
Stages of death signs

Common Questions and Answers about Stages of death signs


Avatar f tn I am going to have a fibroscan in a couple of weeks and i am expecting to have advanced liver fibrosis and ciarrhosis (not sure if thats spelt right)! I have heard of ciarrhosis measured in terms of 'stages', can anyone give me any infomation on what the stages mean so that i can be a little prepared for my appointment?
Avatar n tn Seizure activity and signs of neurological problems are common in dogs that are in the end stages of kidney failure due to the buildup of toxins in the body, so it's entirely possible that what you observed was the result of the kidney failure.
Avatar f tn Luckyyy! I believe we're due the same day! Ive been losing pieces of my mucus plug but no blood. What other signs or pain have you been having?
Avatar f tn I'm living it right now and to be honest, I am aware of 5 to 7 steps or stages of the grief process, but they don't matter, because you survive one day at a time steps, and not time frame, since everyone heals at their own pace. It's been 2 years for me and I do feel better, but I am not yet completely takes a long time.
Avatar n tn 1. Vomiting of blood (caused by varices from increasing blood pressure in the liver and requires IMMEDIATE attention); 2. Swelling, especially of the extremeties, like ankles and legs (called edema); 3. Swelling of the abdomen/sudden weight gain (caused by liver retaining fluid, called ascites); 4. Extreme forgetfulness/confusion or loss of cognition (called encephalopathy); and/or 5. Yellowing of skin or eyes (jaundice).
Avatar n tn Is he on any oxygen? IF he isn't then maybe his extreme tiredness is because his O2 levels are too low. If he is on O2 already, it still could be that he isn't getting enough oxygen. What do his doctors say about this? Also, as his work of breathing increases, he will be more tired as well. I would talk to his doctor about your concerns, maybe he should be re evaluated to make sure that he is getting enough oxygen, perhaps meds need changing etc...Only his doc will know for sure.
1326947 tn?1277294765 Interested in seeing what my report card has to say.Thanks to all of you, I have a list of questions for her. I have never had a liver biopsy have never been jaundiced or any side effects that would have indicated I even had HCV. I had just been monitoting my blood work over the past 34 years. So one of my questions would be when should we consider that unpleasantry.(the biopsy) I appreciate everyones input. It's been extreemly helpful to me.
Avatar f tn Stage 1 is considered a small amount of fibrosis. Stages 2 and 3 is considered a greater amount of fibrosis or scarring meaning the disease has progressed. The more fibrosis the harder it is on the liver to carry out it's functions. As the damage progresses further, many scars can form together, which can lead to stage 4, or cirrhosis.
Avatar n tn In the late stages of syphilis, the disease may subsequently damage the internal organs, including the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints. Signs and symptoms of the late stage of syphilis include difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness, and dementia. This damage may be serious enough to cause death.
Avatar m tn The classification is not based on Chest X-ray findings but occasionally early limited signs of emphysema may be noted. If minimal, they are of little or no consequence functionally but should be taken as a warning sign that if one smokes, he should quit soon. Do not rely on the word of the “lab person who said it looked like early states of emphysema” but, even if his/her interpretation was valid, the key word is “early.” You mention “wheeze”.
1688492 tn?1346364370 breast changes are one of the earlier signs of pregnancy... and yes mine go through stages as well... right now they are sore :( and as far as colostrum goes its best not to express it as that can stimulate it more and you dont want to deal with leaky boobs this early ;) but if by chance they do start to its best to have breast pads on hand just incase... some woman can leak quite a bit before delivery....
526570 tn?1303437221 I was just wondering what it looks like when someone snorts heroine or pain pills, oxy type pills in particular. My bf just got out of jail where he had beem for only 30 days. I know he came home clean. I could tell. I've seem him in various stages over the past year on different drugs. Anyway, I found him in the bathroom. Not quite passed out. I mean he wasnt dead weight on the floor. kinda sittin there. anywoo eh wasnt answering me, his fingers were purple.
8016255 tn?1396293364 s probably common in the US that autopsies are not performed on elderly or chronically ill individuals whose exact cause of death is not known but who obviously died of natural causes. The cause of death can be labeled as something like, "cardiopulmonary arrest" (which does not mean a heart attack; it simply means that the heart and lungs stopped). I believe this may be done in situations in which there does not seem to be any legal or medical need for an autopsy.
Avatar f tn Sometimes an enlargement causes heart failure. In the advanced stages , failure has symptoms of varying degrees. Some people are incapacitated and find it hard to move around, but others can get by ok.
Avatar f tn I am so very sorry about your little dog's passing. I obviously can't tell you what the cause of his death was. Only a necropsy (autopsy) could determine that. I am making an educated guess however, as when you said he had belly contractions, this reminded me of my own dear dog who passed from hemangiosarcoma. She had a massive internal bleed in her last few hours, and kept contracting her belly muscles. I know this was an instinct to try to get something out of her insides.
Avatar f tn I know this seems unrelated but do yall believe in signs? I know for some this may sound dumb.I had this girl name picked out then my bf brothers gf decided she was going to name their lil girl the name (I talked them out of it) then my bfs xwife named hers and my bfs sons new puppy the name (which I got over the fact of her sharing the name with the puppy) but then the puppy died. Now I feel like its a bad omen to name my daughter the name ive always loved...
Avatar f tn It has been known that anti-phsycotic drugs especially risperidone have been known to lengthen the q t interval and cause sudden death also with people with a family history of sudden death( which our sister died of unexplained death(cot death) age 4 months) can heighten the risks of qt prolongation. If this is the wrong forum could someone please tell me where go to next or who can help me with my query.... i'm not looking for an answer but to a possibility.