Acne treatment peroxide

Common Questions and Answers about Acne treatment peroxide


Avatar n tn local treatment with azelaic acid, salicylic acid, topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide. Mild papulo-pustular (inflammatory) acne: benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids, topical antibiotics (such as erythromycin). Moderate inflammatory acne: benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids combined with oral antibiotics (tetracyclines). Isotretinoin is an option.
Avatar m tn Hello, For premature acne, if the acne is protected from the sunlight and sometimes an antioxidant treatment if applied in the initial stage to cure the lesions of acne then it can be cured at the beginning. Then medical treatment is the same as adult acne i.e initially benzoyl peroxide and topical antibiotics are used. But they are to be used under medical supervision and not one one’s own.
Avatar f tn local treatment with azelaic acid, salicylic acid, topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide. Mild papulo-pustular (inflammatory) acne: benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids, topical antibiotics (such as erythromycin). Moderate inflammatory acne: benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids combined with oral antibiotics (tetracyclines). Isotretinoin is an option.
Avatar m tn local treatment with azelaic acid, salicylic acid, topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide. Mild papulo-pustular (inflammatory) acne: benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids, topical antibiotics (such as erythromycin). Moderate inflammatory acne: benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids combined with oral antibiotics (tetracyclines). Isotretinoin is an option.
Avatar m tn A related discussion, <a href='/posts/show/1158775'>Facial and Body Acne and Spots</a> was started.
Avatar n tn isotretinoin also known as Accutane, can be prescribed by a doctor. Let us know about how you are doing and what your doctor advises. Post us if you need any further information. Regards.
Avatar n tn Pat it dry and do not rub it. Avoid picking or pressing the acne. You can also use Benzoyl peroxide 5% lotion or gel once at bedtime. An amount of lotion the size of a pea should be enough to cover most of your face. If your skin becomes red or peels, you are using too much of the medicine or applying it too often. Back and shoulder acne are quite difficult to treat compared to acne on other parts of the body.
Avatar m tn Hello, You can use any benzoyk perocide soaps available in the market, common ones being Jan marini benzoyl peroxide or Topic benzoyl peroxide soap. Other treatment options include topical and oral antibiotics, topical retinoids, hormonal therapy, dermabrasion , phototherapy and laser resurfacing. Normally a combination of treatments is followed and if nothing proves effective then dermabrasion and laser therapy are useful. You can discuss these treatment options with your dermatologist.
Avatar m tn Avoid picking or pressing the acne. You can also use Benzoyl peroxide 5% lotion or gel once at bedtime. An amount of lotion the size of a pea should be enough to cover most of your face. If your skin becomes red or peels, you are using too much of the medicine or applying it too often. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided.
Avatar n tn Is it normal to have breakouts every day? I'm 31 weeks today and I have had acne all over my chest, shoulders arms and lower jaw. Also is there a safe way to treat while pregnant? I'm so aggravated with the itchy skin and scarring left from the old bumps. It's not cute at all.
Avatar f tn local treatment with azelaic acid, salicylic acid, topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide. Mild papulo-pustular (inflammatory) acne: benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids, topical antibiotics (such as erythromycin). Moderate inflammatory acne: benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids combined with oral antibiotics (tetracyclines). Isotretinoin is an option.
Avatar f tn I use oxy 10% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment. It works on me.
Avatar f tn I had acne on my back but now their gone. I'm left with dark spots on my back. How do I get rid of them?
Avatar m tn Hello, Fusidic acid and minocycline are both antibiotics which are used for the treatment of acne. Treatment options include topical and oral antibiotics, topical retinoids, hormonal therapy, dermabrasion , phototherapy and laser resurfacing. Normally a combination of treatments is followed and if nothing proves effective then dermabrasion and laser therapy are useful. You can discuss these treatment options with your dermatologist.
281603 tn?1229311681 i use Mk timewise also :) ............ i've used it for a long time but twice during pregnancies i wasn't able to use it... but last pregnancy and this time its been fine! but i also use the acne treatment gel which has 5% bezoyl peroxide in it and someone said that you shouldn't use anything with that in it. i was just wondering if that was true.
Avatar m tn I got 50 mosquito bites all over my back. Ive got rid of the itch in 8 days and no I did not scratch. I used Calomine Lotion Costizone cream & after bite gel yes got rid of itch but tiny red spots remained I still use calomine hoping to dry them out but still there. Ive been on Antibiotics for 3 days now. And will be buying TCP Antiseptic next thinking of applying TCP on my back 3 to 4 times a day to see if this gets rid of these spots. Also considering Shea Butter or Benzol Peroxide.
Avatar m tn Widely available OTC bactericidal products containing benzoyl peroxide may be used in mild to moderate acne. The gel or cream containing benzoyl peroxide is rubbed, twice daily, into the pores over the affected region. Oral antibiotics used to treat acne include erythromycin or one of the tetracycline antibiotics, but this is required only in severe cases. Apart from this ,keep skin clean. apply non-oil based moisturizers to prevent dryness of skin and avoid stress. ref:http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar n tn The pimples i keep getting are cystic acne. They hurt really bad and nothing helps them go away. This is currently what i use on my face: Face wash with .5% salicylic acid and another facewash with 3.5% benzoyl peroxide. I MAKE SURE to take really good care of my skin but it dosent seem to work. Also i have a prescription face medication cream called BenzaClin which is 1% clindamycin and 5% Benzoyl peroxide.
Avatar n tn sounds like an adult version of acne known as acne rosacea- google it or check google images - it is completely different to the teenage form of acne vulgaris
Avatar n tn Then I would use an astringent once I got out of the shower and dried off. Then I would use a spot treatment that is 10% micro benzoyal peroxide just on the areas that are broken out twice a day. If your back gets tight or itchy from dry skin use a lotion.
Avatar n tn Hi, You may have oily skin on the buttocks which makes it acne-prone. Acne vulgaris (commonly called acne) is a skin disease caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Enlargement of sebaceous glands and an increase in sebum production occur with increased androgen (DHEA-S), coomon in adolescence. Widely available OTC bactericidal products containing benzoyl peroxide may be used in mild to moderate acne.
Avatar f tn Salcura antiac* look it up on Google x
Avatar n tn i have acne marks on my back , buttocks and forearms . i want to get rid of them .
Avatar n tn Hello, Do not use any alpha hydroxy acid products (those containing glycolic or lactic acid), salicylic acid products, retinoids (Retin A, Renova, Differin and Tazorac) and other topical acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide for 72 hours after the treatment. Also any scarubbing or acne soaps should be avoided for atleast 1 week after the miscrodermabrasion procedure.