Sleep benefits

Common Questions and Answers about Sleep benefits


Avatar f tn It's very risky to co-sleep with your baby. There are co-sleeper bassinet things that go on your bed for your baby to sleep in. Maybe look into buying one of those?
Avatar f tn What do u girls do to help u sleep?? I really need some sleep before my grades hit the floor.
1580703 tn?1651904887 I have moderate asthma FEV1 70 and desat to 70% during sleep. hopefully it should help my asthma and sleep apnea but I have a shiley 6 which makes it difficult to breathe This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Respiratory-Disorders/tracheotomy/show/642566">tracheotomy</a>.
Avatar f tn ve already applied for medicaid cash assistance and food card but my sister was telling me i should do some research because given my situation i should qualify for more benefits like free diapers and what not.
Avatar m tn I've been sober for over a year and I sleep a great deal. For instance I took a nap yesterday after work around 7pm and got up around 10pm. Ate dinner and went back to sleep at 1am and got up for a doctors appt at 10am came home at noon and went to sleep and now I'm just getting up again and it's 8pm. I don't feel depressed. On the contrary I am still on the so called pink cloud and feel great. Not overweight. I do this over and over. Is this normal for a recovering alcoholic?
Avatar f tn My dr prescribed trazadone to help me sleep during pregnancy. It is considered Class C, but if you really need sleep medication the benefits outweigh the risks. Talk to your prescribing dr before discontinuing use.
312330 tn?1245176752 For about 3 years I took trazadone to help me sleep. After a while it started to lose its effectiveness, and got to the point where its side effects outweighed its benefits and so I was switched to ambien. I did great with ambien, but my insurance limits for the time I was allowed, I split the dose and even slept well with that's no longer an option because of my insurance, so my doctor put me on temazepam 30mg, but it simply doesn't do anything for me.
Avatar f tn I felt better within a 2 week period. I was more rested, because I was going into the restful stage of sleep. If I don't use my machine, I wake up after about 2-3hrs of sleep. The past 6-8 weeks, I was awake for 24 hrs straight about 2 nights a week. A part of my mask was broken and I had the part sent to me, but it was the wrong one. I finally got a whole new mask. It was more than time. I was lost didn't know what day it was or if it was night or day. Total confusion.
Avatar f tn m finding that maternity leave benefits information is incredibly confusing. I have an appointment with the maternity benefits counselor in the HR department where I work next Tuesday, but I honestly am not even sure I understand enough to ask the right questions and make sure I make good decisions about when and how long to take off of work.
Avatar n tn 1. The belief that everyone must get eight hours of sleep is a myth. People who live the longest sleep 7 hours per night, not eight, so don’t worry about getting 8 hours of sleep. Most people need between 6 and 8 hours of sleep to function effectively during the day. 2. Get out of bed within a half hour of the same time every day, including weekends, no matter how little or poorly you have slept. 3.
Avatar m tn Magnesium benefits? Where should we start? With reduced risk of cognitive decline? Or maybe… * Promotion of strong bones in postmenopausal women * Heart health support * Management of C-reactive protein (a key marker of inflammation) * Maintenance of tooth enamel Clearly, magnesium is a nutrient you don't want to get caught short on. Especially because magnesium has an important type 2 diabetes connection, which in turn has a gallstone connection.
1016618 tn?1420553262 Went and filed for VA Medical benefits today. They said I make to much money but they also said I could file for help cause I was a veteran of the Vietnam era. I was in the Marine Corps from 1972 to 1975. Anyone get any assistance from the VA that is under like circustance?
1016618 tn?1420553262 Went and filed for VA Medical benefits today. They said I make to much money but they also said I could file for help cause I was a veteran of the Vietnam era. I was in the Marine Corps from 1972 to 1975. Anyone get any assistance from the VA that is under like circustance?
Avatar f tn I spent the past week on the phone trying to get my benefits, they wanted my landlord to sign saying where I live and how much rent I pay, my boss to send in unemployment verification, copies of my utility bills, I mean the list went onnnnn. Im applying for food stamps and temporary cash assistance though because I haven't worked in months! The process is so ridiculous, like I had to pay 20 $ at ups to fax in all the paper work! It shouldn't cost me money to get help!
Avatar n tn That depends. Do you have a copy of your sleep study results? If you have mild sleep apnea, there is a possibility a dental device could help, but those are expensive too. Some are helped with surgery, but many find after surgery they still need cpap. Hardly anyone gets used to wearing a mask to breathe in a night or two. Some take weeks and have to try several masks to get one that's right for them. But the benefits from toughing it out till adjusted make it worth the effort...
Avatar f tn iv found pee like 12 times before u lay lay down for bed, get a thick feather down pillow for between your knees and i had an old smooched down body pillow that i put between my legs under my belly n kind of snuggle with it and then 2 blankets that i use to keep my arm up and then another normal pillow on top of it and use a body pillow for my normal pillow. lol i no it sounds crazy but i sleep that way but i still feel tired so if u need to take a nap when u can.
Avatar f tn I was recently told I might have central sleep apnea but not what it involves. I was sent home from the hospital with a temporary cpap and am being scheduled for a sleep study. I am having trouble using the cpap machine. I am afraid to sleep as the doctor did say that with this apnea the brain forgets to tell you to breath. They said my oxygen levels dropped to 64 during the night. I have developed swollen legs, ankles and feet.
12796163 tn?1436135189 They wouldn't prescribe you something unless they felt the benefits outweigh the risks. Maybe Ambien isn't safe earlier in pregnancy while certain systems are developing but becomes safer later on?