Stress test images

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Avatar n tn The imediate post-stress myocardial images show defect in the antero-apical and apical walls of the left ventrical. The overall size of the defect is small. Resting images show nearly complete normalization of these perfusion defects. In addition, prominent breast tissue attenuation artifact was noted. The patient had appropriate HR response, and appropriate BP response. Negative for chest pain, mildly positive for ischemic ECG changes, and negative for significant arrhythmia.
Avatar m tn Almost all of the material I have read, do the stress test/treadmill then rest, then scan. When I had my test I was given cardiolite then rested then was scanned. After a short while I was given the treadmill test and was injected with more cardiolite. Then rested for a relatively short period then scanned again. Why the difference in procedure and does it make any difference?
1491262 tn?1288413065 my husband just had a nuclear stress test he has to go back to the dr. Wednesday , they said he had some blockage and they saw a place on his heart they want to check out he has had triple bypass and had a heart attack last year . they want to do some kind of dye test now what could this mean ? and what might the dr. do im trying to understand all of this .
Avatar f tn My husband just received his results from recent stress test. (He is 36 y/o. Father had first double bypass at 37 and died at 56, so there is a family history of heart issues.) Stress spect cardiolite images decreased cardiolite uptake in anterior and inferior walls. Spect cardiolite scan was positive for moderate amount of ischemia of anterior and inferior walls. Comments: 1. Anterior defect/possible soft tissue/breast attenuation artifact, 2.
Avatar f tn When using EKG and blood pressure monitoring alone the test is variously called a cardiac stress test, exercise stress test, exercise treadmill test, exercise tolerance test, stress test or exercise ECG test. Heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, EKG, and how tired you feel are monitored during the test.
Avatar n tn s why they are doing the cath. I have no blockages yet have EF 17% and stress test images show severe damage and restricted perfusion. If it is a blockage, and they can stent it, you should be pretty much back to "normal" shortly after. Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor. Do not rely on my opinion or advise. Consult a licensed professional. Batteries not included. Some assembly required. Oh, and just for fun, ask your cardiologist if his work comes with a lifetime warranty!
Avatar n tn My nuclear stress test results were as follows ver batim. I do not know what it means, are the results acceptable, good very good etc. What does this say about the blood flow to the heart muscle ? "injection of Myoview nuclear tracer & resting images obtained excercised on a treadmill for 5 min 34 sec. to 10.
Avatar f tn Myocardial perfusion imaging shows normal tracer uptake on the resting images. Stress images show a new small midly revesible defect in teh anterior wall. This appears consistent with a small amount of anterior reversible ischemia. However, shifting soft tissue/breast attenuation cannot be excluded. Gated analysis shows normal systolic function and wall motion with ejection fraction of 66%.
Avatar m tn Stress images show a medium to large sized perfusion defect of moderate to high severity involving the apex, leteral and inferior wall. There is no evidence of reversibility of the apical inferior wall shile evidence of good reversibility is noted over the other mentioned defects on rest images.
Avatar m tn Myocardial images acquired following exercise demonstrate a small sized perfusion defect of mild severity in the inferior region of the left ventricle. The rest images reveal complete reversibility in this region. Stress images also reveal a mild decrease of tracer uptake in the anterior area of the apex. The rest images are unchanged in this region. Cavity dilatation is not present. Systolic myocardial thickening and wall motion at rest are normal on gated imaging.
Avatar f tn Can someone please help me understand my recent Stress test findings: Images show mild intensity small-sized defect, located in the distal anterior and apical wall. Rest images show no change of the defect compared to the stress images. This defect suggests infarction vs. artifact in the wall. Gated SPECT imaging demonstates abnormal septal motion of the distal anterior and apical wall. The left ventricular ejection fraction was calculated to be 56%.
Avatar f tn My rx says adenosine nuclear stress test. Adenosine is used in lieu of exercise.
1076228 tn?1256348980 However, comparing the trace elements injected at rest at during the high heart rate period of the stress test may show that there is a blockage of an artery and during exercise, your heart is not getting enough blood in parts of it. The cath will give the doctor specific answers. I'd try to stress about it, but the period of time after a stress test and before a cath is always a worrisome time, I've gone through that a number of times.
Avatar n tn This was the findings from a stress test and mycocardial perfusion test that were done. Please explain to me in laymen terms, am I okay? I just wanna make sure. Postress SPECT images demonstrate a small zone of mildly diminished activity in the distal anteroseptal wall. A mild defect persists in the distal anterior wall on the rest examination.
Avatar n tn t agree on why I did so well on the stress test. Q. Can some one do this well on a stress test, ie 13.5 minutes and still have major heart problems? What's next?
Avatar m tn Ok I had a nuclear and regular stress test seems I have different are some results..says LEFT VENTRICULAR is slightly dilated ?? TID RATIO is 1.2 and my DUKE SCORE - 14(HIGH RISK) so how can they says its normal ? I exercise very hard 6 days a week being a pro athlete 38yrs old,and I do have GRAVES DISEASE,only on 5mg of TAPAZOL.SO AM I in any danger ?? not sure what to do ? (and last few months by blood pressure has been high) weird part is I can exercise at a great pace...??
Avatar m tn images (inferior wall, septum, apex), improved perfusion on stress images with persistent defect at the apex - fixed apical defect consistent with infarct scar, apical akinesia.....It seems the tests (1 and 3) indicate a prior myocardio infraction (heart attack) and heart cell necrosis (not viable). Your ejection fraction is within the normal range (normal is 50-70%) and indicates your heart's contractility strength has the ability to pump 59% of the heart's filling capacity.
Avatar m tn Yes which is why cardiologists in the UK generally use it to back up previous tests. Its main function here is to see if there is any dead heart muscle.
Avatar f tn I am new here. I am 44 and overweight, never smoked. Have had a lot of brain surgeries for Chiari Malformation/Hydrochepalus. Recently I have had shortness of breath...and so test showed low oxygen saturation upon exherstion. Test of lung were unremarkable...except for a "floppy" trachea that collapse by 50% on exhaling. Just has a chemical stress test done and am waiting to see a cardiologist on Friday.
Avatar n tn She was the 4th person to have the test on this equipment. According to the results stress images reveal a large sized perfusion abnormality of moderate to severe intensity in the lateral and anterolateral walls . Stress images also showed a medium sized perfusion abnormality of mild to moderate intensity in the interoseptal and inferiolateral walls. Grade V stage. Gated SPECT revealed abnormal left ventricular function with an ejection fraction of 36%.
Avatar f tn I had a nuclear stress test & they found "mild ischemia in the inferior apical area" with an ejection fraction of 75%-I am symptomatic with angina and SOB & take toprol xl and imdur but still have some symptoms-what does the stress test mean in laymans terms-thanks
Avatar n tn I recieved my results but no explanation of them.One part says stress images demonstrated a small area of mid and basal inferior perfusion defect extending into the basal inferoseptal wall.At rest there was partial reversibility in this defect. What?Is this as bad as it sounds?
Avatar m tn Greater activity is seen in the septum both on rest and stress images. Mild decreased activity is noted anterolaterally in the mid cavity region. No definite reversible scinticgraphic abnormalities are noted to identify myocardial ischemia. Thanks in advance.