Blood sugar problems alcohol

Common Questions and Answers about Blood sugar problems alcohol


Avatar n tn This is why drinking on an empty stomach can lead to very low blood sugar. Alcohol can cause low blood sugar for up to 12 hours after drinking. Alcohol is also full of empty calories and adds no nutrition to your meal so if weight is a problem, cutting back on alcohol would be a good place to start. Some diabetes problems/ complications can become even worse like blood pressure and triglycerides when alcohol is involved.
Avatar f tn If food says it is sugar free but has sugar alcohol. what does that mean as affecting glucose levels?
Avatar n tn Dear melgonzales64, i am a diabetic like you and not a doctor or medical professional. Alcohal has many different effects on diabetics which is why the American Diabetes Association recomends diabetics only drink two drinks a day. If you take insulin for the alcohol it will just lower your blood sugar since alcohol doesn't need insulin for it to be digested.
Avatar f tn Yes, alcohol affects blood sugar level - Each and Every time it's consumed. that being said, High blood sugar and high blood alcohol content would be 2 separate elements measured in Your blood. 80% of the alcohol from EVERY drink goes directly to the blood stream and, THAT is why You have high blood alcohol content. Four drinks would put everyones' blood alcohol above the legal limit Alcohol is harmful to the body - as is diabetes.
Avatar n tn Hi alcohol can cause low blood sugar levels for some due to its effect on the liver. But even more it can cause those person with diabetes to pay less attention to their health and blood sugars. This does not mean you can never drink alcohol, But it should be taken in moderation only. When you do have a first drink (remember moderation) do it in the company of a trusted friend so you can safely see the effect it has on you.
Avatar f tn ve been doing research online, and came across an article that stated there is something about low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) that triggers something in your brain that causes you to crave alcohol. I've always worried about developing diabetes from excessive drinking. Then I remembered that my sister is hypoglycemic. She's not an alcoholic like I am, but I do know that diabetes/hypoglycemia and alcoholism are all hereditary.
Avatar m tn With your alcohol consumption you are clearly headed to multiple health problems and controlling your blood sugar would be very difficult. The complications that result from not doing so are not pretty. Alcohol also directly affects the workings of the pancreas and depending on what you are using can contain high amounts of carbs that drastically increase blood sugar. Sounds like getting help for your alcoholism would be a good place to start.
784382 tn?1376931040 Hi Welcome to the MedHelp forum! Blood circulation is ideally checked by a vascular specialist by sending you for either angiograms or duplex ultrasounds. There are many causes of dizziness, lightheadedness, passing out, blackouts etc. It is difficult to comment without examination. I am just enumerating the possible causes. You can discuss this with your doctor and get yourself examined.
Avatar m tn It could be either his blood pressure medication, low blood sugar, or both. I take blood pressure medication myself and it says right on the bottle not to consume it with alcohol. Granted, I've never had any problems, but I also usually only have two drinks when I drink and I rarely drink. However, you mentioned that he hadn't eaten lunch yesterday and was drinking in the evening. Alcohol lowers your blood sugar, so it could be that his blood sugar is dropping.
Avatar n tn t anymore, but any amount of alcohol now affects, or seems to affect, my blood sugar, which b4 it only did after large quantities.
Avatar m tn Thanks for your information. Actually I tested my blood sugar 3 hours after ate. I am not diagnosed as diabetes till today, but I am awared that my blood sugar level may increase in this my age because of my bad eating habits like sweet, meat, rice , alcohol drinking etc. That's why I am testing my blood sugar level regularly. I want to know whether testing after 3hrs ate is perfect or not.
Avatar f tn m sure they would have tested your blood sugar levels. What you describe is more common than you think. heart rate increase occurs in many people after eating and can go over 100. With some people it's worse with high fat content foods or high carbs. I think you probably had some anxiety added to the event, where you are scared, wondering what's happening. This would release adrenaline and get your heart racing even more.
Avatar n tn Blood sugar problems are not confined to diabetes. Alcohol is mostly sugar. Since sugar isn't good for you anyway and it doesn't agree with her, why eat it? I mean, once in a while for a treat, but it isn't working for her, which is great since there's not benefit to it. But again, it sounds like a blood sugar problem one way or the other.
7543158 tn?1391978069 That little test he does apparently keeps showing an average blood sugar of 130 when I know that to be untrue. I have a glucometer and check my sugar regularly throughout the day. I've even shown him my meter's log and he still won't believe me about my spikes and crashes. He believes I'm just overly worried and that it's all in my head. What do I do?
2114467 tn?1358210256 My guess is the worst affect from eating sugar on tx is it could increase your likelihood for tooth decay. Treatment is hard on our teeth. If you're going to eat your sugary treats, clean your teeth really, really well afterwords. I got obsessive on tx, with brushing my teeth after I ate anything, and using dry mouth products, in between.
Avatar m tn Yes we have asked him to stop. BTW this is related to a family member so not me. The doctors have told him no liver damage so it goes on and on. 70 yo. I am wondering if this swelling is diabetes?
Avatar f tn s production of glucose and may cause hypoglycemia -- or low blood sugar. Alcohol intake can lower blood sugar immediately and up to 12 hours after ingestion. While this effect can occur both in diabetics and non-diabetics alike, diabetics should use additional caution when drinking alcohol, especially if taking glucose-lowering medications such as insulin. You can read a lot more at: http://diabetes.webmd.
Avatar m tn I have hi blood sugar since 2002, my sugar leavel always found 240mg +, I take insuline 3 time in a day, but after that sugar level not down below 240. if i stop to take insuline and found sugar 500 +, what can i do?
967168 tn?1477584489 still no info on why this recommendation on my cardiac cath and no alcohol; however I did find this - Limit alcohol intake.
Avatar f tn This is nothing to be particularly concerned about. These are commonly called "sugar people" and are generated by abnormally high or low blood sugar levels. That's the most likely scenario. They are extremely realistic and the experience is very tactile. When people fast for a religious experience this is often what they are trying to produce. Get yourself a blood sugar meter and ask your physician for an hba1c test. You are not going crazy.
Avatar n tn This is why drinking on an empty stomach can lead to very low blood sugar. Alcohol can cause low blood sugar for up to 12 hours after drinking. All kinds of factors can throw off your blood sugar with unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences.
Avatar n tn I have been diabetic since I was 5, I am 24 now. I had lead a very unhealthly life style, I eat alot of fast and unhealthy foods, but my portions are quite limted (I only eat when hungry really). Sometimes I go through a whole day by snacking countless times during the day, eating only 1 decent meal. I am not over-weight, but I have found myself to have a very fast motablosim. But I still eat very very unhealthy. Regardless: My question is... does alchohol really affect diabetics?
Avatar m tn so, i've heard lots of things about diabete's with marijuana or alcohol, so now i want some facts. i've heard that alcohol can make your blood sugar go low but i thought it turned into sugar very fast so it would make my blood sugar high? i've allso heard of people going low while smoking marijuana, which could be because they have had a over dose. or is the weed causing this? this information would be helpfull before i try marijuana for safety resons.