
Varicose veins laser cost

Common Questions and Answers about Varicose veins laser cost


Avatar n tn Note that when you have laser treatment it destroys the veins so the blood will go to other veins and the problem will most likely return.
1580703 tn?1651904887 I dont suggest laser treatment or surgery for the varicose veins problem.I dont have experience too .I treat my varicose veins with venorid and got rid of it.
Avatar f tn Sclerotherapy is another common treatment for both spider veins and varicose veins. In this procedure with the help of a needle a liquid chemical is injected into the vein. This causes swelling in vein and collapsing .This stops the flow of blood, and the vein turns into scar tissue. This procedure can be done without general anesthesia and does not lead to inference in the daily activities. Laser techniques can help in curing small varicose veins. Discuss these possibilities with your doctor.
Avatar f tn If any of the causes which can be controlled are detected then taking care of those causes can reduce the progression of varicose veins. Yes, laser is a good option however whether it is good for you or not can be judged by your vascular specialist only. Hope this helps. Do let me know if there is any thing else and keep me posted. Take care!
Avatar n tn I am interested in laser removal of spider veins on my nose. Does anybody have any experience with this procedure? Does it work well or is it on par with other techniques which are terrible such as nose jobs, face lifts, breast implants, lipo suction?
Avatar m tn Doctors can also do therapies for varicose veins that include things like laser therapy, schlerotherapy, vein stripping, etc. I'd continue to work on her doctor following the prevention strategies they give her.
Avatar m tn Hello, From your symptoms it looks like spider veins or varicose veins penis. The varicose vein on the penis does not require any treatment. It may bruise during sexual intercourse and thus wearing of a condom is highly recommended. Also use of lubricants is recommended during masturbation or during sexual intercourse to avoid bruising the vein. No other treatment is required. In fact most of the treatment like laser treatment will cause scarring,infection,nerve and vascular damage.
Avatar f tn Is it beneficial to have laser surgery for lumpy twisted varicose veins ? . Is one doing harm by putting off surgery indefinitely? I wonder if it prevents risk of dvt or stasis ulcers ? Do the veins just grow back? How long does the surgery tend to last? How does one stay as healthy as possible. Personally I find compression hose hot ,cumbersome so rarely use them. I miss wearing shorts in public and I put up with some leg cramps now and then.
Avatar f tn In response to your question, the varicose veins are blown out veins carrying blood backwards and adding to the burden of the normal veins. Getting them out of the system lightens the load on the normal ones. The only exception is when the deep venous system is occluded and the varicosity is the only way blood can return to the heart. This should be obvious with an appropriate duplex doppler study.
Avatar m tn -I was squinting under eye muscles almost all the time as a attempt to cover up spider veins, and worked until the varicose veins came up a little while after i began to do that. -Used to be in front of a computer screen a extremely large proportion of the day from about 5th to 8th grade, and still quite a bit but not near as much. -Started lifting weights at about 16.
Avatar n tn 2mm), raised, red bulging spot on my glans that looks like it is filled with blood, from a scrape or scratch when I was very young. Last year I had sclerosing of varicose veins in my leg, which worked very well. This is purely a vanity question -- might this glans blood spot, not really a vein I'm sure, be amenable to injection with a sclerosing solution (sclerotherapy) to shrink it, or would the risk outweigh the cosmetic benefit?
Avatar f tn Seems like we share a few common things besides varicose veins. Only discovered I was preg at 14 weeks and am 27 weeks now and wld really want vbac but read somewhere saying they usually start inside so was also worried about obstruction of baby.
Avatar n tn Are there any options for reducing or eliminating spider veins that develop on the penis? Would any of the current treatments for spider veins be safe in this area?
Avatar m tn Varicose veins usually result from failures in valves in veins connecting the superficial veins to the deep system in your legs. This is a mechanical problem. No medicine can restore this function. Horse chestnut extracts have been studied and appear to decrease the swelling due to venous insufficiency but the appearance is unchanged.
1138687 tn?1548643978 Hi, I am wondering why there isn't a varicose veins forum!? Where else might I post my varicose veins concerns? I posted in the Deep Vein Thrombosis forum but noticed it is rarely used. I'm not certain but isn't DVT a result of varicose veins? And if varicose veins are more common, with DVT being a side affect, then Why not change that forum to Varicose Veins? Regardless shouldn't there be a forum for varicose veins?
Avatar n tn This made me decide to get treated, mainly as a preventive measure, since all my relatives have varicose veins and i have seen how bad it can get if left untreated. But now i'm wondering if it was a mistake, since i feel heaviness and slight pain when i didn't before. How long after EVRF is it normal to experience heaviness and some pain in the thigh and overall leg? BTW I am a 44 year old male who is otherwise very healthy. Thank you very much!
Avatar f tn I have a blood blister that I discovered at 16. It was small (about the head of a pin) when I first found it. I popped it, thinking it would drain and heal. Over the years, with each popping, it has grown to about the size of a pea. It's been here (on my middle inner thigh) for 7 years now. It's not painful, but if it's rubbed, it pops and it bleeds a lot, for 30 minutes at least.i have varicose veins, so I know my veins are not circulating well.
Avatar n tn If you already have varicose veins you may have some doubts about taking birth control pills. If your varicose veins are mild and are not a symptom of a more serious condition, your doctor may agree to prescribe a low-dose estrogen pill. In this case it's up to you to decide what your priorities are. You may feel that the advantages of taking the pill outweigh the risk of varicose veins. That said I doubt if taking the pill would stop the problem! Ask the doctor for his/her opinion.
Avatar f tn Varicose veins are gnarled, enlarged veins. Any vein may become varicose, but the veins most commonly affected are those in your legs and feet. That's because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins of your lower body. Sometimes varicose veins lead to more-serious problems. Varicose veins may also signal a higher risk of other circulatory problems. Treatment may involve self-care measures or procedures by your doctor to close or remove veins.
Avatar m tn Varicose veins are in some cases unavoidable. Many times, there are ways to naturally prevent and soothe them. Get plenty of exercise to get your blood circulating, Elevate your legs on pillows daily for 10 minutes or more, Avoid excess weight gain, Dry-brush your legs daily to improve circulation. (This can prevent varicose veins from forming.) Use a natural-bristle brush with a long handle that allows you to reach all parts of your body.
Avatar n tn If the bump is flesh colored and over a vein, it can be just a varicose vein (especially if you have varicose veins on other places on your body). Age is not a factor, from teens to older adults can get varicose veins on the penis or scrotum (and other places). These type of varicose veins can range in size with most the size of a BB or smaller (or bigger). Inspect it closely. If it seems to follow or be "on top" of a vein, this is probably what you have.
Avatar f tn Hello, sorry about he delay in answering your question. Inner thigh pain and groin pain are common with varicose veins. Also, calf pain is included in that. Please see your doctor if you have not already. Let us know if you have seen them and what they have said. Here is an older question about this answered by a MedHelp doctor Here is some basic information on the condition as a whole.
Avatar f tn I'm almost 37 weeks and my fiance was trying to give me the perineam massage (supposed to help with not tearing during labor) and we noticed my veins down there are much much darker.. could they just be varicose veins? I have a doctor's appointment today, but I wanted to see if any other moms to be had this happen..