Welchol mechanism of action

Common Questions and Answers about Welchol mechanism of action


Avatar m tn I am not physically restricted - I walk 1 mile or more day and do 10 minutes of other light exercises most days. My BP runs under 120/80 most of the time. I understand carvedilol helps prevent stiffening of the heart muscle and can help restore LV function to some degree. How specially, so it do this? What is the biochemical mechanism?
Avatar f tn Hi, Your "Welchol tablet stuck in the throat feeling" symptoms sound like they could have been written by me. I've been on Welchol for lose to twenty years now, but now (after having thyroid gland removed due to follicular cancer at the end of last year), I'm having the exact same symptoms taking the Welchol tablets as you described (I thought it might have been dyspagia brought on by the Levothyroxine I'm forced to take now).
Avatar m tn The mechanism of action of Campral® (acamprosate calcium) Delayed-Release Tablets in maintenance of alcohol abstinence is not completely understood. Originally, several neurotransmitter systems, including GABA, were investigated for a possible role in Campral's mechanism of action. However, recent evidence suggests Campral's main interaction is with the glutamate system. Chronic alcohol exposure is hypothesized to alter the normal balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition.
Avatar m tn http://www.nasdaq.
Avatar m tn Oyakawa I am in my 3rd year of medical school and I was wondering the mechanism of action of steroid injections in the eyelid causing cataracts. It is not an osmotic agent so why does that occur? thanks so much.
382218 tn?1341181487 Thanks for posting this DV. My favorite part was the mechanism of action for Tecfidera. "Poorly understood...
401016 tn?1201451802 Try going low fat and see if it helps. And if you can control the loose stools with calcium instead of the welchol, it might be good to try to do so. Google 'lnape and calcium.' You should find posts from L Nape discussing the use of a specific form of calcium and it's use. But don't use the calcium if you are prone to stone formation, or if you have parathyroid problems.
Avatar m tn I just got off of zetia and welchol. I could not take statins. I tried them all. Used to take Niaspan and fenofibrate but they took me off cause both cause problems in some and had not 'reduced the incidence of cardiac events'. I think they have concluded that neither do Zetia, except when used with a statin, so it is the statin doing the work. I also think Welchol has been shown to not reduce cardiac events too. not sure. I am on Repatha. Third bi weekly shot.
Avatar f tn Plavix has a unique mechanism of action by blocking the amplification of platelet activation by released ADP, and often used with aspirin to prevent the risk of clots for the first year after DES implant. Plavix and aspirin have different mechanism of action to prevent clots. After a year, plavix is usually discontinue as the risk for clots is decreased, and aspirin is continued long term. The risk of a clot is about 3%.
Avatar f tn Diarrhea after gallbladder removal is often due to excess excretion of bile, which irritates the colon. So, this is why asked, if stool is green. But the bile may still be the cause. I think bile would cause at least some anal burning during bm. There are some remedies which bind bile in the colon and they may help.
Avatar n tn Any possibility of food intolerance issues? Anyone in the family with celiac problems - gluten-intolerance, or other?
Avatar n tn Ask your doctor about Welchol; it's a cholesterol medicine that binds bile salts. I had mine taken out in February of last year and tried to "tough it out," but after a doctor put me on Welchol, I rarely ever get sick after eating.
Avatar n tn Londres is certainly correct that there are a few other options available to treat what could be assumed to be familial hypercholesterolaemia, even though your doctor has obviously tried those that would be most obvious. Generally, if you experience muscle weakness as a side effect of Lipitor (atorvastatin), other statins will produce similar effects, so that eliminates the use of Zocor (simvastatin), Crestor (rosuvastatin) etc.
Avatar m tn HIV is transmitted by; Unprotected penetrative anal and/or vaginal sex Sharing works with other IV drug users Mother to child You never had an exposure.
Avatar f tn Potassium is a chemical element and it is part of the electrolyte that should be in balance with other lytes to adequately conduct an electrical impulse that originates with the sinus node in the right atrium. The mechanism of action is not completely understood, but what is when a voltage (unit of potential for conduction) and electrolyte there will conduction and passage of electrical impluses.
Avatar m tn http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/578705 Ribavirin improves early responses to peginterferon through improved interferon signaling. Gastroenterology. 2010 Jul;139 The therapeutic mechanisms of ribavirin for hepatitis C are unclear. Microarray analyses have shown that ribavirin increases induction of interferon-stimulated genes. We evaluated viral kinetics, serum cytokine expression, and viral mutagenesis during early stages of peginterferon therapy with and without ribavirin.
Avatar m tn Seeing an orthodontist is advised.
Avatar n tn Some medications are actually derived from plants. The mechanism of action and effect on the body determines the classification, therefore, laxatives can be synthetic or natural.
Avatar n tn "Mechanism of Action Oxomemazine, a phenothiazine derivative, is a sedating antihistamine" The above information is about all I could find on this drug. If it is used in the US, I have no idea what label it's under. Even if I had been able to find more information, I am not qualified to tell you to either stop or start or change any medications. You need to speak with your doctor or chemist for an answer to your question.
Avatar f tn , duloxetine) has a combination mechanism of action involving serotonin and norepinephrine making it useful in depression and also neuropathic pain. When a peripheral nerve is injured there is an increase in pain sensitive fibers leading to increase pain recognition. This causes a change in central (i.e., brain/spinal cord) recognition of pain. One major neurotransmitter involved in this is norepinephrine. Cymbalta works to modulate this change.
Avatar n tn I take (2) 500mg of metformin at breakfast and supper. I also take powder welchol at supper. I would like to take my 1000mg of Januvia at bedtime to help lower my morning blood sugar readings that usually run in the 150's to 160, Any cons to taking the Januvia without food at bedtime?
Avatar n tn A heart murmur is a sound heard as the blood flows through the heart and especially the blood flow through the heart valves. If there is a defect, a stethoscope hears a specific sound for different defects. â– Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. ACE inhibitors lower the system's blood pressure. The mechanism of action is to relax the blood vessels and that provides less resistance for the heart to pump against and decreases blood pressure.
Avatar f tn boceprevir is in pharmacies now telaprevir should be by the end of the month they both have the same mechanism of action ( protease inhibitors ) and are comparable in efficacy mimi that 70% is for first timers only
Avatar m tn It is an atypical opioid which is a centrally acting analgesic, used for treating moderate to severe pain. Its exact mechanism of action is unknown but is thought to be similar to morphine. Hope it helps.Take care and pls do kep me posted if you have any additional queries.