Stomach pains sign of pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pains sign of pregnancy


Avatar n tn I am 39 weeks my due date is Thursday ( thanksgiving ) but for the past couple nights around the same time right before bed I get these sharp pains in my stomach and feel really nauseous , can that mean labor is near or something ? I was one cm on Wednesday. I get contractions but they aren't steady but all day today I've had stomach pains like a sharp pain in the middle and lower part of my stomach .
Avatar n tn Went to ER last night for cramping, stomach pains and back pain.. I thought for sure that I was miscarrying but it turned out that I had a UTI. They put me on antibiotics and sent me home. My hcg level on monday was 5000 and when they took it at the hospital it was 21000. I thought it should have been higher.. Then also did a transvaginal ultra sound and saw a sac that measured 5 weeks and 5 days and the yolk sac was 1mm..
Avatar f tn The pains could be a sign of ovulation. Its unlikely to get pregnancy symptoms so quickly after intercourse. Things to look out for would be implantation bleeding about 10 days after will look like spotting. Or if you miss your period take a test. Ad then confirm the test in 24 hours! Good luck!
Avatar f tn My first pregnancy I kept thinking that I was but there is a whole new level of pain that comes then just the tightening of your stomach. I also felt like I was going to go #2 but couldn't go.
Avatar f tn most likely you are just experiencing one form of pain associated with the end of pregnancy, things become more uncomfortable and painful. with my daughter i had my hopes up for two weeks before because of all these pains. one time it turned out being a bladder infection. i ended up going into labor three days late! You will feel the difference because the labor pains start out as a dull period cramp that continues to get worse.
1522952 tn?1301492670 It's possible, but it's difficult to say. Abdominal cramping isn't usually a sign of symptom of pregnancy. Neither is fainting. If it's been at least two weeks you can take a pregnancy test with first morning urine. If it comes back negative, wait a week or so and retest. You can also make a doctors appointment and discuss with them what the problem could be.
Avatar f tn Brown discharge is usually old blood the body is expelling, but if it is unprotected then it can also be a sign of an STD/STI depending on the symptoms that come with it. Have you and your partner been tested? It can also sometimes mean a sign of pregnancy. It won't matter how frequently you have had unprotected sex, nor how long it went on for, whether it was 1 second or 1 hour. Pre-Ejaculation contains trace amounts of sperm which can get a female pregnant.
Avatar f tn lets c what happens. is a gassy stomach also included in a early sign of preganncy i am having diff sign everyday but still donno if i am or no.
Avatar f tn This is my first pregnancy and I'm not sure what to expect and I'm having sharp pains in my lower stomach and I'm afraid it's my baby. I'm 13 weeks and the sharp pains are only on one side. Could it be my baby or something else? And if it is from my baby is it a bad sign or....? Help!
Avatar f tn Yes. The average length of a first pregnancy is just about 41 weeks.
Avatar n tn I had really bad cramping with my son early in pregnancy it brought me to tears it was so bad, it was just stretching pains, but you should go to your doctor and check to make sure the pains are not a sign of an ectopic pregnancy
1080032 tn?1326414386 At first i thought it was a sign of me getting my period but i still havent gotten it and really dont even feel it coming on... could these stomach pains be a sign of pregnancy..or am i def not bc the test was negative??
Avatar f tn As your stomach stretches your prone to round ligament pain and your uterus can often advance forward cause pain or pressure in you vagina. All normal part of pregnancy unfortunately. Tylenol can help and make sure your staying plenty hydrated. Rest also can ease the symptoms.
Avatar f tn I'm 15+6 and keep having stomach pains I had a constant pain on the left side of my stomach all day yesterday is this normal 1st pregnancy after 3 m/c
Avatar n tn Hi mommies...I in 34thweeks of pregnancy...But the baby bump hv go down...Is it sign of labour... Hoping mommies Will share some experience...
Avatar n tn I've been having stomach ache pains for about 6 days or so now, accompanied with diahrrea (yay!!) But I haven't had nausea, vomiting, or fever. So I'm not sure if it's a virus or potentially preterm labor - don't even know if that's even a sign of labor. I'm 29 weeks pregnant with my first baby, so i really have no clue what to expect or make of this. Im sure new moms can relate ;) Has anyone had anything similar to this? Thanks!!!
Avatar m tn I agree---sharp stomach pains is not usually a sign of pregnancy---sounds more like gas bubbles. There can be some sharp type pains in the low abdomen, in the area of the uterus, as it begins adjusting (getting ready for a lot of stretching). I had two of those, one quick on one evening, and one the next afternoon. It was my first suspicion. Some people call it implantation pain. It is usually accompanied by a mild persistent "crampiness" but not full on cramps.
Avatar f tn the mother of my child is having very shape pains and she is only 5-6 months is it bad should i worry
Avatar f tn I have the same pains with my first pregnancy they're called ligament stretching painsI had them a few times during my pregnancy my Dr had me using a heating pad on Low
Avatar n tn Yesss! I mean you get all kinds of pains in pregnancy. really isn't for the weak haha!
Avatar f tn The first time nothing went wrong just alittle soreness in the morning. But the second time which was two days ago about ten minutes after I got stomach pains that seemed alot like cramps but a litttle worse. Are cramps after sex common? Is it possible I could be preganet?
Avatar f tn I have never had this happen with my last pregnancy. I had a little tiny bit of spotting and that was it. I am very worried and nervous about this. Can someone please help me through this tough time and let me know if I should be concerned or if they think this is a miscarriage or something please. I have expierenced cramping, and stomach pains since the night before. I am very confused, and stressing out about this.
Avatar n tn I'm 5 weeks 3 days pregnant today and my lower left side of my abdomen keeps getting a hard ball in it and its the side that cramps the most...also I felt it in my stomach last night and this morning. Is this normal? I've had alot of problems in my past pregnancy and I had a miscarriage so every little thing is freaking me out. Thankss.
Avatar f tn I'm 14 weeks and I have been having a small amount of stomach pains. I keep reading this is normal because my ligaments etc are stretching and baby is anyone else experincing this and if so how much or where is your pain? I'm kinda nervous since this is my 4th pregnancy and this is the furthest I have gotten.
433412 tn?1232554456 i only got my scan at 7 weeks because I was bleeding. My first doctors appointment was set for 10 weeks and I dont think I would have been scanned then. It is odd that you are 14 weeks with no scan though. Were you offered the downs test? That should have been at 12 weeks. Anyway, it does sound like ligiment pains.
Avatar f tn I'm almost 9 weeks and I'm having terrible stomach pains. I'm extremely nauseated most of the time. My stomach is huge and it hurts to touch. I'm tired of eating crackers and they aren't really helping. With the exception of lettuce, I'm puking up everything. I don't go to the doc until Thursday. Is this kind of pain normal?