Adhd behavior

Common Questions and Answers about Adhd behavior


Avatar n tn I have problem with my son's behavior . he doesn't have ADHD or anything like that he just doesn't listen . I have tried to talk with him in nice way , spank him I have tried everything and nothing works with him. he does listen for day or two and back to old habits . please give me some advice .
Avatar f tn She has always been able to sit still in class and church, so I wonder if she truly is ADHD, but her impulsivenss and inappropriate behavior is my concern. She has neve been able to keep friends. ( which really hurts her self esteem) I am heartbroken but I have other children and her problems are putting such a strain on my family.
Avatar m tn My son is 11yrs old and has ADHD but I believe is more then ADHD. Its also his behavior at home. He doesn't want to do homework and is lazy to write anything on paper. Has a difficult understanding when he reads. He gets really upset when he cannot get anything done he answers back with disrespect and screams. Tells me to be quite. I have rules in the house but is not working. How can I discipline my child?. .
Avatar f tn Once the duration is done, the child reverts back. If she is at home, and the med is over, then you must expect a typical ADHD behavior. Which she is definitely showing. The following link is on paying attention. The site it is from has many, many good ideas that will help you. Just go to the Parenting ADHD Children on the top of the page and look at the topics. The link is ...
Avatar f tn You are a good mother to try and find out what is causing this behavior - and if they do have ADHD that would explain why your discipline methods have not worked. The following is a good site with info on the symptoms (and lots of other things) on ADHD. Check it out - If you think it might be ADHD or have further questions relating to ADHD, please post over here.
Avatar n tn DO YOU notice she has a hard time following directions?
Avatar f tn It is the nature of ADHD to be evident via children's behavior. By definition ADHD has an impact on behavior. Beyond saying this, without more detail I cannot comment on the situation to which you are referring.
Avatar n tn What is more about aggressive behavior in school setting? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/278885'>Overly Aggressive Behavior at School</a>.
Avatar n tn One of the reasons why it is important that children have the benefit of health insurance is to be able to obtain help in situations such as yours. There is no doubt your son acn be helped. Aggressive behavior per se is not a component of ADHD. Howver, one component of Combine-type ADHD is impulsivity, and your son does appear to be having problems with controlling his aggressive impulses. If his ADHD is at least of moderate severity, it invites pharmacological treatment in addition to therapy.
706214 tn?1244523049 my boy was born at 28 weeks he is 7 now but the doc said he may have adhd what is that people say its children that cant be look after but i look after my
Avatar f tn Beware... when the tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. you posted to an add/adhd forum so of course the suggestion are to "test" for add/adhd. If you ask the school, who want to believe that every behavioural problem is a diagnosable and treatable - in the hope that all children can be well behaved through the magic pill, and they will steer you that way.
Avatar f tn Her mother said she was told she was years ago but nothing seems to have been done about it.
Avatar f tn We have tried everything from the Kazakian method, to grounding him from things he likes, using behavior chart, stickers, and prizes for good behavior. I am at my wits end, he is destructive, disruptive, it is like he has a switch at time he is very calm and sweet and at times he is out of control. Says mean things, throws things, has tantrums in public, get very upset if he does not color in the lines perfect or track a letter exactly on the line.
Avatar f tn The fact he goes non stop would be a sign of ADHD (and also a crack baby). The fact that he is very smart would also indicate that he has learned how to manipulate you. Don't spank him. It won't work and only teaches him to hit other people when he is mad. Do obtain a copy of Lynn Clarks' book SOS: Help for Parents. I think it will help.
Avatar n tn // a lot. And you might also want to continue this discussion over there where I am also the CL. Briefly, cause this could take pages. There is a lot that can be done. You just need the info. What I am most curious about is why aren't the meds making a difference? What is he on and what dose is he on? Also, how long has he been on the meds. His behavior should change (at least at school).
Avatar n tn My son was diagnosed by his pediatrician that he's had since birth. I feel very confident in his diagnosis. We knew @ 3 that he was ADHD. My mom and sister are both teachers and even they agreed. My son was not one of those kids that there was any grey area on whether or not he had ADHD. We knew it wasn't behavior issues due to lack of discipline. He was respectful, did not throw temper tantrums, played well with other children, etc...
Avatar f tn My son just turned 7 years old in February and has recently (within the past 2 weeks) began peeing on various things around the house/yard. We havent had any changes to our household or routine recently (we did move back home with my parents 6 months ago, but he has loved being back home with his family) He is always getting in trouble at school, and his teachers say he has a really hard time focusing and paying attention and may have ADHD, althoguh he has never been tested.
Avatar f tn She always tests well and loves school. Her behavior is the problem. She talks back, throws tantrums, screams, and is rarely embarrassed in front of others. She can be very sweet and funny, and very generous. She does not get along well with her peers, but wants to play all the time. She gets excited when we are going to play with a neighbor, but then shortly into it, they are fighting. I have even had other kids say they want to go home. Last year (2nd grade) was a hard year.
Avatar n tn I have heard this before, you may be better to go to the prescribing Doctor to see if there is another Med for him, has he been diagnosed wih ADHD, we also have an expert ADD and ADHD forum if you go the the forums page and click on the right .
Avatar n tn my daughter has adhd, a few months ago, she began taking things from me and lying. for instance, she hid my car keys while we were at schoolone day, I am a teacher and after 2 hours of searcing my husband finally had to come and get us. a few days later she did the same thing w/ my cell phone which was the proof about the phone. after much lying and days later she came a got my keys from where she hid them, this was after aabout a week. they were hid in a place i would have never found them.
Avatar n tn No, this is not typical of children who display ADHD, nor is it typical of children her age in general. Such behavior (absent the bullying) can typify children who have a basic overly sensitive temperament, and such behavior can also occur as a side effect of psychostimulant medication. It would be sensible to have her evaluated, since the behavior is not within the normal spectrum.
Avatar f tn When the mood is stable the ADHD can be addressed. Relative to behavior management, you will find your answer in Lynn Clark's book SOS Help for Parents. I often recommend this book to parents. It is practical, straightforward, effective.
Avatar n tn My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 3 years old but I refused to put him on medication at that time because my older son was also diagnosed with ADHD and has time went on was able to manage with meds. Then I found out that he has ADHD the behavior part and with my older son was ADHD the learning disability part. Well, has my younger son got older and taller the symptoms and everything else got worse.
Avatar f tn // - so feel free to post there if you have any questions about ADD. Best wishes.
Avatar f tn The most frequent combination is a psychostimulant to treat the ADHD and an antihypertenisive (like Clonidine or Tenex) to addres the oppositional behavior. One thing you might consider is employing Strattera ( a non-stimulant) to treat the ADHD and to divide the Clonidine dose over the day to address the oppositionality. In other words, ask the doctor about giving some at night (he might not actually require .