
Safety razor holder

Common Questions and Answers about Safety razor holder


Avatar m tn I WENT to a barber shop for shaving. He change the Blade of Holder and he cleaned the Holder by a towel nicely. He cut my skin very little like less than 0.2mm. Can hiv transmitted this way?? cut was very very tinny... SO BLADE WAS NEW AND holder cleaned by towel nicely.
Avatar m tn when i was done with my shower i saw my friends disposable razorblade she uses in one of those razor holder tray things and her shaving cream just out in the open right next to where i was showering. I asked her about it and she said she shaved her legs when she used the shower right before me. now im worried because my erect penis could have touched the razor with blood and/or the shaving cream container that blood got in/on.
Avatar m tn Here is the scenario- I had blood drawn from me for a regular check up and the techs used a reusable vacutainer plastic tube holder which had a few specks of blood in the inside(where the tube is inserted) and in the place where the needle is screwed on the plastic holder.
1056870 tn?1254244774 1)in barber shop we often get cuts most likely, so these type of cuts are fresh and actively bleeding,i wanna know that weather this type of cuts are risky if the blood gets into it through razor holder or blood on razor if it comes from hiv infected person just before us 2) are they superficial cuts or they cum under deep cuts 3) can these cuts take the virus above mentioned directly to the blood stream so that infection is possible 4) what is the risk i wannna know the figure that 1 in 1000,
1530342 tn?1405016490 Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Friday appointed two United States attorneys to investigate possible unauthorized disclosures of classified information from the White House and Congress.
Avatar m tn Via a vacuum within the tube The vein is first punctured with the hypodermic needle which is carried in a translucent plastic holder. The needle is double ended, the second shorter needle being shrouded for safety by the holder. When a Vacutainer test tube is pushed down into the holder, its rubber cap is pierced by the second needle and the pressure difference between the blood volume and the vacuum in the tube forces blood through the needle and into the tube.
Avatar m tn something that looks like someone poked him with a needle so it not the typical cut a razor blade would cause but a poke kind of. anyway, had the wife clean his lip really well and with alcohol etc.... common sense says he is fine as it wasnt something major . also i do clean my razor pretty ok after shaving but a worry is a worry and i cant help it. called his pediatritionist clinic today and asked i can come in to make sure his antibodies are good from back when he completed the vaccine..
Avatar n tn The nurse used BD needle, vacuum tube and holder. However, I did not check the needle. I am not sure whether the needle was used before me or not. I am thinking that vacuum tube took my blood off. There is no injection. Is the miniscule dry blood in the bore of the needle enough to infect a person?
1056870 tn?1254244774 1)in barber shop we often get cutsCuts and puncture wounds most likely, so these type of cutsCuts and puncture wounds are fresh and actively bleeding,i wanna know that weather this type of cutsCuts and puncture wounds are risky if the blood gets into it through razor holder or blood on razor if it comes from hiv infected person just before us 2) are they superficial cutsCuts and puncture wounds or they cum under deep cutsCuts and puncture wounds 3) can these cuts take the virus above mentioned
Avatar f tn For transmission, plenty of infectious fluid is needed to be exchanged inside the body, for which, a safety razor does not qualify. However, for personal hygiene, and to prevent other contageous infections, it is always better to avoid anybody else's kits. You may use a different brand having different color to eliminate the risk of picking up the wrong razor inadvertently.
Avatar m tn HIV transmission always occur inside the body, not outside the body so barber shop is not the place where from someone contracts HIV, however in developed countries, where barber works are not properly sterilized, Hepatitis B and C is possible to pick up, If you are living in that part of the world, always insist on a new razor and the razor holder to be dipped in an disinfectant solution like dettol, before use.
Avatar f tn You are most likely having an allergic reaction to whatever shaving cream or lotion you are applying to your legs, assuming you are using a safety razor. It is also possible that you do have extra-sensitive skin and the skin response is to mechanical irritation from the shaving device you are using. You might want to switch to a “non-allergenic” shaving cream/lotion product. On the mechanical side be sure to avoid using any razor that is not ultra-sharp.
Avatar m tn Hi-I used a (used) safety razor at a golf course and cut myself. 10 Days later I had throbbing voluntary muscles throughout my body and a sinus issues. The sinus issue cleard up in two weeks, but the throbbing eased into a dull ache-particularly in my right biceps that I've had for 6 months, I was tested thoroughly for HVC (multiple antibody, PCR Qual) and HVB. All negative. My hepatologist has referred me to a neurologist saying the razor was just a coincidence.
Avatar m tn and no problem with Reused Vacutiner Plastic Holder... But Now I am freaking out that, if TUBE is REUSED... Instead of negative pressure inside the Tube, Postive pressue in tube injected some thing into my vein ??????????/.....Also I saw, the TUBE (With Blood draw) was kept in Horizontal Postion on the Table, the blood was not coming out....
Avatar m tn But have become extremely worried about the possibility of infection via this route. I live in Canada, and Safety engineered needles are mandated, and i do know that the needles uses are the BD eclipse , with a pronto vacutainer tube holder..Despite the realistic impossibility of this i am still freaking out about maybe being infected through this. Should i get finger prick tested ASAP , at 6 weeks?
Avatar n tn As a physician in a solo office....I note everything that takes place, from patient care, to IT, to lab, to housekeeping...etc...and tonight I noted the housekeeper preparing to take our red blood borne pathogen container to the disposal area. I asked to have a look inside. I noted well over 100 "single use" vacutainers inside. I decided to "study" the situation....
Avatar m tn Hi, I've been reading a lot online but cannot find anything closely related to the problem I'm experience.. I'm really hoping someone can help me figure out what's going on. Almost every time after I have (unprotected) sex with my girfriend, I get small red bumps (~20-30) on my penis--mostly along the front and sides and lower foreskin-- as well as sometimes a few near my stomach and pubic hair. This has happened maybe 10 times.
Avatar f tn Turns out it was razor bumps but since i was picking at them n tryin to pop them i got them infected so they gave me some antibiotic but i did get some blood drawn for safety reasons n will know the results on those by next week
163305 tn?1333668571 Just after announcing his resignation as U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder has accepted a top job with Wall Street finance giant JPMorgan Chase. Starting in early November, Holder will serve as JPMorgan Chase’s chief compliance officer, where his responsibilities will include lobbying Congress on the company’s behalf and ensuring it “gets the best deal possible” from any new proposed financial regulations.
Avatar f tn Diapers, wipes, baby wash and lotion, baby oil, baby brush, deluxe safety kit, Picture Frames, clay hand and foot molder, hooded towels, wash cloths, baby books, bigger outfits, sheets, bath toy holder, Baby picture book, baby books, receiving blankets and normal blankets. . Etc. I have everything for baby as well and this is what people bought me for my baby shower!
Avatar f tn The nurse take a blood sample for the predonations screening tests. She used a new needle, new vacutainer, but a REUSABLE VACUTAINER HOLDER!. I didn`t saw any blood spot inside or outside the vacuntainer holder, but who knows.. The predonations screening test was negative for all test such HIV, Hep C, Hep B, Treponema Pallidum. Also, the blood collection kit was new !
1310633 tn?1430224091 (Reuters) - Attorney General Eric Holder said on Thursday he has not decided whether to stay on as the chief U.S. law enforcement officer in President Barack Obama's second term. Holder, speaking to law students at the University of Baltimore, said he still must speak with Obama and with his own family and ask himself, "Do I have some gas left in the tank?" "That's something that I'm in the process now of trying to determine," he said.
Avatar m tn A razor blade, not an electric razor within an hour prior? Yes, that ought to greatly up the risk from oral as a safety blade may have made one or more minute nicks in your skin (not enough to hurt or visibly bleed, but, leaving enough wounding for infected saliva to breach the skin barrier). Eight weeks does sound long enough though (especially if that's the recommended period).
Avatar n tn ) The weight goes from 5 to 70 pounds, which I absolutely LOVE for when the baby gets bigger we don't have to buy a new one. It comes with a cup holder and if the baby gets too hot it has air flow pockets around the head. My father-in-law did his research on car seats and we think he made the right choice.
Avatar f tn Hi, I did a blood collection in a Canadian clinic, the tube holder is not single use, will I have the possibility infect hiv?