Allergies symptoms seasonal

Common Questions and Answers about Allergies symptoms seasonal


Avatar f tn When this started, I had just returned home from college for the summer and then a week later the symptoms appeared. I have always had really bad seasonal allergies and spring was often a terrible time for me but this is the first year I have had these type of symptoms. My other symptoms include: sinus pressure in my nose and head, very dry sinuses, and a popping in my ears after using the neti pot and trying to blow my nose.
Avatar f tn The timing sounds right for seasonal allergies in most locales too. I would also recommend treating it like allergies and seeing if it gets any better. I've had seasonal allergies my whole life and I have definitely become sore in my chest and abdomen from sneezing/coughing. If allergy treatments don't work, you can also try a humidifier. Like mentioned, stuffy noses are common during pregnancy, and the coughing could be from the air in your home being very dry.
Avatar m tn I don't know how many of you are battling or do battle seasonal allergies but I am having a hell of a go with them this year. Normally, all of my allergies affect my respiratory system. This year, not so much. My right eye feels like I walk on it.... Man, can't wait for this to be over.
Avatar n tn Hello. I have been suffering from the worst seasonal allergies in my life this year. I have itchy watery eyes, nasal congestion, and scratchy throat. I haven't been sleeping well at night for the past 3 weeks because of the nasal congestion and have been waking up with a nasty dry mouth in the morning. I have tried benadryl, claritin 24 hrs tablets, zyrtec (also 24 hr tablet), nasal spray (some kind of anticholinergic solution), Singulair and phenylephrine so far.
Avatar m tn It most definitely could be allergy related. Allergies can cause the sinuses to swell and therefore cause some inner ear disturbance, which can/will cause dizziness. As it seems to happen at the same time of year, I would think that this may be a definite possibility.
1232362 tn?1333135406 Do kitties get seasonal allergies? Our older Spirit (about 12ish, spayed) has been sneezing clear mucus, has bright clear eyes, good appetite, normal behavior (wants to play and does her pm yodeling and such) but this has lasted a good week now. She seems completely fine except for the sneezing and snotting. Could it just be some sort of allergies? We're using the same litter, same food, same same same.
7406493 tn?1453999212 I do get seasonal allergies which I have symptoms of but Im not sure what to take cause I never had allergies while pregnant before. But im not coughing. So Im really leaning to the allergies vs.the cold IDK im confused. I can treat a cold but how do I treat allergies?
Avatar f tn I returned to my optician, she diagnosed seasonal allergies. I have NEVER had seasonal allergies before and I am 45. She prescribed Pataday. The drops have helped, but I still have symptoms, especially when I work on my computer. I returned to my optician for lens adjustments twice. I am still having a lot of difficulty. My optician says it has nothing to do with my new glasses, but it seems too coincidental. Help!
Avatar f tn Hello, One of the reasons for blood shot itchy eyes can be seasonal allergies or hay fever.Even allergies due to contact dermatitis with the eye makeup can cause such symptoms.It can also be due to blepahritis or eye infections. You can take OTC antihistaminics like benadryl or Claritin. Eye drop versions of cromolyn sodium and antihistamines are available for itchy, bloodshot eyes and these can also be tried.Also maintain hygiene and avoid rubbing the eyes.
Avatar m tn I feel that same way with mold in the house. Also around certain chemicals, or resins, like the resin in ink used in newspapers. I found out I was allergic to newspapers. These kinds of allergens always always causes "sinus"-like allergies. Find out if you're having a reaction to something in the house, living area, or just seasonal allergies. My only seasonal allergies are "sinus" allergies.
2169449 tn?1358489923 I take Zyrtec 10 mg tablet daily im allergic to my cat/ seasonal allergies etc.
Avatar n tn Yes allergies can also bring on the symptoms you are describing. If you are finding your seasonal allergies rather bothersome, then perhaps you should consider allergy shots as a part of your treatment plan. It is an excellent way to desensitize your immune system and as a result you can experience little or no symptoms. About 75% of people get relief from allergy shots. I found it worked excellent on my daughter's airborn allergies.
Avatar m tn Hello there, I have a dermatology appointment scheduled 3 weeks from now, but am a little concerned with what is going on with me. I am not sure if there is a way to add photos here, but what has started 3 days ago is a rash on my chest, arms, stomach, and legs. It is tons of tiny little red dots everywhere, and about a dozen or so things that seem like pimples, and some are dry. I have a cat but I have had her for months and nothing like this has happened.
Avatar f tn I have seasonal allergies and every year i always sneeze like crazy and my eyes get itchy and sometimes swell. The only things i have ever taken for this is benedryl or claritin . Right now the pollen is high and i just woke up in a sneezing fit and my eyes are crazy itchy. I dont know what to do about this. I feel helpless. Is there anything i can do for allergies?
Avatar n tn The main reason for seasonal allergy symptoms is seasonal allergic rhinitis which is also called as hay fever. When the pollen season is underway the first appearing symptoms are itchy and watery eyes. There may be irritation on the roof of the mouth or in the back of the throat. These symptoms follow with sneezing and runny nose. You can experience congestion, wheezing, headaches, and coughing.
Avatar f tn I don't know anything about GERD/acid reflux and it might be that, but I just wanted to add: I have Hashimoto's, and I have year long seasonal allergies, which I take zyrtec for. I no longer have a thyroid and would imagine my antithyroid antibodies are basement low now, but I still have seasonal allergies which produce a lot of mucus and can "breakthrough" my allergy medication.
Avatar f tn Has anyone else experienced an increase in seasonal allergies during tx. Mine seem so much worse this year, can't stop sneezing, head stufferd up and I feel weirder than usual! Claritin used to help but not this year. Should I go see the Doc. maybe there is something stronger. Has anyone heard of a better OTC medication?
15695260 tn?1549593113 // Let us know how you manage your seasonal allergies!
Avatar m tn I'm in my 40's and had seasonal allergies all my life, the symptoms consist of fatigue, joint pains, increased susceptibility to colds and the extreme unstoppable running nose. Very similar to a serious flu. No allergy medicines has ever helped. Only recently have I found a nose spray that relieves the nose problem. The only symptom that really bothers me is the runny nose, because it's not socially acceptable and uncomfortable.
Avatar f tn I have considered seasonal allergies as my middle son also struggles with seasonal allergies as does my husband. Her ped does not seem too concerned as she is otherwise playful, eating, drinking, peeing, etc. Thanks for any input!
738075 tn?1330575844 ve had an interesting month of having occasional but spontaneous breathing and coughing issues. At first I thought it was leftovers of that virus I had in April, or seasonal allergies. But it continues. I'll be doing my normal daily activities, breathing normally, and then I'll start coughing for no reason. A shallow, dry, non-productive coughing spell, and then I can't catch my breath.
620048 tn?1358018235 I do not believe that MS would cause your allergies to be any worse. I understand that if one has allergies they may get worse with age and in some cases go away altogether. This year in particular, seems to have shown an increase in people's allergies. You are not along. Where I am in Virginia, the seasons seem a little mixed up, with it being hot as the dickens when we aren't in that season or it's been cold when it should be warm. We even had some snow here in April.
Avatar m tn Several thoughts. It is possible to have allergies all year long. There are in door allergens that can be the problem. Or you could be like me and experience year long "seasonal" allergies. I am litterally allergy to some pollen in every month. Many people don't realize that there are plants that pollenate in the winter months. Do want you can to avoid indoor allergens from pets, dust, and vermin (mice and cockroaches). Keep pets out of your bedroom.