Simvastatin efectos secundarios

Common Questions and Answers about Simvastatin efectos secundarios


Avatar n tn Esto ha sido una maravillosa ayuda. Tengo mejor calidad de vida en general. Efectos secundarios muy pocos y manejables. Cariños. Espero les sirva mi respuesta.
Avatar n tn Por favor, tenga en cuenta nPEP implica bastantes pocos efectos secundarios. Mi mejor consejo para usted es consultar a un médico local. Goodluck.
Avatar n tn y Lopinavir 200 mg/ Ritonavir 50 mg. también cada 12 horas. El tratamiento me está causando como efectos secundarios malestar, diarrea, arcadas, hinchazón de estómago, dolor en el lugar del hígado. Lo cual me preocupa pues he sufrido de hígado graso y cada año controlan el estado de mi hígado, y además tomo medicación para el desorden bipolar lo que hace mi hígado aun más sensible.
Avatar f tn Sólo me imagino que el médico, quien le ha estado prescribiendo el tramadol con tanta libertad, debe estar dispuesto a ayudarle a vela y le ayudan con los efectos secundarios de los retiros que se experimentan. No recomendaría detenerlo "cold turkey" como la retirada de ella es esencialmente el mismo que el de los opiáceos. Por lo general toma varias semanas de los síntomas realmente desagradable seguido de varios más de tan sólo el insomnio y debilidad general y la depresión.
1240849 tn?1269509484 En cambio, esa planta que dices, si lo que hace tiene efectos hormonales, yo no la tomaría hasta no estar segura de que tu problema es ese, y eso solo te lo puede decir un médico. A veces nos pensamos que tenemos los abortos porque nos pasa algo o algo no esta bien, y eso solo es así en contadas ocasiones. El resto de veces no nos pasa nada y es simplemente casualidad.
Avatar m tn No confíes en que serás el único habitante que puede controlar los efectos de estos medicamentos en sus terminaciones cerebrales, que tú eres distinto o que sólo es de vez en cuando por favor, no lo creas, no es así. No juegues con fuego y no te quemarás, amigo. Sobre tu pregunta, aqui no nos permiten responder preguntas para pasar análisis pero puedo decirte que varios días, no muchos, en la orina lleva más días que en la sangre.
1881216 tn?1320835314 Si eres una persona a la que le gustan los dulces, podrías recompensarte un día a la semana con una porción de chocolate negro, es el que menos engorda y tiene efectos estupendos, ayuda a la producción de endorfinas, igual que el ejercicio.... Sobre los paseos, a partir de la media hora, es cuando empiezas a quemar grasas.. así que es mejor una hora diaria seguida que repartida, ok ?
Avatar f tn Can someone explain what, if any, evidence there for a switch from simvastatin to pravastatin? My husband's doctor said there is new evidence that simvastatin may be detrimental. Unfortunately, my husband did not quiz him further. He already has one stent in a narrow back artery but he has brought his cholesterol down considerably with the statins.
Avatar m tn Advicor (lovastatin/niacin extended-release), Simcor (simvastatin/niacin extended-release), and Vytorin (simvastatin/ezetimibe).
Avatar m tn curious if stef2011 or studyforhope or StephenCastlecrag know whether simvastatin by itself can reduce viral load? I've read about the effects in conjunction with NUCS but I'm curious if sim is effective alone.
Avatar f tn I have been taking simvastatin for three weeks since having a Tia but have also had a flu like cold for ten days , I am still having aching flu like pains which I would have thought would have passed by now . I don't know if this is a side effect of the drug I'm taking 40mg a day but feel really achy will this pass .
Avatar f tn Zosta -10) also has the same effect as Storvas 10 mg. I have had cholecystectomy about 5 years back.
Avatar f tn I have been taking Simvastatin 20mg for about 2 years, but recently my bad cholesterol has gotten very high to where it is elevated. Now, I admit to not being consistent lately with taking my medication; could this be the cause for my cholesterol to skyrocket?
Avatar m tn The use of simvastatin in the prevention of a malignant liver tumor according to the present invention contemplates the daily administration of an effective amount of simvastatin orally. An effective amount of simvastatin is that amount which provides a decrease in the level of alphafetoprotein to a normal level and which maintains alphafetoprotein at the normal level.
Avatar m tn Warnings and Precautions Because simvastatin can affect the liver, it is used with caution in people who drink more than a moderate amount of alcohol or have a history of liver disease. Simvastatin is not recommended for people with liver disease or high liver enzymes before treatment begins. Possible Symptoms of Liver Problems Several symptoms can occur in someone who develops liver problems while taking simvastatin.
Avatar m tn I've been taking 80 mg simvastatin daily for the last 8 years, will tis be tha cause of an elevated GGT reading of over 350?
Avatar n tn The doctor is switching me to simvastatin which reacted badly with my liver in the past. Aim is to save money. Is it safe to buy Atorvastatin online ?
382218 tn?1341181487 Simvastatin improves final visual outcome in acute optic neuritis: a randomized study Abstract Background: In recent years, small-scale clinical trials have indicated that statins or 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMGCoA) reductase inhibitors exert pleiotropic immunomodulatory effects, with potential therapeutic implications in multiple sclerosis (MS).
428155 tn?1203688894 in New Zealand), which my GP had prescribed me 2 years beforehand to control my cholesterol level. I stopped simvastatin and all fibrillations have disappeared. As I was taking simvastatin, I was in fibrillation 17% of the time; 1 month after I stopped simvastatin, the level was down to 0%. I am now experimenting with alternative cholesterol control methods: Omega 3 gels, ground linseed, charcoal.
Avatar m tn . I am a 62 year old male. I take 40mg simvastatin for cholesterol , also 10mg amlodipine and 40 mg lisinopril for blood pressure . what are side effects? As well as this I have received letter from my Doctor stating that my medication is changing from 40 mg Simvastatin to 10 mg Atorvastatin . .BP and cholesterol is under control. Issues I have in recent years is significant and worsening swelling of ankles and legs , as well as Erectile dysfunction . Is there any better drugs or treatment?