Adhd symptoms reasons

Common Questions and Answers about Adhd symptoms reasons


Avatar m tn It use to be given to children exclusively for hyperactivity and other such symptoms/disorders as ADHD. It is many side-effects and has become a street drug in certain areas of our country. Below is an excerpt from a medical website that I often use. QUOTE: Ritalin for Adults With ADHD. Ritalin for ADHD treatment in adults has not been adequately studied, meaning that no large studies have been conducted on the benefits and risks of using it to treat adult ADHD.
Avatar f tn In short, adhd symptoms. There was a reason why you started Vyvanse, and as you are now stopping it...those reasons are coming back. If you have not done need to read up on Ankylosis Sponilytis. It is a condition that will slowly get worse. And I am not sure that a muscle relaxer is recommended treatment. See - . And a muscle relaxer is certainly only short term treatment.
Avatar m tn A while back i was told i had adhd. i was going over in my head of all the symptoms i have. i was wonerding about these posssible symptoms ,are these adhd or not? 1. when i read i seem to read but it just go through my head and usally i got to reread a few times to remeber it. adhd or not? 2.when i go out and play pool i usally just take my shot right away not aiming for a long time if i try to aim my shoots get worse i try to see the shot but cant.adhd or not?
Avatar m tn It could be gall bladder related, like gallbladder dyskinesia, which can cause your symptoms. Your symptoms could sometimes be due to hypothyroidism. It can cause constipation and bloating. A third possibility is colon disorders like inflammatory bowel disorders. You may need a HIDA scan, colonoscopy and thyroid profile to rule out these conditions. If no cause is detected, then it could be irritable bowel syndrome. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn While Omega-3 will likely offer a benefit to your son, it will not eliminate symptoms of ADHD (assuming that your son was diagnosed accurately to begin with). If the ADHD diagnosis was accurate, and he has not received benefit from the stimulant medications, the non-stimulant Strattera might be a worthwhile option.
Avatar m tn Keep in mind that the symptoms you report could be happening for many reasons, ADHD being only one possibility. A psychologist, neuropsychologist or doctor of education can do a psychological evaluation (series of tests) that will determine a diagnosis. If you are diagnosed with ADHD, you will then wish to consult with a psychiatrist to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for psychotropic medications and determine a treatment plan.
Avatar n tn Your son may well display ADHD, but it is important to arrange a thorough evaluation and not rush too quickly to the diagnosis. The on-line surveys can be useful tools to see if a person might display symptoms typical of ADHD, but a thorough assessment will consider a child's medical history, family history, current functioning at home and in school, possible alternative explanations for the symptoms identified on the surveys, etc.
Avatar f tn These medicines are called stimulants and usually work better to control ADHD than Tenex. Go back to an ADHD expert doctor and try a different med, if there are no other medical reasons with your son.
Avatar n tn When thinking about adult ADHD, keep in mind that it has to be a condition that has been with you since childhood (if the symptoms have come on suddenly, then it is not likely to be ADHD), and a general rule of thumb is that adults with ADHD have symptoms significant enough to interfere with their being able to achieve in accordance to their intellectual potential. Your situation is frustrating and confusing I am sure, but the symptoms you describe may not be ADHD.
Avatar f tn I am going to discuss with my Dr. about getting ADD/ADHD medication, how do I ensure him that it is for the right reasons and not to abuse it like a lot of people do these days. I am not on any other medications and only go to the Dr. if I desperatly need too. I hate to take pills but I am trying to be the best person that I can, which means medication. I am a mother, a wife and a co-worker. I have a lot on my plates as many of us do.
6658361 tn?1384717351 You do have reasons for concern since ADHD is hereditary. But, if neither your or his dad have it, your chances would go down. The best thing that you can do is to learn about ADHD, so if by chance that your child does wind up with it - you are able to help your child become all that they are meant to be.
Avatar f tn There are a lot of reasons / factors that could account for behavior that looks like ADHD / ADD (I use these terms interchangeably, but ADHD is the right term). Advice re: meds would all depend on your personal beliefs and your child's behavior. Medication is NOT the only answer, and it is NOT always the right answer. That said - medication has shown to make a tremendous difference in helping relieve symptoms of ADHD. Go with what Sandman2 said and get informed. Read books.
Avatar n tn m of the opinion (based on the literature about how health care providers make errors) that diagnosing a person with a neurological disorder like ADHD should be done with both a thorough diagnostic interview and some objective data collection. The symptoms of ADHD can occur for many reasons, and ADHD in adults is highly likely to co-occur with anxiety and depression.
Avatar f tn This is one of the best sites for information on ADD and ADHD - take a look at it and see if any of the symptoms sound familiar. I don't think the hyper stuff will apply. What you are looking for is the inattention things. The site is - It does sound like he is in over his head and is shutting down. Moving him out of the gifted class might be a good idea, but it doesn't deal with the problem that is causing his actions.
Avatar m tn I am 56 and was diagnosed with ADHD at age 42 . I take Adderall 45 mg per day and decided to take !self off it . I don't believe it has The same affect on me as when I first began taking the meds .I too lost interest in sex and my Dr. who is an excellent Dr. , is managing a treatment center for addicts and doesn't have the time for me anymore . I don't like the effects of Adderall anymore and my last appointment my Dr. told me not to go off it .
327385 tn?1378360731 Sounds like your talking about my daughter, and she has ADHD. They started her off on Adderal XR, but she is now on Vyvance (sp). She did and does all the things you have listed, including the stealing and not knowing why. Your best bet is to try and find a peds doctor that specializes in ADD/ADHD. If she is found to have ADHD, so of the things she does might not go away, like the stealing.
594308 tn?1219338566 does anyone know the adhd symptoms? people tell me thatmy 3 years old who is almost 4 has adhd.. she cant be still for nothing always hollaring or talking...she has bad temper tantrums i mean really bad and time out doesnt work. she hits bites kicks screams and thrws stuff and we put her in time out it doesnt work..some days she likes this and other shes calm.. but shes always moving.and shes a slow learner i dont know whats going on..but i thought she was to young for adhd..
Avatar n tn I take abilify and citalopram for the schizoaffective disorder and vyvanse for the adhd symptoms. I find that since i have been given adhd meds, my condition has stabilized completely. I was not well on the schizoaffective meds alone. i still had problems concentrating and with focus .As well as social problems and listening to others and paying attention.
Avatar n tn There are lots of reasons why kids misbehave, but I am curious who gave the ADHD/Bipolar diagnosis. The two often coexist and the symptoms you describe sound like both, although a thorough assessment of all of his behavior and his developmental history is necessary to accurately diagnose.
Avatar m tn Richard Saul March 14, 2014 Over the course of my career, I have found more than 20 conditions that can lead to symptoms of ADHD, each of which requires its own approach to treatment. Raising a generation of children—and now adults—who can't live without stimulants is no solution.
9913729 tn?1406644853 // - where I am also the CL I recently posted some links on discipline, etc (and I have many more) which you might find helpful. Hope this helps. Please post here or over on the ADHD forum if you have any more questions.
Avatar f tn ok, so last week I went to my councilor (first session) about depression issues and at one point she said I might have ADHD, and that I would have to see my family doctor about that. I didn't ask why then, but now my wondering why. I've come up with 2 reasons. one because she might not be qualified, and/or to get testing done to rule other things out. I'm fine with the first reason, but can anyone tell me what type of things they might be trying to rule out.
610983 tn?1351309926 It would be appropriate to bring up your chronic fatigue with your doctor. Medications used for ADHD are stimulants and should be used judiciously. Make sure you check for other reasons for your chronic fatigue, and not just assume that it's from the pseudotumor cerebri. Interestingly, there are associations between pesudotumor and obstructive sleep apnea. If you snore, or are overweight, maybe you should consider undergoing a sleep study.
Avatar n tn My son is 9. He was diagnosed ADHD combined type with compulsive destructive(?) disorder. He is not on any prescription med's. He does however take vitamin supplements for memory, focus and concentration and Calm Child for the evenings to help wind him down for bed. He is very very smart and artistic. He is an avid reader. My son is very tender hearted and takes everything personally, good or bad. But he has another side that comes out of nowhere and we are losing control of it.
Avatar m tn I would ask the doctors to send your son for an egg. and I also wouldn't every put on medicines for add or adhd.the side effects are worse then deal what you are with right now. Best of luck.
Avatar f tn I am almost positive that the symptoms you are experiencing are due to your ADHD medication….. I have experienced all the same things, and doctors were never able to figure out why it was happening to me either! I had to seek help from a rehabilitation center to get off ADHD medication….