Stress reduction specialist

Common Questions and Answers about Stress reduction specialist


Avatar f tn Where do you live? Typically, you would consult with the doctor who prescribed the Ativan. Is your PCP Rx'ing it, or a specialist?
Avatar m tn Sleep therapy along with sleep hygiene (avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco as well as stress reduction) in due course of time helps the patient get proper night sleep. Your doctor may advise you some Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which might improve your sleep. The different approaches used are stimulus control, sleep restriction, relaxation therapy, psychotherapy and maintaining sleep hygiene. You are taught not to read, watch TV, or do anything else in bed.
Avatar n tn // If you stick to one post the community members can follow you easier and help you.
Avatar m tn Iodine is often used. Stress reduction, as with most health problems, is essential. Nutritional support and stress reduction are all some need. What about T3? Some folks feel better with a small dose of T3. T3 alone or with antidepressants may help in depression. And some respond best to Armour Thyroid, which has both T4 and T3 (from ground up pig thyroids). The use of T3 is controversial because most studies show little benefit. The studies, however, are inconclusive.
Avatar n tn Reduction of the types of movements that trigger or worsen dystonia, reduction of stress, plenty of rest, moderate exercise, and relaxation techniques do help to reduce the symptoms. Sedation of brain, blocking nerve communications with the muscles via drugs, neuro-suppression or denervation are the latest treatment modalities but they have many adverse effects and risks. Please consult a neurologist to discuss the treatment plan. Hope this helps you. Take care and regards!
Avatar n tn Also, you might go to a dentist specializing in TMJ disorders or a maxillofacial specialist, because a problem with the jaw is strongly suspect with headache on the side with jaw pain. Do you clench or grind your teeth when you sleep? I'm a clencher myself and I have both joints with arthritis and joint disc dislocations, with one of them out of place even when I open my mouth (called without reduction, I believe).
Avatar f tn m back to day one and I feel a slight numbness and swelling. Am I heading back to my dentist for a 3rd time? Do I need to see a specialist?
Avatar f tn I recently had a cardiopulmonary stress test done, and I'm having a hard time interpreting the chart/summary. Is it ever okay to have a drop in blood pressure with an increase in speed/grade?
Avatar f tn Anyone else had a breast reduction in the past and have breast fed since then? I had a reduction about 9 years ago and I am wondering if it would still be possible to breast feed since that is what we are really wanting to do.
Avatar m tn Hello~One culprit that my naturopath shared was a weakened immune system and also weak adrenal glands. I had lots of food allergies when younger, mine were due to stress and over-worked adrenals. I took a good, high potency B complex and this seemed to help.
Avatar f tn I had a myocardial profusion scan awhile back but did not complete the resting part due to very bad reaction to radioactive tracer.It said" there was a reduction in the tracer uptake within the septum proximally and also within the anterior wall in the region of mid ventricle.gated acquisition shows no thickening or motion abnormality.
Avatar f tn Diet, stress reduction and exercise are definitely key to controlling this condition, re-establishing hormone balance and fertility. If seeing a naturopathic doctor is an option where you live that would be the route to go to get expert guidance on managing PCOS without drugs. I work with PCOS women all the time to regulate periods and have healthy pregnancies, it can be done without drugs or IVF.
Avatar f tn Am Due The 31st Friday. Why Are You Getting Induced ? I Haven't Seen My Specialist Because Every time I Go Go The Clinic His Never Their , And I Don't Like The Hospital Their Sending Me To , Going To Another One Garfield. I Was Tould By That Doctor He Wants Me To Have It Normal Until My Water Brakes. But That Was Long Time Ago Don't Know If Am Open Yet Or Not.
Avatar m tn You should try to reduce your stress. There are no medication for this. Some doctors suggest PDT therapy. Dr. O.
Avatar n tn Unfortunately the neurologist has it backwards or there is a miscommunication. Going off of the disc when you close is by far the most common of internal derangements of the TMJoint. You should never go 'off' (dislocation) of you disc at any time during jaw function. Scottma is correct with his assessment. The reasons for the disc displacement can be a result of trauma, direct or from hyperactivity of chewing muscles. Can be posture related which I believe is the most common cause.
Avatar f tn 6 yrs ago i had a lift/reduction so this really freaked me out. To make a long story short when i went for a mamogram it was actually that my left breast had shrunk. A LOT. i know your thinking how could i not notice but i was too focused on the larger breast. By the way it was the same size it had always been. My left breast is about the size and feel of a baseball. A cup size smaller than the other.
Avatar m tn These tests look at completely different things, so yes. Its alot to break down but basically.. Stress tests look at electricity and wall motion. Ct angiograms look at blood flow. Contrast mri and nuclear medicine looks at perfusion (how well muscles soak up blood). So you can have a 48% reduction in blood flow, resulting in a 68% reduction in pumping action/wall motion and a 20% loss of perfusion all in 1, yes.
Avatar f tn Helli all I'm 21 weeks with my second I had a breast reduction after my first and was wondering if anyone had or knows anyone who had one and if they were able or not to breast feed?
Avatar n tn Sleep therapy along with sleep hygiene (avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco as well as stress reduction) in due course of time helps the patient get proper night sleep. You should also not read or watch TV while in bed and go to bed only when you feel very sleepy. The other treatment options available are bright light therapy and chronotherapy. Your doctor may advise you some Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which might improve your sleep.
Avatar m tn I also recently saw a great reduction in my appetite, which may or may not be, due to the stress. The past few days I further lost 1,5 kg despite trying to eat a lot to see whether it's from limited food intake and my symptoms continue. I am extremely worried since my web researches strongly point to liver or pancreas cancer, even though it's not statistically likely that I have such a disease. Often, this stress further aggravates some of my symptoms.
Avatar m tn I also recently saw a great reduction in my appetite, which may or may not be, due to the stress. The past few days I further lost 1,5 kg despite trying to eat a lot to see whether it's from limited food intake and my symptoms continue. I am extremely worried since my web researches strongly point to liver or pancreas cancer, even though it's not statistically likely that I have such a disease. Often, this stress further aggravates some of my symptoms.
Avatar n tn reducing the amount of reaction to stress is usually accomplished by meditation or stress reduction in the individual, but for a pharmeceutical treatment, most doctors turn to SSRI's. These drugs increase the amount of seratonin in the brain, and this reaction has the side effect of making you less emotive and therefore less "stressable." Again....very good question.
Avatar f tn Much of the advertising with statins describe a 36% risk reduction in heart attacks. This is a relative risk reduction. The absolute risk reduction is a decrease from a 3% risk to a 2% risk. In practical terms, this means that in men under the age of 65 with pre-existing heart disease, 100 (the NNT- Number Needed to Treat) have to take a statin for 3 years to prevent 1 heart attack. The other 99 men receive no benefit.
410475 tn?1262942367 Personally I would risk 75mg/day reduction while above 150mg/day, but stick to 37.5mg/day reduction for each step down from 150mg/day. When it comes to antidepressants, always get doctor advice before implementing a reduction program. As always, my comments do not constitute doctor's advice --- always see a doctor before changing any medication for stress or depression.
Avatar n tn Emerging research suggests that anticonvulsants, SSRIs and other anti-depressants show some promise in the reduction of chronic headaches. Due to my desire to avoid exaserbating either permenently or temporarily my chronic tinnitus I a fearful of the anti-convulsant and SSRI drug classes. I have heard that (according the wikipedia) a medication called Mirtazapine may be helpful for both anxiety and chronic headaches of numerous etiologies. What would you suggest were you in my position.
Avatar f tn I am 4 weeks after coblation turbinate reduction. No allergies (had 2 times skin tests) and sinus issues (as far as I know). My turbinates were enlarged during the nights only, during the days, when I am up, I can breathe. When I am laying down always one of my sides is clogged. So, 4 weeks after the coblation I feel pretty much the same- always one of my nostrils is stuffed during the night. When I am up, I am o.k. as before.
Avatar f tn Your condition may be disc disploacement without reduction or anchored disc phenomenon. Seeing a tmj specialist is advised.
Avatar f tn Sleep therapy along with sleep hygiene (avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco as well as stress reduction) in due course of time helps the patient get proper night sleep. The other treatment options available are bright light therapy and chronotherapy. Your doctor may advise you some Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which might improve your sleep. The different approaches used are stimulus control, sleep restriction, relaxation therapy, psychotherapy and maintaining sleep hygiene.