Breast milk you make my day

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621803 tn?1302888341 I pumped the milk for him, our bodies are, so amazing if you have a baby born early your body knows and it makes special milk just for the gestation of your baby no formula can do that since i was unable to actually BF him directly my milk did start to go away after about a month and a half and my doctor put my on medication to help the milk come in it worked and my milk came back (although the meds make you very drowsy) I ended up discontinuing at almost 4 months, because I still had to pump a
Avatar f tn I think that's a good idea because baby will get colostrum which has lots of nutrients when I didn't want to breastfeed my doctor recommended doing it at least for a day or two so the baby gets the colostrum
Avatar f tn Hmm Do you mean literally, that if you remove him from your breast he screams the whole time and can't be consoled ever if he's not nursing? In my experience, you need to consider that he isn't getting enough nutrition from breastfeeding. Are you leaking a lot, and does breastmilk dribble out of his mouth like there is enough produced? Honestly, in my experience, his behavior indicates he's not getting enough to eat. Best wishes.
Avatar f tn What. She ^^^^ said. Plus your milk gradually comes in, it doesn't come all at once. It goes from dark yellow colostrum to a lighter yellow and then eventually just white. My milk "came in" during the third day. I was pumping as well and the milk I pumped in the first few days was yellow compared to the milk I pumped after 10 days which was white.
Avatar n tn My 11 1/2 month old baby was drinking both breast milk and formula milk till 1 week back. He got fever and cold one week back and since then he stopped drinking both formula and breast milk. Previously he had atleast 3 feeds at night. Now he does not demand for feed at night. He does not like food mixed with milk right from start. Now I tried flavouring formula milk with Date syrup, but he doesnt even sip a bit. How can I make him drink milk.
9171934 tn?1405180032 Omg being a mom is such a huge job but one of the best jobs ever i can't believe im the mother of this beautiful bby i cry everytime, just wayy too happy. Are any mommies breast feeding? Cause I've stared since day one n it ***** cause it hurts so bad also my milk production scks i only got the colostrum going n i hate that....idk if i should just give her formula because when i breast feed her she's always still so hungry....
Avatar f tn You don't produce milk until after birth. You'll produce colostrum which is perfect for your newbie.
Avatar f tn Is it safe to add fresh breast milk to already refrigerated breast milk and feed it to your baby?
Avatar f tn It been a week since I gave birth, my baby won't latch to my breast, so I been pumping it and giving him in bottle. I pump 6 times a day and take a gap at night. I feed him my breastmilk and formula milk. I have noticed a small lump in my left breast. Is it clogged milk duct? I take a shower with hot water to compress it, but over the night, my breast feels heavy like rock. When I press it, I feel little pea Size rock. What could it be? P.
Avatar f tn I had my baby 4 days ago n theres a lot of that liquid coming out
Avatar f tn Just make sure that you are drinking enough fluids and that you are eating healthy. You should be taking in 500 extra calories a day to produce enough milk. As long as you are eating good your milk should be rich in nutrients and should be enough for baby. Your pediatrician will tell you if the baby is not growing enough and if you should start supplementing.
Avatar f tn I came home with my 4 day old son yesterday nd now my breast are filled with going to make a wic appointment monday but well they lend me a pump so i can release the milk even tho i want to use formula or no??
Avatar f tn Had my Daughter 5 days ago yesterday i squeezed the milk out till my breast stopped hurting they sent my pump to the wrong address how do i make them not hurt so much without having to waste my milk ?
Avatar f tn Never thought of this till now, what are you suppose to do with breast milk if you don't breast feed??? Does it go away on it's own?
9663463 tn?1407525554 Pump or keep massaging. If you aren't breast feeding every feed for her you need to pump about the same time she feeds if she isn't at your breast. Doctors don't worry about the bowel movement thing as much as they used to. My daughter has only ever pooped once every day or two since she was born.
Avatar f tn I came home with my 4 day old son yesterday nd now my breast are filled with going to make a wic appointment monday but well they lend me a pump so i can release the milk even tho i want to use formula or no??
Avatar f tn When are your breast suppose to start developing milk im 16weeks and my breast have gotten bigger but not have milk coming out
Avatar f tn Have your doctor do a breast exam
6692462 tn?1409257870 My fiancé is obsessed with my boobs and jokes that he gonna try my breast milk straight from the source.... Would you let your significant other try it? And if not why?
Avatar f tn Mine cane in on day 5 with my first. I just kept her at the breast all day and it FINALLY came in! I chose not to supplement, but she was full term and didn't have blood sugar issues. She and I both felt much better on day 5!
Avatar f tn hi ladies im very upset yesterday I decided to take a day trip2london with my hubby n 15wk old girlies while feeding her a bottle I mentioned to my hubby that I wasnt going to do my workout when some 65yr old says if u had done mothers instinict n breast feed then you would lose the weight...ruining my day...
9797462 tn?1410751678 I pump and supplement formula. My breasts don't produce enough at a time to keep my baby satisfied. It's working out really well. Just make sure you are pumping every 3 hours to keep up your milk supply.
Avatar f tn I pumped for my son for 7 months until my milk dried up. I couldn't breastfeed cuz he was very premature but I would just tell everyone to leave the room or I would go into another room. I really enjoyed the peace and quiet honestly Lol. I had no problems at all pumping.
Avatar f tn 32 pm it was a 30 min delivery very fast got here at ghe hospital at 2 something pm im not getting any breast milk any ways i can get breast milk my bby really needs it he was 3 weeks premature & is i special care
Avatar f tn What time did u have ur baby? The pitocin doesn't have anything to do with u not producing milk by now as it usually takes anywhere from 2-3 days after u have the baby for ur body to produce milk. Just keep trying to breastfeed and it should come. It always does even if it's not a whole lot. If I were u I would pump and breastfeed to stimulate ur breasts. keep it up, ull have ur milk..