump.
Avatar m tn I also see some mild bumps in the groin area, so the skin isn’t smooth. When I take a hot shower or other such occasions, the groin area in particular gets reddish. But no bleeding of any kind in any of these areas. I scratch over clothes most of the time, so I have seen no bleeding or any other secretions. Here is what I have done: I went into an urgent care about 3 years ago, once when my itching was particularly bad. They prescribed me bed-bug or scabies treatment for 2 weeks.
Avatar m tn Hi. I first noticed a reddish rash in my groin area ( the crease of inner thighs to the sides of my scrotom years back. Since then, I have had similar reddish rashes infrequently on either my left inner thigh or right, or both. it happens once in a while. But I usually notice it to occur if I havent showered regularly or masterbated and didnt shower aftewards. I assumed that it was some kind of bacteria or uncleanliness. I also noticed the rash usually doesnt last more then a week.
Avatar m tn While a skin reaction is usually a confluent rash of red skin and a few bumps with itching a fungal reaction is a localized area of itching where the bumps are typically arranged in a circle with central clearing. Thus in an untreated state, a skin reaction and fungal rash can be readily differentiated , however, in case of a fungal reaction application of a steroid allows the fungus to spread out and changes the appearance of the lesion.
Avatar n tn This is mostly under my arm pits, around the groin area and also the area covered by my towel after vacating the hot tub. I also have a spot in my ear, eye and I am feeling flu like, especially i the morning time. If you get any real feedback on what this may be perhaps you could let me know?
Avatar n tn Hello, I'm 17 years old. And I have been receiving bumps under my armpits for a very long time. And the pain varies on how big the bump is. If its a big one then it hurts when move my arm up and down. When its small its doesn't really hurt that much. But anytime I get one I squeeze them with two fingers and sometimes blood, puss, or a substance that looks like water, or even blood mixes with water.
Avatar m tn I went to the doctor and she gave me a pill for the yeast as well as a gel for a bacterial infection she said I had. Three days later I started itching on my groin, under my pubic hair. I went back to the doctor and she found some pimple like bumps near my anus which she took samples of to check for Herpes which I haven't gotten the results back yet. A few days later I got a painful sore on my groin that was pink and bled onto my underwear.
Avatar f tn I soon checked and exactly under the lace the area was red and if examined closely I noticed little red bumps. I took them off and put on some sweat pants. By the end of the next day the area no longer irritated me and by the third or fourth day of it, it seemed like there was nothing there. There was no scabbing, blisters, or anything like that . Just extremely tiny bumps and a couple days later the area turned into dry flaky skin that I brushed off and it was fine .
Avatar n tn I had a problem with severe itchy red bumps under my arms a few years ago, I was miserable not knowing what it was, and was finally able to associate it with my stick deodorant. As long as I use a spray deodorant I have no problems. Hope this helps you!!
Avatar n tn I itch all over, but primarily on my scalp, face and arms and arm-pits and around my groin area and I guess pretty much all over, but predominately in these areas. To make matters worse, I now have herpes breakouts more often... around every month to two months. Obviously stress does not help and I have gone through alot of that. A dermatologists that I've seen says I may have hives, seborrheic dermatitis and rosaecea but nothing definitive through testing.
Avatar f tn I had sex with my partner a couple of weeks ago and a day or two later he complained of itchy red pimple like bumps on his groin area and testicles. He said this had happened before with a different girl he'd had sex with, and it was caused by my bacteria interacting badly with his own causing folliculitis. He started taking a topical antibiotic and applying that once every 8 hours. The bumps started to go away but keep showing up in different places (face, armpits, side, arms).
Avatar n tn I have a ring of itchy bumps around my groin area and the skin on the inside of the perimeter on both sides of my groin have a brownish or darker discoloration, only the ring if bumps and sores have a definite itch. Also the discolored skin often changed from dry skin top a smooth to the touch skin.the ring also seems to be expanding outward onto my thighs and waking it hasn't helped. Was wondering what this might be, any answers?
Avatar n tn Within 3 days, I noticed 3-4 bumps behind my knee on the right side of my body which were extremely painful. Shortly after, I noticed that my lymph nodes in my groin area (also on my right side) were swollen. The following day I noticed a small patch of bumps on my behind (also the right side), which haven't actually turned into red bumps, mostly beneath the skin but painful.
Avatar m tn I am a 32 year old female. I have a pungent odor coming from the folds of skin in my groin area. It is completely unrelated to my vagina. My personal hygiene is good but I can't get rid of the odor. When I get out of the shower, it's fine. But it is definitely exacerbated by sweat. By the end of the day it's horrible. I use baby wipes occasionally to get rid of the odor in between showers but it always comes back.