Why is omega 3 good for you

Common Questions and Answers about Why is omega 3 good for you


Avatar f tn m open to new info if you have it. What is true is that the Omega 3 in flax seed oil is different from that in fish oil, and flax seed oil contains more than just omega 3 oils, whereas most fish oil is artificially purified to eliminate many other beneficial oils that would also be a fish.
Avatar m tn Most everyone knows or has heard about omega-3. The omega that many haven't heard about but that is very important to your health is omega-6. While omega-6 isn't bad in and of itself, what's bad about omega-6 is that Americans get too much of it. Having too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3 in your diet leads to many diseases. To avoid these diseases, you must keep these two very important essential fatty acids in balance or the right ratio.
518994 tn?1212242047 I read where Omega 3 was good for your dog. Is it a different Omega 3 or is it the same that humans take?
Avatar f tn My shitzu dog is 7 years old and has kidney stones and allergies.He also has high cholesterol(Cushings' disease suspected). He weighs about 10 lbs. Is it safe for me to give him omega 3 capsules and what should be the dosage? Thank you, Mrs.
Avatar f tn As we know, Omega-3 is supposed to be really important for the baby. But my doctor is not convinced that prenatal vitamins really help (who knows what's really in them, right?) and believes in going to the source for the nutrition I need. During my last visit, she turned me on to flax seed, which you can get in the natural foods stores. They're tiny seeds that have very little taste and can easily be put in almost any food.
Avatar m tn It's fine. It's a very low dose. Omega 3 fats are very good for you. Just make sure it's a good company that uses fish with low contamination levels -- not all supplement companies are created equal. But again, it's fine, and it's a very low dose.
Avatar m tn you may be allergic. the other possibility is that you were stung or bitten by an insect in the night, seeing that the symptoms you were experiencing were in one localized area.
9214378 tn?1408881584 Hi Lynne. That's a great question, but the answer is going to be a bit complicated, so bare with me. Eggs are normally good for dogs in small quantities. But, they contain good omega-3 fatty acid AND the bad-for-dogs-in-kidney-failure omega-6 fatty acid. The best answer with eggs I have found is to be cautious, because what happened to eggs through mass production and processing over the last 100 years has changed their value completely.
440171 tn?1204778801 I was told today that Omega 3 Fish Oil is good also for dry skin. I just got a bottle and you just have to take one capsule once a day. It isn't expensive either.
Avatar f tn The omega-3 fatty acids should be in your prenatal.
Avatar n tn A lot of foods that are VERY GOOD for you are high in fat, and this is why we eat them in moderation. Dark chocolate is very good for you, a great antioxidant in moderation. Nuts are excellent too, but in moderation. There are good fats and bad fats, but even with the good ones, it's about moderation.
Avatar m tn I am a huge fan of crabcakes, so this "fiskefrikadeller" might just be something I need to check out. Thanks! I am a big fish person. It's so yummy and so good for you. And yes, it is priceless to see folks when they realize what 'cleaning' a fish entails!
Avatar n tn If you teach them a certain lifestyle early, the hope is that it will travel with them throughout their adult years. Studies are showing that omega-3 is good in so many other ways (joint, heart, brain) and now there's another benefit -it can help our kids too.
Avatar m tn Yes, absolutely. There is good evidence that Lutein and Omega 3 will help stabilize AMD and prevent progression.
Avatar f tn Omega-3 is like anything else. There is a reccomended dosage. Best to stick to the standard guidelines which your doctor or pharmacist would know. I believe taking above a certain dosage can induce mania and anyway any nutrient has a specific reccomended dosage and its best not to go above that. Fish oil or flaxseed oil is fine. Cod liver oil should not be taken as a mood stabilizer because higher doses are potentially toxic.
Avatar f tn I would suggest a good brand omega 3 supplement that says its been purified of heavy metals. Omega 3 is good for your baby's brain development. Also drink bottled water or I guess you could use a filter system like britta. You don't want to be drinking water with all sorts of junk in it. Make sure juices and milk are pasteurized it's very important. When buying fruit there are certain ones you should invest in organic ones.
Avatar m tn try to eat food which contain omega 3 such as sardines or salmon etc If it is difficult for you I would suggest omega 3 capsules but I would also suggest you to confirm this with your doctor because all capsules are not the same!
Avatar n tn I only say that fish oil is good for health . other oil is nothing .thats it .
Avatar f tn Statins, by lowering cholesterol, also interfere with the absorption of fat soluble nutrients, which of course includes omega 3. The most important for the heart is EFA, which is found in largest amounts in fish oil, but flax and hemp oil are also very high in omega 3 oils. But omega 3 oils don't do the same thing as statins. Statins lower LDL cholesterol, the bad kind, whereas omega 3 oils provide the good kind of cholesterol, HDL.