Pumping breast milk and bottle feeding

Common Questions and Answers about Pumping breast milk and bottle feeding


9442948 tn?1406816451 Is it the same thing? Either way baby is getting breast milk right? I want to pump so my husband can feed baby also but i want the benefits from breast feeding also, For example will pumping still shrink my uterus size & help lose weight like breast feeding does? And will baby still get the vitamins from it?
Avatar f tn If you're using the nipple shield (I have to! Can't get her to latch on without it), make sure you're pumping after. The lactation consultants at the hospital told that the using the nipple shield can clog your milk ducts. You don't have to pump for long afterwards - about 5 minutes or so unless you want to pump for longer. I think the nipple shield is a life saver! It makes it so that breast feeding doesn't hurt.
Avatar f tn Nothing wrong with pumping and bottle feeding. The important thing is getting them the breast milk.
Avatar f tn re strictly only pumping and bottle feeding lol. Just that straight breast feeding is more convenient for you :) but whatever way you wanna do it is good.
Avatar f tn With my first child I did breast feeding for a year, but when I tried transitioning her from breast to bottle, it was A PAIN! She refused to take the bottle, so now I want to try to do both.. I bought a breast pump, so I'm wondering how does the whole freezing your milk process work? How long is it good for? How do you unfreeze it? Or boil it? Thank you for your time!
Avatar f tn My question is how long should i wait after she is born and been breast feeding should i try with bottles. I heard i need to let her get used to breastfeeding first so she does not like bottles more than breast. Any help with this question.
Avatar f tn The more you nurse the more milk you'll make. Your body will catch up. You could nurse him and then after offer a small amount in a bottle to see if he's still hungry. You could go to just pumping and then feeding it in a bottle. I have known mom's that have done that but it can be harder to keep your supply up if only pumping.
Avatar f tn My best friends 3 year old son does this constantly. So is pumping and putting breast milk in a bottle just as healthy for him. I know its a weird question I just don't know what to do.
Avatar f tn cos there r times i might want to sleep and if my baby gets hungry my fiance can feed him with d bottle while i take a nap.or is there a specific time to start bottle feeding with my breast milk or should i just breast feed my baby directly with my breast for d first months of his life??im just 14weeks almst 15 bt i want to know..
Avatar f tn I have a few friends that only pump and never have directly used the boob to feed except the first week just to get into the rhythm of bottle feeding and a schedule to pump. Breast feeding by pump is truly a second full time job!
Avatar f tn formula these days is a lot better and has extra benefits that breast milk may not... same goes for breast milk to formula... definitely see how it goes with the nursing and give it a try... you may love it! but if its just not in the books for you thats fine too! take care! and congrats!
Avatar m tn Hi ladies, my milk came in yesterday, quite a lot I made add and I have been pumping ever since. Brandon is being lazy again and not latching on as much as I'd like to. Do you all think I will eventually dry up if I dont continue to latch him on? I have never breastfeed so I am not to experience on this. My mom keeps telling me I wont I as long as I continue to pump regularly. Everytime I pump I get like 2-3 onces per breast. Is that good enough?
Avatar f tn Colostrum and breast milk are the best thing for a baby with jaundice or at risk for getting. The way your milk comes in by letting them 'cluster' feed as they call it first few days bc they drink the colostrum which is very good for them which eventually by about day 3-4 brings your milk in. When your milk comes in it does not look like store bought milk btw. Its kind of thin and whitish in color. Whereas colostrum is kind of yellowish.
1149221 tn?1304827966 Then one day I was too lazy to get out of bed during a midnight feeding and I just gave her breast and she took it. I was amazed so since then I have only breastfed her. Now she won't even take a bottle. What I'm trying to say is don't give up. Your baby really needs that milk. Try giving him the breast again. Now he's a little older so maybe he'll take it.
2106256 tn?1340814698 it depends my sister pumped straight away n got very painful breasts so she gave up altogther i breast fed on demand untill my baby was 4 weeks then started pumping but it was very tiring do whats bet for you
8552650 tn?1400287749 s saliva stimulates the breast so it helps produce the milk.
Avatar f tn Same nutrients but if baby is taking the breast it is much different then pumping your milk. Babies empty your breast and pumping doesn't. So I'm not so sure its the same.
Avatar f tn i will be breast feeding, and pumping so my boyfriend can have thay bond with the baby. i will also be freezing breast milk, im going to try to have enough breast milk for 6 months, weather its directly from me or frozen.
Avatar f tn Thank you all so much!!
Avatar f tn s not eating a lot yet and my breast are producing so much milk that I even have to pump.....she is having a hard time latching and I gave in once and gave her a bottle....my breast are so hard and so sore I'm in tears! I was wondering would it be ok to just pump in the nights and bottle feed her and breast during the day? She's getting good at nursing but It's still not helping my breast....I'm starting to feel like a failure :/...
Avatar f tn I know a woman who pumped her milk weeks before delivery and when her baby was born, he wasn't getting the nutrients he needed and it caused a lot of issues but she has still stuck with breast feeding and the baby is already a year old. Colostrum is what the baby needs at first but I would definitely ask a lactation consultant because the first milk is most important.
Avatar f tn The best way to increase your supply is by nursing constantly and pumping after. Sometimes when bottle feeding baby will want that more because it takes almost no effort to get the milk out of the bottle. Breastfed babies also tend to gain wait at a "slower" rate than formula fed babies because breastmilk is perfectly suited for a baby's need whereas formula has a lot of excess that baby stores. So they tend to weigh more, although that's not always the case 100% of the time.
11133727 tn?1417112793 So i started pumping and at around a week old had to bottle feed because he was having a hard time latching and was so hungry ... Now hes 6 weeks old and is slowly but surely getting back on my breasts and latching. Give it time, be patient, frustration will only make breastfeesing unpleasant for both of you. Have you tried using a nipple shield? They are a pain in the behind but your baby should be able to latch onto it.
341551 tn?1266980730 that do this for a living and with their help, you really can succeed and enjoy breast feeding. Does this mean that a bottle fed baby will not thrive and grow...of course not. Breast feeding develops a deep bond between mother and child and actually helps the mother's body to return to pre-pregnancy state faster. Some women even say that it helps them to lost the baby weight faster. Even as kitten and puppies do...they seem to find a teet and prefer that teet over all the others.
Avatar f tn Some of these cons can be fixed by pumping and feeding out of a bottle. I personally believe that everyone should be required to at least try to breast feed. And never given formula unless you are unsuccesfull at breastfeeding.