Revista vea

Common Questions and Answers about Revista vea


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Avatar f tn Para tu paz mental te aconsejo que te vea un cardiologo. Que te hagan un prueba de Holter 24 horas y un electrocardiograma de tu corazon para chequer la estructura del corazon. Para mi taquicardia el cardiologo me receto un beta bloquente. Me diagnosticaron con un leve prolapso de la valvula mitral con regurgitacion leve en el mes de mayo. Mi ansiedad etc era a causa de eso.
1243714 tn?1306839147 Ay yo es que hasta que no lo vea claro no quiero cantar victoria, si aun no tengo retraso!! Eso si, como vaya por el camino que voy no me va a gustar nada este primer trimestre, me acoste hace dos horas y me he tenido que levantar de las nauseas.
Avatar f tn ive been having racing heart for a while i took a holter test and got my report , my dr said it was normal but on report it says predominant rythm was sinus and vea was rare and multiform. also i notied my test showed 6vpbs had 6 isolated vpbs also showed 20percent prematurity at times i noticed heart rate at 145 at 12am .
Avatar n tn English translation of original post (via Google translator): Heart pain Hi I have 24 years, since sometimes feel like little needles in my heart when I breathe, but I quickly removed, this time I spend the same but now I have three days with this pain and I can not remove it, try not to breathe very hard because I feel that it hurts me more, now I start to worry because the discomfort persists.
Avatar f tn Vea vea, it would be easier if you just google weeks to months in a pregnancy, instead of getting a billion different answers haha
558921 tn?1215808798 I applied for a health insurance and the application was posponed because the echocardiogram which I had done as part of the medical requirements showed in it's report (LVIDD=55.0 Mildly dilated right ventricle) The company the will reconsider my application after I have been investigated by a cardiologist and the subsequent report is satisfactory.Can you tell me how serious is a condition like what was identified? The eco. report also stated AO=29.
Avatar n tn ve tried balanil, canesten, vea cream, and vitamin E and none of them have really helped to ease the condition. Balanil helped slightly with the burning but after a month of using it the general symptoms failed to go away. I'm not sure what caused this. It happened roughly after a week after I had my first COVID-19 vaccine, though that could just be a coincidence. It's also worth mentioning that I am married and am faithful to my wife, who tested negative for vaginal infections.
1244257 tn?1270537562 En cuanto a la aplicación para teléfono, hasta que no vea que vuelve a funcionar esta página como lo hacía el año pasado (han pasado 9 meses desde que empezó a fallar) no me fío de que si tengo un problema con la aplicación me lo vayáis a solucionar en un tiempo razonable.
Avatar f tn Debería dejar que su médico revise esto. Deje de usar los medicamentos y deje que su médico lo vea. Si cree que es herpes, solicite un cultivo de tipo específico o un hisopo de PCR. Háganos saber lo que pasa.
Avatar m tn Estoy muy preocupado ademas mañana después de un mes de estar sin mi novia me dijo que nos íbamos a ver y ahora me da miedo que me vea con el pene así, tendré que inventarle algo ya que no se si sea contagioso y es mejor evitar cualquier contacto, todo por mi culpa y mi curiosidad… Bueno eso es todo lo que tenia que decirles, por favor les ruego que lean y me contesten, tengo 19 años de edad y no eh tenido contacto sexual con ninguna otra chica que no sea mi novia pero la ultima vez fue hace
1240849 tn?1269509484 nena haz mucho reposo, ya se que lo estas haciendo pero hasta que te vea el gine intenta estar tranquila, espero que solo sea un susto y tu bb este bien y ya sabes que para qualquier cosa aqui estamos. Besos y un abrazo fuerte.
Avatar m tn Lo curioso - como anécdota graciosa, ya que considerarla de otra manera sería darle un valor que no tiene - en una revista (la misma a la que en 1997 envié a su director lo que creo que es el primer informe serio sobre esta enfermedad, cuando todos en Rosario estaban perplejos por esta patología) ahora aparece un par "expertos" hablando muy alegremente sobre el tema y me entero, con sorpresa que en Argentina los vectores son tábanos, escorpiones, avispas y "vinchucas de agua&
6295353 tn?1395241495 I had something familiar but it was my dad who didn't want nothing to do with me he was very upset because I got pregnant at 15 and left with bbys daddy I didn't hear from him for around a year my mom would try to show him pics of my newborn bby and he would get mad and look away one say I decided to go and see him as soon as he saw me at the door with my bby he hugged me and never spokeof the past again and he loves his grandson and were very close now so dont worry cuando tu mom vea yo
Avatar m tn // "....achieving a SVR is associated with eradication of HCV, a reduction in hepatic fibrosis and a reduced risk for developing he- patic decompensation and hepatocellular carcino- ma.14,16,19,21-24 In a recent study which monitored patients by fibroscan and serum fibrosis markers over 10 years 49% of patients had fibrosis regression and 56% resolved cirrhosis.
Avatar f tn wow that is so awesome . I am so glad that you posted, updated and are doing do good. we get worried when we don't hear from someone for awhile. I am so happy for you that you have such a great outlook. it is going to get better my friend. we care and so does the LORD. keep up the good work, you are doing all the right things. get some exercise in, did you look for a support group or have you considered counseling? spending time with your wife and daughter is wonderful.