
Urine test thc vinegar

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Avatar m tn 9 175lbs, I am still testing positive in my urine for THC. How much longer do I have till I finally test negative? Also, will I test Negative if I had a BLOOD test done? What is the difference? Please help!
Cat Hi! If you were my patient, I would advise you that buproprion can cause a false positive drug test for amphetamines. THC is marijuana. Buproprion is probably not the problem. Good luck!
Avatar m tn if I was going to drug test my son for thc what are the timelines for detection?
Avatar n tn This is too funny because I was wondering the same thing. I had bloodwork and a urine test done in December when I used to smoke everyday, but they never said anything about finding THC in my urine or blood. They have to do a specific drug test for that and your not going to the endocronologist to get a drug test done, they are just checking if everything is good diabetes-wise, such as if you have sugar or blood in your urine.
Avatar n tn i was wanting to know if u can test positive for thc without smoking weed.
Avatar f tn I have been going to a pain management doctor for almost a year. He does a urine test on me every month which is then sent to a lab. My question is why hasn't the THC shown up in any of these tests yet? Am I in the clean or will there be a chance that he may test for THC one day. I also signed a contract when I first started that said I can not do any marijuana while under his care.
Avatar f tn t do things like that. As for THC in urine, if they are looking for drugs, yes, it shows up in a urine test. A basic urinalysis though, they are probably not checking for drugs and it would not have been tested for. However, that you added water (they aren't dumb, if it were that easy, all who use drugs would do this) and they will surely know--- you've just made them suspicious of you.
Avatar n tn Other than this the only other option is you smoked pot and got tested too soon, in some people THC takes up to 45 days to clear out of your system unless the drug screen is a hair folicle test, then it can test positive for many months after smoking. Urine test usually clear out within 30 - 45 days.
Avatar n tn I am 33 weeks pregnant almost 34 weeks I smoked weed because I had to smoke because I was throwing up constantly. I recently stop smoking but I'm TERRIFIED that my baby will have THC in his system when he is born and CPS will come... will my system and my baby be clean by the time of deliver which is Nov. 3.
Avatar m tn due to the fact i have a drug test next week for work and dont know if i can use a blocker or some product to remove the thc from my system and or if i need to use something like that? may or does anyone know anything about this or how i can remove the thc out within a week?
Avatar m tn the morning of the test I would drink about 2 liters of water to dilute my urine. It worked every time for me.
Avatar f tn I just want to know if when my baby is born if she will test positive for thc. keep in mind i was just breathing in the smell not the actual smoke. I have also have passed a urine test about a month ago and it was negative for thc.
Avatar n tn I took a urine test at my doctors as i do once a month to re4ceive my precription of oxycodone, an naproxen for my bad hip problem do to installing carpet and flooring for 31 years. problem is they said i tested positive for methadone. wich ive never taken although i did take a sip of cough syrup that said on the label prometh /vc codeine syrup could this be mistaken for methadone. i had the normal oxycodone in my system.
Avatar n tn Hello, THC test can have variabilities.It is used for detecting marijuana that stays in your system the longest. THC is not water soluble which means that every time you use, it needs some place to stick to. That's where your fat cells come in. THC is stored in your fat cells. The more you have, the longer the THC will remain.So pls check out your obesity. Also there is too much human variation to even approximate how long THC will be detected in the urine of an individual.
Avatar m tn it was the standard in office and nurse only said opiates and not oxy i then got one first check 4 drugs test thc cocaine methamphetamine opiates took it myself still neg for opiates took one for oxy pos ?
Avatar f tn Im due to take a urine test & recently took an edible containing thc which is legal in Washington state. Wondering if the thc shows up can they remove me from my pain management treatment?
Avatar f tn Certain things stay in your system longer than others. For example, THC stores in body fat. An average person will rid all traces in 30 days. Given that you are carrying a baby and the baby is mostly surrounded by fluids and fatty tissue, it can take longer. Try upping your garlic intake, drinking lots of water, and even a shot of apple cider vinegar a day. These are all natural, safe ways to cleanse your system.
Avatar f tn Wen they test yr urine for drugs, weed especially, if it comes back positive they dont say anything to you they just want to know if yr high risk. I smoked occasionally with my first as I was a smoker b4 I got pregnant. Ooooooo can feel the dirty looks! Anyways im honest my boy is fine, smart, active and loves learning. after yr baby is born is when id be worried if yr still there.
Avatar m tn I am applying for employment with some larger companies that may require a drug test. Will the interferon and Ribavirin show up in these tests? I dont use any other drugs. Thanks.
Avatar n tn I took a lot of Pain medicine,and my Doctor took Urine test.and told that test positive THC. Then he told he had to stop giving me my Prescription for pain.How can he do that?
397118 tn?1219762250 Totally depends on the test blood urine hair I don't know if he is lying or not, but there is only one test that would show positive 5 months later.
Avatar f tn If the blood or urine come back positive for THC will CPS take the baby away?
Avatar f tn I tested positive the first drug test for THC when I did the first blood draw. On my form it has the box checked for urine drug abuse. What will they do if I test positive at the glucose test? Will they even drug test me? I only do it when I feel nauseous. No judgement please I'm concerned I live in MD anyone with answers help? Will I have time to stop before he's born?
Avatar m tn I'm assuming your talking about Marijuana smoke right? Most likely if you didn't smoke anything, you don't have to worry about your drug test. Second-hand marijuana smoke — buzz producing, or not — can leave traces of the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in your urine for a day or so after breathing the smoke. However, the amount is usually not enough to make you test positive.
Avatar f tn I haven't smoked ever since I found out I was pregnant, and I don't plan on doing it again, this is just a question out of genuine curiosity. Anyhow, I was wondering if when I go into my prenatal visits, and every single time I go in, they have me pee in a cup if they can tell from the urine sample that there's THC in the system, like if they drug test you?
Avatar m tn i failed a drug test for thc and was doing no drugs i only took excerdin and cold meds why is this and what can i do
Avatar f tn s like 70% of people taking urine tests have false negative results and once they fail a urine test a lot of pain management doctor will NOT keep them and it makes the patient scramble to find another pain doctor that will take them on. I'm worried about tree due to the fact that it is against the law to take anyone else's medication and I'm just not sure how long the medicine will stay in the system. It was really an unfortunate situation that he or she should not have done.