Vomiting in dogs symptoms

Common Questions and Answers about Vomiting in dogs symptoms


Avatar n tn My dog is vomiting. I have a prescription for Ondansetron . It is 4 MG. Can I give it to my dog? He is 13 and weighs 7.9 lbs.
Avatar f tn My jack russell terrier was in acute kidney failure last month and is now in chronic. Her blood work, off the charts in some areas, has normalised but her urine showed high protein and she has high blood pressure; she is taking enalapril for both of these. She is on Hills KD and has shown improvement in weight gain, appetite, zest for life, her coat looks fantastic. But I can't seem to control her vomiting for more than a few days.
Avatar m tn It is not that uncommon for dogs to vomit yellow bile, which is usually a sign of an upset or empty stomach. Dogs will often graze on grass then throw up to help relieve an upset stomach. This can often be remedied by feeding smaller meals more frequently but not more food. Have you changed foods recently? This could be something more serious, of course. Any chance your dog may have ingested something in the house or outside?
Avatar m tn While phenergan is usually prescribed for people, our vet tells us it can be used safely for dogs. Since I have terrible nausea and vomiting troubles myself, I always have some in the house for the occasional doggie illness. There is always something else to try, so don't be afraid to ask. And don't forget to post back and let us know what your vet says.
Avatar f tn It might be that particular brand of hot dog, and a certain ingredient in them, or just hot dogs in general - they have a lot of nitrates, which is a preservative known to trigger migraines, and tons of sodium, which also can. It's basically a migraine without the pain.
Avatar f tn I think its more likely a stomach bug in bacteria form, which of course can be contageous amongst both humans and dogs, assuming both have ingested the root cause of the bacteria. I suspect that, it being the festive holidays and all that, both dogs and humans got something from the same food source.
Avatar f tn s some kind of infection causing his symptoms. Either an infection in his liver or his intestines. We are not in a position to do invasive diagnostics due to our dogs age, so we are just hoping the antibiotics work. We are finally going to repeat his bloodwork later this week, but our vet has said not to expect a miraculous recovery on the blood counts this soon.
Avatar n tn Sometimes dogs will produce large amounts of acid if they go too long in between meals. While this is more common in bulldogs, it can happen in any breed. It sounds like this is what is happening with your lab. You can apply a quick fix to this by feeding him a biscuit or two very late at night. This should keep his hunger down and the acid in his stomach to a minimum until breakfast.
Avatar m tn Has your dog had it's shots? This sounds like the parvo virus many dogs get when they have not had there shots. if this si the case you still have time get him the shots ASAP!
Avatar f tn Especially, due to his age, I would be taking him to the Vet for an evaluation. Older dogs can have any number of things going on that could cause these symptoms (kidney, liver, pancreas problems). Some, if caught in time, can be managed with diet and/or meds. Please keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Onions are so toxic for dogs, and garlic is only one step removed, it is so very like onion in many ways. Some dogs seem to be able to handle these garlic supplements, and some don't, and it can cause vomiting if they don't. Even if she has been eating garlic laden food for years, she could have extra sensitivities, or less tolerance as she grows older. I'm not 100% sure garlic supplements are right for dogs.
675347 tn?1365460645 LAUREL (INCLUDING BAY LEAVES) toxins located in all parts of the Laurel shrub (including Bay leaves which are of the Laurel family) cause vomiting, abdominal pain, too-low blood pressure, and in extreme cases, muscle weakness and even seizures. SNOWDROPS Be watchful if you and your dog go near these on a winter walk. If eaten they cause symptoms from stomach pain and vomiting to loss of coordination or muscle spasms.
Avatar n tn So many dogs dying suddenly, often young and healthy. Weird symptoms, often no warning. This is not natural or a coincidence. What dog foods are you feeding them or preventative medications are you giving them? This stuff has very lax safety standards, not like human food and products. They can put pretty much anything they want in your pet's food. We need to all get to the bottom of this. I watched a documentary that was very eye opening.
Avatar f tn superintendant always let her three dogs out with no leashes. they attacked my cat. he was traumatized. since yesterday he is vomiting;alot or a little. i can't afford veterinary care.what can i do. is his vomiting caused by attack,i haven't seen no major injuries.
Avatar f tn Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune disease typically treated with steroids to get it under control and then a less strident topical or oral medication to keep the development of new blisters in check and prevent existing ones from becoming infected. Atopica is intended for in dogs with atopic dermatitis, so I don't know how this would be helpful to your cat and could be harmful since I don't think there have been any studies does regarding it's safety for cats.
Avatar n tn Previcox For Dogs Review By James on November 17th, 2010 Previcox is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever that also reduces fever in dogs. This prescription medication is given to dogs that have just received surgery, have arthritis, or for other complications as prescribed by your vet. You shouldn’t give Previcox to your dog if it is allergic to aspirin or is taking other NSAID pain relievers. Your vet can determine if your dog is allergic to aspirin with a simple test if you are unsure.
Avatar f tn old female chihuahua started vomiting up a thick white mucus n then a little later a greenish liquid. she has not been in a kennel or around other dogs except for our other 3 chis. which seem to be fine. should i take her to the vet? very worried..
Avatar f tn My dogs bun level in at 122 up from 85 in December. He is a Laasa Apso age 16. Liver and heart are fine. Phosphorus level is 9.6. My vet has only said this will get worse. So far he is not vomiting but has loss of interest in food and it is a real challenge to get him to eat anything. He sleeps most of the time. My vet has me giving him B12 shots every 3 days. Other than suggesting a low protein diet and Standard Process renal support he hasn't offered me anymore suggestions.