Severe menstrual cramps during pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Severe menstrual cramps during pregnancy


7634325 tn?1394333404 I'm 9 weeks pregnant and have severe cramps similar to those of menstrual cramps. Is this normal? We tried to have sex and it was hurting even more during. Please help.
Avatar f tn I have been getting a lot of egg white stick discharge lately. My pre- menstrual symptoms have always been 1. severe cramps 2. breast tenderness 3. light brown discharge. I haven't experienced any of those for the past 2 weeks except for cramps which are very light ( doesn't cause discomfort) I took a test earlier last week in the evening and got a negative result. Has anyone experienced this and actually turned out pregnant?
Avatar f tn THIS IS WHAT RESERCH HAS SHOWS Cramping during all stages of pregnancy is normal, unless it’s accompanied by severe pain or bleeding. During the earliest stages of pregnancy some women mistake the cramping for their menstrual cycle. This could be due to the fact that they may experience a little spot bleeding too. Spotting and cramping are classic symptoms of implantation, which occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus.
Avatar f tn I am almost 5 weeks pregnant. I have been having cramps that feel like menstrual cramps. I don't have any spotting or anything but it feels like menstrual cramps.. should I be worried? I'm 18 and this is my first pregnancy.
Avatar n tn Menstrual cramps are normal to have and I get severe menstrual cramps on the first day of my period as well. Typically it is just from hormones that causes the cramping, as the surge will cause contractions, making her period painful. Prevention is much better than management for pain. Exercise and eating healthy can help prevent menstrual cramps to a certain point, but won't always get rid of them.
Avatar n tn Hi, There's a long list of issues that can cause abdominal cramps without the presence of a menstrual period, for example: a late or irregular period, pregnancy, stress, indigestion or digestive disorders, an illness, or endometriosis, etc...Menstrual cramps are caused by the uterus contracting when it expels it's lining. For many women cramps can happen 3 to 5 days before a period begins, and also during a period.
Avatar f tn Is it normal to have period like cramps during your pregnancy? Im 13 wks. I had those cramps this passed Monday, it woke me out of my sleep. It really made nervous and i checked to make sure i wasn't bleeding and i wasn't.
Avatar n tn // You can find this in the app by going to the Pregnancy Diary from the home screen and selecting Cramps from the Symptoms menu. Then click the menu bar in the upper left and select Symptoms Manual to see your symptoms. Hope you feel better soon!
Avatar f tn Has anyone experienced menstrual like cramps early in pregnancy? I am almost 6 weeks and have off and on menstrual like cramps anywhere from my sides to my pelvic area. I had an ovarian cyst rupture recently so I was told the pain in my side came from the fluid left around my ovaries and that it would take care of itself. It has been 11 days since the cyst ruptured but I still occasionally have pain.
Avatar n tn These cramps usually begin earlier in the menstrual cycle and last longer than common menstrual cramps.
Avatar f tn Have you had a bowel movement lately? I have this problem all the time where I get severe cramps in my lower abdomen like menstrual cramps but its cuz I haven't been able to go for a few days. Try a warm bath and maybe track bm to make sure they r regular. I know it sounds goofy but I ended up in er a few years back cuz it was so bad. Drink lots of water but still go see dr. Cramping is normal during pregnancy tho. Most of it is your body just stretching out from a growing uterus.
Avatar n tn *Severe* cramping isn't normal during pregnancg.. I have horrendous menstrual cramps but I've never cramped at all when I'm pregnant. It would be worth calling your dr and seeing if they want you to come in.
Avatar f tn Baby hopes is right, cramping is normal but severe cramps (worse them menstrual) with or without bleeding is something you need to speak to you doctor about. just to be on the safe side!
Avatar f tn To me, they didn't feel any different. I was prepared for disappointment because I thought my period was about to come. I don't think every woman feels cramping during implantation, just like every woman does not experience spotting.
Avatar f tn First of all let me say I am deeply sorry for this and I am telling you how sorry I am because I know that people do not really understand what a person with severe menstrual cramps goes through. They see it as "oh...its just your period? well that's a normal part of life" and it is not very nice. I have the same issue as you are outlining and I have had it for years. I am no medical expert so I do not want put any fear in you because each person and their body is different.
Avatar f tn I am 9 weeks and still have menstrual cramps. Bodies have to change a lot during pregnancy!
1395422 tn?1308016251 Risk Factors ***Most things that put you at risk for painful periods are out of your control. You are more likely to have severe menstrual cramps if they run in your family history and/or you had an early puberty (eleven years old or younger). Anatomically (physical make-up of the body) speaking, a backwards tilting of the uterus (a retroverted uterus) and/or a very narrow cervical canal can also play a role. Some things you do have some control over, at least partially.
Avatar f tn Make a note of when the menstrual like cramps during exercise occur – if you find they fall around your period, you may wish to get your thyroid tested. Hormones Unexplained cramping during exercise can be a result of hormones. Menstrual cramps are caused by hormones related to your period, and intense exercise may trigger a hormonal response during other times of your cycle. Take an nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen or naproxen before you exercise to stave off problems.
Avatar f tn That is time to call your doctor but cramps that feel like menstrual cramps or a twinge of pain here and there is common.
Avatar f tn Hi I am 5 weeks pregnant and have been having cramps a week and a half now. They haven't been too bad, just feels like my normal menstrual cramps, but last night I woke up with cramps that lasted for about 10-15 minutes and they were so bad I couldn't walk, I felt like I was going to throw up and sweating. I managed to get myself in to the tub and let the shower spay me. There is no blood. But I am scared there might be something wrong. Is this normal?
20922415 tn?1661860103 During the reproductive years, the pituitary gland in the brain generates hormones (follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH] and luteinizing hormone [LH]) that cause a new egg to mature and be released from its ovarian follicle each month. As the follicle develops, it produces the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, which thicken the lining of the uterus called the endometrium.
Avatar f tn I definitely had cramping during the first trimester but if it gets severe I would go to the doctor
Avatar f tn Hi ladies I'm give Weeks n three days I'm having cramps like menstrual cramps, n I'm gassy,n constipated I'm getting scared this is my first pregnancy n I'm hurting from the cramps is this normal
Avatar f tn I've heard that having menstrual like cramps during pregnancy is normal. Mine are not that painful, and are not constant. Is anyone else experiencing cramps or have had them in pregnancy? I seem to worry about every little thing or symptom.