Two yeast infections in one year

Common Questions and Answers about Two yeast infections in one year


Avatar f tn After giving birth I actually had a yeast infection in my arm pits that lasted over a year. My doctor said it had to do with all the hormones changing how my body reacts.
869578 tn?1239645299 if you type this in to google it helps with what you need to no (duo ) because i think that is what you may have but its not always an infection to do with sexs but i think it my be a were you could have used a shampoo or gel whitch could irortat and there for you could have got it that way.
Avatar f tn How do they test for yeast infections? I had an appointment about a week and a half ago and told my midwife I thought I had a uti because I always had to pee but when I went , nothing came out. so she made me pee in a cup. They never called me back so I'm guessing I don't have one. But, now that symptom went away and I'm just really itchy down there! I know that's a sign of yeast infection but do you think she tested my pee for that too when I went last time ???
Avatar f tn Douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria and yeast in your vagina and will cause infections. 2. Avoid bread and sugary foods as much as possible. If there is yeast in your vagina it is in the rest of your body too and sugar will just feed it. 3. Use condoms if you have sex. You CAN give a yeast infection to a guy (they usually get no symptoms) and then he will just keep passing it back to you. 4. Eat yogurt with live cultures in it - sugar free is best, but any kind helps. 5.
Avatar f tn I had one early in my pregnancy at 12 weeks. I woke up the other day and was for sure i had another. I was so itchy and uncomfortable. I called my dr office and my nurse had me come in for a swab to make sure it was yeast and not bacteria. Turns out it was nothing. I dont have any sort of infection so she said it may be due to a change in detergent or dryer sheets. I did just get new dryer sheets so im blaming those. Could you just be irritated by something?
Avatar n tn My mom had recurring yeast infections as a child, which I just recently found out about, and was diagnosed two years ago with diabetes. I have had my blood checked often for my blood sugar levels, so I know that diabetes is not a factor right now. Thanks for the help in advance. This is driving me crazy!
Avatar f tn I am diabetic and I am prone to yeast infections so I had to ask in case. They told me pro b for prevention and Monistat 1 not the 1 day but 3 or 7 and do not insert more than an inch. I hope this helps.
Avatar m tn Any ideas what could be the source of the yeast infections? I know one of them was a result of her forgetting her tampon inside her.
Avatar m tn I have had frequent bladder infections and yeast infections for several years now, usually about 4-5 each year, so I figured I was simply getting another one. The nurse called me several days later to tell me I had tested positive for gonorrhea. I immediately freaked out assuming that my BF had cheated on me and that my relationship for 4 years was about to end. When I informed my boyfriend he was adamant about having not cheated and immediately wanted to get tested himself.
Avatar n tn t happen all the times but most times when I am dry. I am 32 years old and he is 49 I have went to the doctor and I keep getting yeast infections. I use the over the counter meds fr it and sometimes the doctor prescribes me creams but it keeps coming back. Is it coming back because I gave it to him and he brings it back to me each time? He is a diabetic and is uncircumcized but he is very clean and has good hygienes in that department.
1168718 tn?1464983535 From what I have learnt, all yeast infections begin in the gut, so to get to the root cause of the problem you need to take a pro-biotic to redress the imbalance. I tried this once and, lo and behold , it WORKED! So while smearing cream on your nether regions may seem logical, it doesn't fix the root of the problem. Fix the gut, and the rest will sort itself out.
Avatar f tn If you can, it is best to clean your genitals after sex to get rid of any foreign bacteria. Men can also develop yeast infections in their genitals (although not usually as frequently as females). In these cases, sexual contact can transmit a yeast infection from one person to another. Be honest with your partner if you have a yeast infection to avoid spreading the infection. Poor eating habits – A healthy diet will help protect your body against infection.
Avatar f tn Like HJohnson421 said, try wearing just cotton pants and start incorporating yogurt in your daily meal. Used to suffer from yeast infection 7 years ago all the time but, since i started eating natural or plain greek yogurt daily with my cereal or quaker oats its disappeared.
Avatar f tn I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I gotten alot of yeast infections during my pregnancy. probably around 4 , Ive just got treated for one but I believe I got another again.
6014380 tn?1378523315 Anything that went near my vagina would cause a yeast infection. I had bv at one point the yeast then bv them yeast it was bloody hell so I totally know what you are going through. It's so important if you are doing monistat to do it for the longest time possible like 7 days. Also if you can research dufflican I am telling you I don't even use the Canadian version of monistat anymore it's a waste. One over the counter dufflican pill clears it up real good.
Avatar f tn Monistat works like a charm for yeast infections! That's what my doctor told me I could take. Just over the counter. He recommended the 7-day treatment. Baby is protected by the bubble she's in, so the medication does not get to him/her. Perfectly safe! Unless as previously said, you have any other complications. I would talk to your doctor before you do anything. And like they said, anti biotics are needed for a bacterial infection. Good luck!
Avatar f tn I used to get yeast infections every time I had intercourse. The only way I was able to stop this from happening was by douching with a vinegar and water rinse right after having sex. It was a major inconvenience but it definitely stopped the ongoing yeast infections. And on those occasions when I was too "lazy" or "relaxed" to get up and douche, the infection would return without fail. A vinegar douche really does help, but it is a major "mood disrupter.
Avatar f tn I have been getting non stop UTI and Yeast Infections for the last 3 years, twice a year. @ yeast infections a year, and 2 UTIS a year. I recetly was taking a antibiotic for my UTI well those symptooms gt better and later I noticed constant itching and white thick yeast smelling discharge and now thy precibed me DIFLUCAN. I wanna know why does this keep happeing to me? I noticed the change when I started wearing tampons? can it be that, I also heard, I could be allergic to semen frm my dr.??
Avatar m tn she has had it for over a year she has had 4 endoscopys in one year and they show terrible yeast thats extremly painful to the point were she will not eat solid food she is on and elemental diet due to her EE. She has always had severe reaccurent yeast infections in other places all her life but this one takes the cake. they have tried giving her every kind of yeast med they can and she has been put on 8 prescriptions in a year without any change it is actually getting worse?
Avatar f tn I now it might be crazy but garlic does miracles it took away mine in just one day!
Avatar f tn Do any of you ladies get yeast infections while your pregnant ? I'm 28 weeks and started to get them around my 5th month ...
Avatar f tn Planned Parenthood (or any doctor) can prescribe treatments stronger than miconazole (active ingredient in Monistat 1, 3, and 7 day treatments) and clotrimazole, the two OTC antifungals available for treating yeast infections. Typically, you'll get a prescription for one dose of fluconazole, taken orally, which should take care of the yeast infection, though symptoms don't immediately disappear.