
Bumps on skin that look like pimples

Common Questions and Answers about Bumps on skin that look like pimples


Avatar m tn Im a 17 year old male, I have been having unprotected sex with my girlfriend for several months now she has nothing, so im really confused on whats going on with me, I shaved my pubic hairs about a month ago or so and i noticed some red bumps they look like pimples probably about 12 or 13 of them at first i thought it was just because i shaved but they still haven't gone away what could they be? Also about an inch up on my shaft there is 3 little white bumps what are those?
Avatar f tn After someone kissed and sucked on my beck a few weeks later I got red bumps that lool like pimples but are NOT pimples....and they DO NOT itch. What could that be? ARS rash from HIV?
Avatar n tn I have also started noticing that my body is itchy all over and the painful red bumps have spread to my chest and ive started getting what almost look like spider bites on my legs (which could be the same thing, but they are just bigger on my thighs). Also, when I get out of the shower my skin is particularly itchy and a red blotchy rash appears and then clears up after about 10 minutes.
Avatar f tn about 2 hours later in the shower i notice, bumps and redness on my penis and head and look like pimples...they didnt go away for a bout a month...den i masturbated and they returned...but only lasted a week and now they return again...they dont look anything like herpes picture on the internet...the bumps look like pimples, and they heal pretty quickly..they just keep coming back...they dont hurt, itch, or anything like that...please help? im kinda worried...
Avatar n tn I'm 19, and yes I am sexually active but I was tested for genital warts and I don't have them. It started out as 2 pimples and the pimples formed into 2 bumps that are cauliflower looking. I even attempted to remove them and all it did was make them bigger.
Avatar n tn a few weeks ago little pimple like bumps appeared on my inner thigh close my vagina i havent tried to pop any of them but it doesnt seem like there is fluid inside. These bumps are skin colored and do not hurt at all i dont know what it could be. It hasnt gotten worse or better i just discovered more little bumps have appeared since i first got this and the other ones havent gone away. the bumps are tiny and barely noticeable but i am concerned.
Avatar n tn My son has this also, starts as a small red bump, then turns into a pair that look like small pimples. No itch, or paid, and they don't pus or drain like a pimple. This condition is spreading very slowly, and does not go away. The is not dermatitis or eczema, that is BS that a dermatologist will tell you when they have no idea what it is. Also, eczema is red scalling patches.
Avatar m tn In my lower abdominal area (waist line) I have bumps that apear like pimples, there also in my pubic area near my genitals (above). They do not itch or hurt, and I scratched one and a white flat ring looking shape came out about the size of a letter (o) on this font. Is it Folliculitis?
Avatar f tn Okay I'm 16 and I have these red bumps that look like pimples on the outside of my vagina and they hurt and I'm kinda freaking out about them! And Im not sexually active at all, What are they?
Avatar n tn I have recently (in the last couple weeks) noticed some bumps that have formed around my belly button. They look like pimples and they are located below and to the sides of my belly button mostly. They almost look like small pimples. There is no pain or itching sensation, and they cannot be popped. Can someone tell me what this could be.
Avatar f tn Also, there are tiny, tiny bumps all over the beginning of the shaft of my penis, they look like very small pimples that can be popped and produce a white substance. I don't know if this is unrelated but that's another problem. Thanks in advance.
Avatar m tn Since i guess middle school i've had pimples on the shaft of my penis and near the schrodum area. I thought it was from just to much masturbation and that they would go away. However i'm now in college and they're still there and in addition to the bumps there's this kind of large( in comparison to the others) bump on my shaft. It hurts a little when i push it. Feels like a bad pimple u get on ur face. I've never had sex with anyone before.
Avatar f tn I recently moved about three weeks ago and during the last week I've been waking up with these "bites" on my legs that look like whitehead pimples. They are sore and they itch but I don't know what is causing them. I changed the sheets on my bed twice and I shower everyday but I still seem to be getting more. The only time I've ever experienced something similar is when I lived in New Hampshire and a spider bit me twice on my leg.
Avatar f tn So I recently noticed three pimple like bumps directly on my top lip, now I do have those fordyce spots on my upper lip, and I was wondering if the bumps are just irritated fordyce spots. They don't hurt at all, so far they have not leaked or anything like that. They are red and inflamed but I don't really notice it unless I look hard enough.
Avatar f tn I have 2 sets of round bumps and 1 set of bumps not qiute round but in a custer. They look like little pimples but do not hurt or itch. I have tried acne wash, tea tree organic oil treatment, and a medicine insect bite treatment. Its been about 2 months and the custer bumps have faded a little but the other 2 round shape bumps have not.
Avatar m tn sometimes i even have pimples down there. what can i do? i just want a smooth, non bumpy penis. i will add that i've been checked for HPV too and the test results were negative. if there is a cream out there or something i can do, that would be VERY awesome. thanks so much and look forward to hearing some response.
Avatar n tn s 5 just recently got these little red bumps on her arms as well. at fist it was on one arm and now its on both. they look like little red dots she says it doesn't itch her but i don't know for sure. please help.
1302996 tn?1272991624 i have this bumps that look like pimples and they itch alot they are on my stomach and my chest but they are separte from each other they have little scabs because since they itch i keep scratching and i dont know what could it be any advice and what can i use to make it go away.
Avatar f tn Hello, One possibility for such bumps is milia. They are white pimples that occur mostly on the upper cheeks, nose and chin. The best way to prevent milia is to avoid treating your skin with excessively harsh chemicals and to limit sun exposure. Also use good quality cosmetics and exfoliate your skin regularly. If still the symptoms persist then chemical peeling or laser removal can be done.
Avatar f tn If you have oily skin,you could develop little blackheads or pimples on and around the areola.The breast skin is the same as any other part of skin on your body/face and subject to acne,pimples etc. My best advice would be to leave these bumps alone,because you could cause an infection if you try to pop them.Keep the area clean and wash with an anti bacterial soap and see if these bumps go away in a week or two.If not, see a dermatologist's for some sort of treatment. Take care..
Avatar m tn They are pearly penile papules, small in size (approximately 1-2 mm) and they look just like pimples, but are not pimples. They are actually tinny glands, and you shouldn't pick on them. They occur around the margin of the penis head, and can be seen when foreskin is pulled back. They usually develop in teenage years, but may occur up to the age of 40. They are visible in some men, while in others are less noticeable. Around 10% of men is affected by pearly penile papules.
2075937 tn?1334884194 They look like pimples all on the sides of his face and on his head I haven't put anything on them because I have no idea what they could be && No the only thing I put on his face is baby lotion and I've been putting that on his since he was born.
Avatar n tn t itch at all, they almost feel like pimples. Could they be pimples from having sex and sweating? Or could it be something more serious? What should we do?