Seizure aura stage

Common Questions and Answers about Seizure aura stage


Avatar n tn Olfactory hallucination or phantosmia or phantom smell is usually due to seizure, or due to schizophrenia or depression or due to an aura of migraine. So yes, like visual migraine it can also be an aura of migraine. It can also be due to a problem in olfactory receptor mechanism. This could be due to a smell getting trapped by nasal polyps or tumors. Sinusitis with post nasal drip can cause both a phantom smell and nausea and this should be investigated first by an ENT.
Avatar f tn Docs always told me it was an anxiety attack but come to find out I was having simple partial siezures with aura. I remain conscious, have the seizure and then fall asleep. Completely wipes me out and most of them occurred in the evening or with lights/sound triggers. Antihistamines caused mine too. Hope this helps!
594907 tn?1227309164 Well per my own research, per, an aura is a simple partial seizure. I can't believe how long my question has been posted on this site without a response, Over two months. I do enjoy reading this forum though. I find it interesting and can relate to some of the other symptoms that others go through. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
Avatar f tn Primary Generalized Seizure, Absence Seizure, Atypical Absence Seizure, Myoclonic Seizure, Atonic Seizure, Tonic Seizure, Clonic Seizure, Tonic-Clonic Seizure, Partial Seizure, Simple-Partial Seizure, Complex-Partial Seizure, Secondary Generalized Seizure, Psychogenic Seizure, and Hypoxic Seizure.
486038 tn?1300063367 Can you have an aura without a seizure? 2 different questions, but important. Basically, I just switched to a generic seizure control medication 2 days ago- and today was the first time since last fall that I had an aura (or something) and thought I was going to have a seizure. It happened so fast- I was standing there and suddenly it just waved over me and I thought "NO!!".... it was this weird feeling of odd dejavuah (it's hard to explain) ...
Avatar m tn Many times, you can have an aura and never have a seizure. Now, I can have a seizure and not have an aura to warn me.
Avatar f tn There are different types of epilepsy with different characteristics like grand mal epilepsy you have tonic clonic generalized muscle contractions, frothing, unconsciousness, twitches, metal confusion, some may lose bladder and bowel control, usually preceded by an aura of impending seizure. aura is a strange feeling of muscle stiffening, hearing weird sounds, smelling strange smells etc. absence seizure manifest as brief staring spells where the person is cut off from the surroundings.
1415174 tn?1453243103 Hi Group, I have a migraine variant which means for me that I have: abnormal EEG (migraine or seizure pattern), this EEG was the type where you stay up all night. I was getting uncontrollable shakes/shivering, for about 10 minutes then severe vomiting all night long with stomach pain. No aura and no migraine at the time. Blood work all normal, immunnoligy testing was normal and all GI testing normal. The closest my symptoms were was cyclic vomiting syndrome but I got this at around 23 years old.
Avatar f tn It is usually due to seizure (temporal lobe epilepsy—there is no frank seizure), or due to schizophrenia or depression or due to an aura of migraine. It can also be due to a problem in olfactory receptor mechanism. This could be due to a smell getting trapped by nasal polyps or tumors. Sinusitis with post nasal drip can cause both a phantom smell and nausea and this should be investigated first by an ENT.
Avatar n tn There is a condition called migralepsy.A video EEG may be able to help differentiate a seizure aura from a migraine aura.I am not sure how sensitive and how specific this test is but it may shed some light on your daughter's condition.
Avatar m tn First, some history - about 8 years ago my husband had a tension-pneumo thorax and had a chest tube placed. Several hours later he woke from sleep complaining of extreme nausea and being "hot" then suffered a syncopal episode along with what appeared to be a "seizure." Upon further evaluation the neuro determined it was a vasovagal reaction to the chest tube.
Avatar n tn Hi, The video EEG will be able to help differentiate btween the migraine aura or an underlying epileptic aura. The presence of spikes and waxing and waning patterns may suggest a migraine aura.A migraine aura may sometimes present with spike activities almost smilar to a seizure. However ,EEG reading is a complex procedure that requires an expert to properly diagnose the underlying diagnosis.
Avatar f tn Hello, I have been experiencing migraines for years. The doctors have tried the anti-seizure meds on me but I don't tolerate them. My doctor won't let me take beta blockers because of a severe reaction to them. I currently am on amitriptyline, but it doesn't prevent them well. I currently take relpax and it does well, but it's not a preventive and they only want me to take it 3 times a week and I'm having daily migraines. I would appreciate any info on other preventives!
704609 tn?1228738656 I also take xanax when I get an aura (when I feel a bad seizure coming on) so a way to track that would also be nice since it is related.
Avatar n tn My son at the age of 15 drown while having an epileptic grand mal seizure. He was never told he could not take a bath. He always had the aura ahead of time before the actual seizure.
486038 tn?1300063367 Do I need to seek testing? I have had several possible seizure last fall, they ranged from several seconds (were I would just stare in space and not speak) to several minutes (where I had an aura before had that felt like something washed over me and then I was seperated or a bit detached and I could not speak and afterwards had a terrible headache) and these were witnessed by my mom.
Avatar f tn I had a grandmal seizure and has been seizure free for 12 years. Currently on 750mg of kepra and 20 mg clobazem. In august I had and episode where the left side of my body went numb, my face drooped and I was unable to speak for 2 hours. I also experienced sharp pain at the back of my left year and my skull. The hospital tests CT, ECG, EKG and bllod work showed no stroke.
Avatar m tn I don't think people who have a seizure remember the seizure, but he definitely had something. Maybe it's a thyroid problem. He needs to be seen, but an ER is the slowest, most expensive and least efficient way to do it.
Avatar m tn But from a couple of days i have been seeing visual aura which is assosiated with migraines without any pain in only my left eye. The aura lasts only for 10 min everyday and then dissapears. I just had my eyes dialated by an opthamologist and she said that my eyes were perfect. Do you probably know whats causing these symptoms out of the blue.
1098760 tn?1266447897 it sounds like that you have an aura before your seizures. you can consider it as a "warning" that a seizure is coming.
Avatar m tn 1. Pre-ictal stage (aura)-this is the time prior to the seizure where owners may notice a change in the pet’s behavior. The pet senses that something is coming and the owner can predict a seizure is coming. 2. Ictal (seizure) stage-this is the true seizure and often lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes followed by a period of disorientation and sometimes the loss of site. 3. Post-ictal-this is the recovery period after the seizure.
973422 tn?1247938726 Your symptoms sound neurological to me -- ranging from migraine atypical aura to seizure to tia. please talk to a doctor and get examined.
Avatar f tn The second episode appears to be seizure related since there is an aura and a post ictal phase of confusion and tonic clonic involuntary limb movement including heavy head hitting against the wall. Consult a physician, preferably neurologist for evaluation of symptoms and EEG to rule out epilepsy. cardiovascular evaluation including blood pressure record, rhythm evaluation with holter, blood sugar profile, blood indices and hemoglobin studies, MRI brain, etc.
Avatar m tn My surgery was six years ago. My EEGs are still not normal but instead of having an absence seizure or a grand mal seizure when things go a bit haywire, I just have a headache instead. Research the VNS option and the surgery options and see if you are a candidate. I wish I would have done so sooner.
13682196 tn?1431022488 The reason I ask is because if you have any of the symptoms I just wrote, added to the ones you wrote about, you may be experiencing an aura. An aura is something one feels min, hours or even days before having a seizure. I had my first seizure a month after going CT. I see that it has been 4 months for you since stopping the benzo, but you still must be very careful.
Avatar m tn Turns out, migraines are a type of seizure disorder, but only about 10% of migraineurs have motor manifestations; usually it only disrupts electrical impulses in neurons modulating pain. Sometimes this is called a Basilar Migraine because of the part of the brain where the electrical activity begins. Do you usually get the headache on the same side or does it change? Either way, your symptoms are consistent with prodrome for this type of migraine.