
Solodyn acne

Common Questions and Answers about Solodyn acne


Avatar n tn Solodyn is used for 'acne' and is NOT known for weight loss with it.
Avatar n tn A few years ago I had a horrible case of acne and was put on the Doryx pill for 3 weeks, wash with Brevoxyl 2x day, morning Tazorac topical and evening Duac topical. This combination cleared up all of my acne and dark spots in a month !!! So after two months I weened myself off of the topicals. Everything was fine. About 2 years later, I had another bad breakout. I have really oily skin, lots of white and blackheads and acne scarring (dark spots) resulted from these pimples.
Avatar n tn I had minimal acne (a pimple here and there). went to Derm just to see if i could get skin as clear as possible, biggest mistake of my life right now. He started me with acanya and then gave epiduo a try (acne became bad on my forehead). Went back to him and he prescribed me epiduo with solodyn. After a few weeks i had tiny red spots on my face and huge pimples. I tried proactive as well and that didnt work.
Avatar f tn My 16 year old daughter is suffering from moderate/severe cystic acne. She has been through several antibiotics with no results. She is currently on Bactrim and due to go back to Dermatologist tomorrow with suggestion of starting Accutane. She woke up with this acne in mid-December and began taking Vyvanse a few weeks before. Could there be any correlation? I don't want to jump into Accutane if Vyvanse could be causing it but she is so self-conscious.
1094941 tn?1264559085 Hi. I went to the dermatologist and he said it was Perioral Dermatitis. I mentioned to him I also had a rash on my hand and some itching on my legs but he didin't say anything about that. He prescribed Solodyn and the Duac gel. I took the Solodyn for a week and had extreme itching so I called the office and was told to stop that med. The duac gel seems to be working well. Now, my problem is that I still have extreme itching on my neck and legs. My neck is awful!
Avatar n tn I know this is bad, but I self prescribed some meds - my kid had it for acne. Solodyn = Minocycline. Been taking it about 3 days. Will that help. Internet said it was good for UTI and clamidia.
Avatar n tn I'm wondering if there's any research supporting a link between solodyn and eye floaters. I was on Solodyn for about 2 months and my vision deteriorated over the same period of time. I have pretty severe floaters that distract me in reading and computer use. Previously a little farsighted but not requiring glasses. Optometrist says the back of my eye looks like "a spiderweb." No retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, etc.
Avatar m tn Have you tried an acne face wash and acne face cream? Did you experience symptoms of depression before your acne problems?
Avatar f tn I’m a 26 year old male and have had acne since I was 12. I have tried so many different medications and treatments but none seem to work long-term and afternoon 14 years of this I am very frustrated and just don’t know what to do. Many of the medications seem to help for a couple of months but then my acne always flares back up.
Avatar f tn 05% a sodium, sulfacetamide 10%, sulfur 5% cleanser, solodyn 55mg pills to control my acne and sunscreen but yet again (surprise surprise) didn't help with the hyper pigmentation. I have fair skin and it makes the hyper pigmentation appear darker than it is because of the contrast. Right now I added kojic acid to my routine and been using it everyday for 3 days but haven't been noticing a big change and I'm not sure if it is working or not.
Avatar m tn I just found out that I am 6-7 weeks pregnant and I took Solodyn 115mg for the first month of my pregnancy! I am really scared that this might have harmed my baby. All the websites say to avoid becoming pregnant while taking Solodyn because it has been shown to cause harm to the human fetus. Has anyone been in this situation?
Avatar n tn That is an antibidoic, which can effect your cylcle. That explains why your period was off. Remember, antibidoics can cancel out your birthcontrol making you more succeptible to becoming pregnant.
Avatar m tn I saw a dermatologist and he said that it was folliculitis and prescribed me solodyn (minocyciline). The sores on my lips usually last a week, but I usually pop them and they are sore, but no blood or pus comes out. They heal and have dissapeared, but for a little redness that you can't really see unless you look closely in the mirror. Is there still a chance that this is herpes?
Avatar n tn Hi. I have been on minocycline since I was 21 (now 29) for acne. I recently went to a new family practice Dr. While I was there he noticed I was on mino and asked how long I'd been taking it. I told him my acne treatment history. He pointed out that my shines were green (look like bruises). He asked how long I'd had those "bruises". I replyed that they'd been there longer then normal. Months maybe.
Avatar f tn If someone had hiv would it take two years or could it have been a reaction to the medication solodyn which does have a side effect of joint pain. I have been tested several times since that encounter and my hiv test even up to febuary when I got sick was negative and the three previous tests before that were negative.
Avatar n tn m using Benzaderm 10% wash with aloe vera, Tazorac and taking solodyn (minocycline) for acne treatment. Do these products irritate perioral dermatits even more? and what do I do about steroid cream? I can't see my derm until next week and I don't know what to put on my face anymore. Please help!!
Avatar n tn ask your doctor about solodyn for the red pimples. they are a type of acne that needs an anti biotic. exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate. also for the jock itch and pubic itch. if you all like the sand and warm areas. it might be scabies. nothing to be ashamed of. it is not becuase you are dirty pa and warm beaches is where these critters live. it is more common than you might think. once they are gone you will have itchy itch that you cannot scratch which is a allergic reaction.
Avatar m tn In February, I got retested again and it came back negative for both. I went to a dermatologist and he prescribed me solodyn (minocycline) for folliculitis and said that most likely that is what it is. Recently I experienced the same bumps on the same side of my lower lip where my lip meets my skin. I went to get it tested today and the doctor did not test for herpes, but said that it most likely was herpes.
Avatar f tn Hi, my name is Toni. I have suffered from cystic acne for over 10 years now. Ironically it began shortly after I started my first job as newly licensed esthetician. I know exactly what is happening but I am powerless in defense. It usually starts as one impacted follicle & within a week or so, erupts below the surface, infecting up to 4 or 5 other follicles, creating a huge painful nodule.
Avatar m tn I recently came off a 3-month long session of Solodyn for a skin condition I was diagnosed with over the summer. Prior to that, I had been on antibiotics for a severe colds, twice and have gotten yeast infections twice due to those antibiotics, so it was inevitable that I was going to get another yeast infection after I finished the Solodyn.
Avatar m tn I have also been on Doxy 100 Mg for about a month now because of bacterial follicilitus on my thighs which does not seem to be working. My derm has put me on Solodyn now, I'm just wondering what test I should take to test for Lyme and if I should stop taking my antibiotics to test for it. Please help.