Stomach ulcer symptoms duodenal

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach ulcer symptoms duodenal


Avatar m tn Do you have a family history of duodenal ulcer. Duodenal ulcer can also be caused by alcohol, nicotine,caffeine,tobacco, taking NSAID's aspirin, brufen e.t.c. The most common cause is the infection with H.Pylori. Does the pain cause you to wake up in the midnight. About fifty percent of patients with duodenal ulcers awake during the night with pain, usually between midnight and three a.m. Duodenal ulcers respond well to treatment, so relax and get yourself checked.
Avatar f tn Prevacid are often taken together to eradicate Helicobacter Pylori, a bacterial infection that can lead to stomach and duodenal ulcers. A tender stomach is very common with peptic ulcer, either duodenal or gastric.
Avatar f tn I started having GERD/acid reflux symptoms that popped up out of nowhere one day, close to a year ago. I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer, based off of symptoms, about 8 months ago. I completed my antibiotics and have been taking Prilosec since. The pain is slightly better...less intense gnawing pain and my stomach is less tender to the touch.
Avatar f tn Has anyone here ever had a duodenal ulcer? If so, can you describer the pain and location of the pain? I'm starting to wonder if my right sided, undiagnosed, pain is potentially from a duodenal ulcer. I've read the symptoms, and they seem to fit my pain, but at the same time they don't. I know, that's a bit confusing. I have an endoscopy scheduled for tomorrow, so this will tell me either way, but I just wanted some personal input.
494010 tn?1209479957 Pain is so generic that its so hard to tell. He could have an Ulcer (duodenal). He should have some other tests run like an MRI and a colonoscopy. A gastroenterologist is your best bet to find an answer. A GP is not a good idea. Someone who specializes in the stomach and intestinal area is a better bet for a quick resolve. A GP would probably refer you anyway. Unless your insurance instructs you otherwise, I would skip the middle man and go right for the main doctor.
Avatar f tn Peptic ulcers can be in the stomach or in the intestines called a duodenal ulcer. I have had one of each (lucky me). Sometimes they will do an endoscopy to find the little sore in the lining and sometimes they will just treat for it. Here's info on peptic ulcers.
Avatar m tn Pain in duodenal area (slightly right from the middle of upper stomach) is mostly from duodenal ulcer. Avoid anything acidic: fruits, fruit juices, vitamin C, aspirin (!!), vinegar, wine, also spices, alcohol, caffeine. Some say, that black tea helps in pain.Have frequent small portions, when you eat. If it really is ulcer, it can be diagnosed only with gastroduodenoscopy, and then treated with appropriate drugs.
Avatar f tn Yes, you can still have an ulcer. Your symptoms could be an ulcer. I had a duodenal ulcer (In the intestines) and the pattern was a little similar to yours. I didn't want to eat though because it burned after. Anyway, lifestyle choices can be related such as drinking alcohol. Or if you take a lot of OTC pain relievers like ibuprofen. My ulcer was caused by biliary reflux. I had lots of tests but finally an endoscopy found it. Going to a gastroenterologist will be a good idea.
Avatar f tn Intermittent pain in the region you describe could be due to gall bladder, liver, or duodenal issues. A duodenal ulcer and resultant acidity can cause this type of pain, especially since pregnancy is known to aggravate it. Along with it, you can at times feel a fullness of stomach after oily or spicy meal and maybe a heart burn too. Discuss this with your PCP. You may need medication and diet changes if this is diagnosed to be a duodenal ulcer. Hope this helps.
Avatar n tn Stomach pain that comes on right side after eating can be due to duodenal ulcer, liver infection, pancreatic infection, gall stones or gall bladder infection. Take Omeprazole empty stomach in morning and an antacid gel at bedtime. Refrain from smoking, alcohol, fuzzy drinks and spicy food. Consult a doctor. Hope this helps. Take care!
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer, based off of symptoms, about 8 months ago. I completed my antibiotics and have been taking Prilosec since. The pain is slightly better...less intense gnawing pain and my stomach is less tender to the touch. But I'm still having GERD symptoms - burning abdomen, stomach tender to the touch when poked, acid reflux, lump in throat, burning up back of throat, excessive belching and gas..
Avatar n tn Hi All, I am a 30 year old male suffering from obssessive thoughts, I had a stomach ulcers 6 years back and i use Rabeprazole 20 mg daily as a maintenance therapy, My GP suggested escitalopram (Lexapro 10mg) daily, after 2 weeks using the medicine i feel much better and my thoughts have come down, however 2 weeks into the medication i started having severe stomach burning sensation especially in the upper stomach behind the breast bone and the center of the rib cage, i recognise its the same fee
Avatar n tn Gastric pain is more in the middle, if it was gastric ulcus, it would be worse with acidic food, aspirins. If it was duodenal ulcer, it would be more on the right, and worse on empty stomach and at night. Ulcers often go with heartburn and burping. Antacids would help at least a little in ulcer. Can you list some additinal symptoms, when they started, any nausea, chenge in bowel habit or stool color...?
Avatar f tn Hi, dyspepsia is a vague discomfort in the upper abdomen or chest that may be described as gas,a feeling of fullness, gnawing,or burning. This can occur with peptic ulcer disease. Peptic ulcer pain is usually a burning pain. They commonly occur in the stomach and duodenum. Stomach ulcers cause pain on eating and duodenal ulcers cause pain on fasting (2-3 hrs after eating). Peptic ulcers are eroded areas in the lining of the digestive tract usually in the stomach and duodenum.
Avatar m tn Lots of treatments for ulcers. When I had a duodenal ulcer many many years ago my doc told me to do transcendental meditation. Never had another problem with it all the years since, even though I suffer from anxiety. There are also natural treatments for ulcers, including DGL, aloe vera juice, cayenne, licorice, slippery elm, just to name a few. The important thing is, if it's not currently bleeding, would be to see a naturopath to help with this.
Avatar m tn Hello, The pain and discomfort in the lower left part of the stomach could be due to peptic ulcer disease. Peptic ulcer pain is usually a burning pain. They commonly occur in the stomach and duodenum. Stomach ulcers cause pain on eating and duodenal ulcers cause pain on fasting (2-3 hrs after eating). Peptic ulcers are eroded areas in the lining of the digestive tract usually in the stomach and duodenum.
Avatar m tn Hi, burning pain is usually due to peptic ulcer disease and it can be referred to the back. They commonly occur in the stomach and duodenum. Stomach ulcers cause pain on eating and duodenal ulcers cause pain on fasting (2-3 hrs after eating). Peptic ulcers are eroded areas in the lining of the digestive tract usually in the stomach and duodenum. The two common causes for this are: infection with helicobacter pylori and use of nonsteroidal anti inflammatory medications (NSAID).
Avatar f tn Duodenal injury is a knowm complication of Laparosocpic surgery but I dont think one should blame the doctor because some times it is a old gase of gall stone with lots of adhesions and inflammation and rarely stone pressure and ischemia cases a fistula (opening) between gall bladder and duodenum (NOT ULCER AS STATED BY YOUR DOCTOR). A perfoartaed ulcer getting sealed by gall bladder (instead of omentum) is highly unlikely probablity.
Avatar m tn Does the pain get worse after you eat? It sounds like you have some of the symptoms of a duodenal ulcer. Try over the counter Prevacid or Prilosec, then also, make an appointment with a Gastroenterologist. I had some of the same symptoms and went to a Gastroenterologist and had an EGD (endoscopy) where a scope was used to look at my stomach to see what was going on and it was as I ulcer. You may need to have the same test...don't worry you'll be sedated.
Avatar f tn m pretty sure it is used to treat stomach and duodenal (intestinal) ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). That might point you in the right direction. Sounds like you should still see your GP though.
Avatar m tn In August, I started getting these strange abdominal pains. Almost like a sharp, yet dull gnawing pain around my bellybutton area, never excruciating by any means but just gnawing. I never woke up with pain and it always started hurting right around lunchtime. I went to the doctor and he ran a blood test to check everything, including my liver, kidney, etc functions as well as any food allergies. I also had an ultrasound performed to check for ulcers or a hernia and nothing was found.