Prevacid otc side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid otc side effects


Avatar n tn There can be side-effects with the use of PPIs - no drug is without side-effects unfortunately. They can include changes to bone density - more ease of fracture - and anemic states due to loss of B12 uptake. Changes in bowel habits and loose stools can be a result of the use of PPIs. If you cut down on acid, you cut down on the amount of food that's thoroughly digested and able to be absorbed. Those materials will cause changes in the output of the digestive system in a number of ways.
Avatar n tn I have been on reflux meds for the past 5yrs and have had numerous side effects from hyperhydrosis, a tremor in my hand (which I was on propranolol for about 1yr 9mths for), and most recently a tic has developed in my eyelids. The hydrosis has finally went away (4.5yrs later) and the hand tremor is minimal but my eyelids are going nuts. I am assuming its the drugs for reflux (I am having surgery for that soon). Does anyone know of anything else that would be causing this?
223372 tn?1240920676 I too suffered from intense heartburn my Midwive put me on Pantoprazole a sub for protonix it works AWESOME,AWESOME,AWESOME with no side effects it is prescrption but Im telling you try it the other OTC **** dont work this is one pill a day and no heartburn whatsoever if you miss a day you still dont get heartburn
268911 tn?1213744781 I'm new to this forum and was wondering if someone might be able to tell me if abdominal pain, constipation and gas are side effects of PPI's. My neighbor is a doctor and prescribed me prevacid, I took them for 2 weeks, and began to notice these problems. I told him this and his response was "Prevacid does not have those side efffects." but when I search "Prevacid side effects" these symptoms show up on every page. ANy direction woudl be appreciated.
Avatar n tn What side effects can this medication cause? Lansoprazole may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away: stomach pain constipation diarrhea nausea headache dizziness Some side effects can be serious.
Avatar n tn gave me a Prevpak, combination antibiotics and Prevacid together, but there seems to be side effects. I am thinking about going on a fast to rid my body of all the toxins and start again with sensible eating. You are so right, it's not worth it.
547002 tn?1219797376 I took/take Prevacid for 6 weeks and also have terrible side effects from it. Anxiety gone through the roof, muscle twitching in my throat, depression beyond believe. I was supposed to take 30 mg a day but because I had a really bad swallowing problem (turned out those were actually anxiety crampings of my throat) I took a few times 60 mg a day (morning and evening a 30 mg).
Avatar n tn I've had sinus problems for a very long time, it's been recently brought to my attention by an ENT (I can no longer see) that it's likely being caused by silent reflux. I never feel heartburn. I got Prevacid OTC and I have been taking it for two days. It's causing me some serious pain and lethargy I am unsure if I should just keep going or if it gets better. From what I'm reading online these are some serious and possibly dangerous medicines.
Avatar f tn Like... they said at 10mg there are very few side-effects and at 20mg there are noticeable side-effects. But, you obviously don't want to change the dose on your own, as this can be extremely dangerous! But, it would be worth talking to your doctor about if the side-effects don't go away fast enough. Although... most of the time... with SSRIs in general I find, it can take 2 to 4 weeks for side-effects to go away and then they're gone for good.
Avatar n tn My mother was on nexium for almost 6 years and almost died from the serious side effects. Today she takes betaine HCL with pepsin supplements to increase stomach acid and digestive enzymes to help with with digestion and is free from severe GERD and severe LPR. Digestive enzymes are helpful for both high and low stomach acid.
634733 tn?1316625992 I’ve had the most horrible side effects. I already suffer with really bad acid reflux (diagnosed as IBS co they couldn’t find anything else). Well this drug gave me acid to die for – pains in the neck, back, stomach under my ribs; I thought I was having a heart attack!! The acid is so bad at the moment it is making me cough when it hits my throat and the pain – well – and its been 36 hours since I took a tablet. For goodness sake I only took 10 mg and only managed that for 2 days!!!
Avatar m tn t work, then you can try something stronger like Prilosec. Keep in mind, Prilosec may come with a lot of side effects that can be just as bothersome as the GERD. I was prescribed Prilosec and took it for six weeks until I couldn't take it any longer. Too many side effects for me. It basically blocks acid from the stomach, and while it is effective at getting rid of heartburn, you may experience a rebound once you stop taking them.
Avatar f tn I am taking tagamet otc- Walmart generic brand and for me it is better than the rx ones- But that's just me....
Avatar n tn Are there any side effects with this disease other than the outbreaks? I'm having an issue with vaginal lubrication and I was diagnosed 3 years ago. And I'm wondering if this virus could be the reason.
Avatar m tn Prilosec, Nexium Side Effects: Acid Reflux Medication Heart Attack Class Action Lawsuit Investigation A recent study found that proton pump inhibitor heartburn treatments such as Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid may be linked to an increased risk of heart attack, heart failure or sudden cardiac death.
Avatar n tn I have been taking Prilosec OTC and my Doctor prescribed Nexium. It seems to me that they are the same, with one being extremely cheaper. I am Beginning my fifth month of pregnancy and I would like to know if it is safe to continue taking prilosec otc.
268911 tn?1213744781 If so can you tell me if you are having side effects from them? I currently take one 20mg Prilosec tablet and they seem to make me dizzy and light headed. I also notice pain in my lower abdomin.
Avatar m tn Amiodarone has quite a few side effects that may include calcium channel interference...this means, if your blood calcium levels are elevated, or your parathyroid (PTH) hormones are artificially stimulated by it, it can cause your cardiac sphincter (the upper valve between your stomach and esophagus) to not close properly (it "senses" acid levels improperly) and to let irritating gastric acids to splash upwards (reflux).
Avatar f tn t afford to see a doctor I would recommend trying an OTC PPI like Prevacid or Prilosec in case it is GERD/heartburn.
547181 tn?1255146506 Yes this is fairly common during tx, check with you doctor about giving you either nexium, prevacid, or prilosec. All are safe to take, nexium and prevacid worked best for me. Congrats on being over halfway done. Wishing you the best.
168348 tn?1379357075 So why did they take Prevacid Packets off the shelf I ask .. grrrrrrrrrrr .. my co pay was $35/mo! It is helpful to have a quick melt or packet to mix for kids who aren't able to swallow a pill .. and the taste for an older child is awful if compounded (tastes like salt even with flavor bcz of the saccharine like products in it). Just was curious. I guess the other option are capsules of prevacid and open and sprinkle on something.
Avatar n tn Does anyone else have a problem where their doctor does not believe them when they tell them their PPIs are causing bad side effects for them? I've tried all of them and all caused extreme discomfort where I can hardly have a quality life. Prevacid was the least of all the evils but I still have extreme nausea and lightheadedness. I take the pill around 6 am every morning and the nausea tends to last till between noon and 2 pm.