Thyroid and zinc

Common Questions and Answers about Thyroid and zinc


Avatar n tn Should your diet not include foods containing adequate zinc, that would indicate low zinc also. Best sources are red and white meat, seafood, salmon and dairy. Vegetarian sources are not absorbed well unfortunately. There's a zinc test kit you can buy from the health food store. "Zinc Tally test" It is straight forward. Beats doing the medical circuit.
535882 tn?1396576685 But Mag may interfere more in the stomach with thyroid med absorbion, and mag makes me sleepy so I take it before bed - aids in sleeping too if you get non-oxide mag. Oxide mag does very little , if anything. The grocery store most likely does not have good magnesium - its the oxide type if you read the back label.
Avatar f tn RAving Odd you bring that up - I am happy you found zinc and copper in your conversation with your doctor and that supports why me taking zinc made it somewhat better. but another suprise you mention is the estrogen dominance thing. I recently had been given that ( last month) too. I now take progestrone to balance that out - but oddly the "lump" on my gum I found last week just popped up now mysterily - it's gone. No need to go to the dentist as I planned......
Avatar n tn , I mean that the thyroid will resume production of thyroid hormones on its own, and that I will not have to take thyroid medicine any longer. She says that it is possible for the thyroid to recover if the thyroid receives proper food. What does the doctor mean by the thyroid receiving proper food? Well, according to the doctor, the supplement Thytrophin PMG is an example of food for the thyroid. Also, the doctor has referred me to a book written by a woman named Izabella Wentz.
393685 tn?1425812522 Happy Friday Just thought I would share this article/newsletter with you on zinc abnormalities/depletion /floride consumption and thyroid disease Its very interesting to see the effects of our hard mineral needs and how they play a huge role in our thyroid conditions. Zinc mostly works with our liver and is very helpful with conversion hormones as T4 thyroid hormone converts to T3.
Avatar n tn Additionally there seem to be interactions between these four minerals and copper and zinc, which are two metallic minerals with critical thyroid functions. It seems that a copper deficiency interferes with the proper functioning of both potassium and magnesium, and zinc seems more related to sodium and calcium metabolism. Also all of these minerals seem involved in either the production, degradation, or cellular response to thyroid hormone.
Avatar m tn There are other minerals that helps the thyroid like Selenium, Magnesium and Zinc. It helps in the manufacture of Thyroid hormones T3. Be aware of foods thyroid sufferers should not eat- like peanuts, strawberries, tofu, soy, raw veges esp. cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. These foods prevent the thyroid hormone from getting manufactured by the body. What are your Vit D, Iron and B12 results ? Deficiency or low normal Vit D could be the cause of aches and pains. It was for me.
Avatar m tn I find that allergic rhinitis uses up zinc big time (75mg/day to repair mucous membranes) and zinc is important for the thyroid (to prevent hypothyroid, although it is not the only necessary nutrient). When I took zinc to make my allergies bearable (big relief of the allergies) it caused tinnitus. The reason, I believe, if that I have already verified that my thyroid cannot turn off properly (which implicates a copper deficiency according to www.ithyroid.
Avatar f tn Low vitamin D causes hypo-like symptoms, while both copper and zinc are necessary for the metabolism of thyroid hormone. Elevated fasting glucose, indicates insulin resistance/prediabetes. That high cholesterol is a dead giveaway for hypo. Next time you get blood work done, you should ask for a selenium test, too. Selenium is has been shown to help with the conversion of FT4 to FT3; but of course, you need to get your FT4 levels up, so you have enough to convert.
Avatar m tn Since serum levels are the sum of both natural thyroid hormone and thyroid med, only when TSH is suppressed enough to no longer stimulate natural thyroid hormone production, will serum thyroid levels reflect further increases in thyroid medication. So taking thyroid med adequate to relieve hypo symptoms usually results in a suppressed TSH. Unfortunately most doctors interpret a suppressed TSH as hyperthyroidism and want to reduce med dosage. This is wrong.
Avatar f tn [10,11,14,15] But zinc should not be supplemented without the guidance of a nutritionist or physician, because a balance needs to be maintained between zinc and copper. People in the autistic spectrum tend to be low in zinc and high in copper. But if one is not autistic, supplementing zinc without copper can create a copper deficiency, and create unintended side effects. [16,17]" Of course there are lots of other possible contributors.
Avatar f tn Zinc is a mineral and as such is water soluable (your body takes what it needs and excretes the rest), and it is also good for your baby, so if you're not feeling well, go ahead and use those lozenges. Hope you feel better soon.
Avatar m tn Pyroluria is managed in part by restoring vitamin B6 and zinc. The type of replacement therapy is very important as zinc must be provided in an efficiently absorbed form. Vitamin B6 is also available in several forms. Both zinc and B6 supplementation need to be directed by the doctor as too much can be toxic, use of the wrong form will be ineffective, and avoiding competing minerals and supplements may be necessary.
Avatar f tn Elevated TSH with normal labs is called subclinical hypothyroidism. There may or may not be any hypothyroid symptoms with this lab result. Exercising, eating better and correcting any deficiency states might see the TSH come down. I'd say retest in say 6 months. I have read you may become sensitive to foods you eat it often but if you stop eating those foods for some time you might be able to tolerate them again.
Avatar n tn There are actually two sources. The thyroid gland produces and releases into the blood, thyroid hormone in a ratio that is approximately 20 to one, T4 to T3. Then as you mentioned, the body also converts T4 to T3. Your doctor believes that Total T4 and Total T3 tests provide a more complete picture. I have seen an argument that said that Total T4 was important because that tells whether there is even enough thyroid hormone to work with.
Avatar f tn I've been having heart palpatations for years! These seem to come and go. I've been to a cardiologist for testing and have been told I'm Afib. Recently my PCP tested my thryoid and it came back that I have low level thyroid. I went to an Endo and she confirmed I have Hashimoto's disease. I too, like many of you who have posted, am afraid to go to sleep at night for fear I won't wake up in the morning because my heart palpatations are off the hook wild at times.
Avatar n tn as I read about the study reported in the British Journal of Dermatology about using oral zinc for recalcitrant warts. but my doctor told me no that hes never heard of that and too much zinc is dangerous..the clinical trial they used up to 600mg of zinc a day..but Fourteen of the 23 zinc-treated patients had complete remission of their warts after one month of treatment. Complete clearance of warts was noted in 20 patients after two months...NO ONE in the Placebo group showed ANY improvements..
Avatar m tn It's incorrect that TSH doesn't fluctuate; it can actually fluctuate up to 70-75% over the course of a single day. That doesn't mean, of course, that you don't have a problem, particularly, since you've tested positive for thyroid antibodies AND you have symptoms that often accompany, both, Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism... The problem is that your doctor is, apparently, only testing TSH, which is a pituitary hormone and does not tell the whole story.
Avatar f tn ) I saw a complementary therapist a few months ago and she asked me to do a zinc taste test. She put some zinc solution in tap water, mixed it and asked me to hold it in my mouth for 30 seconds to see if I could taste any zinc. I just tasted plain water and when I told her she said I was low in zinc. I wondered if it was possible to confirm with a blood test or if a zinc taste test is evidence enough then I'll forgo the blood test for zinc.
988694 tn?1332359479 Patients with nephrotic syndrome may lose thyroid hormone in their urine and require higher doses of levothyroxine. And several drugs increase the metabolism of levothyroxine and patients starting these medications may require a higher dose: dilantin, carbamezine (Tegretol), phenobarbitol, and rifampin. ______________________________ You might also find interesting the response I got from a good thyroid doctor when inquiring about a somewhat similar situation with another Forum member.