
Pneumonia vaccine arm pain

Common Questions and Answers about Pneumonia vaccine arm pain


Avatar n tn We were advised to give her a flu shot and pneumonia vaccines. It is most likely the pneumonia vaccine that is causing the pain and the lump. She had a SEVERE reaction to the vaccine. Her arm swelled. The shot site was huge, very red, very swollen (have never seen anything like it). She also, became extremely, extremely ill (unstoppable vomitting, high fever). She was sooo sick. I had the same vaccines at the same time. the flu shot did not hurt at all.
1853014 tn?1340038575 I was given my 3rd dose of Hep A&B shot yesterday in one arm and a pneumonia shot in the other arm. This morning woke up with burning feeling down the back of my right leg and sore to touch. Is this normal?
620048 tn?1358018235 I had a pneumonia vacine yesterday..and i woke up with my arm really sore, its hurts bad to move it. Could be i just slept wrong on it...but its the same area I had the injection. Anyone ever experienced side affects from this vaccine? I will call later and ask also. ALSO, how do you feel about the swine flu vaccine?
Avatar m tn It may not cause much harm except that it may interfere to some extent with the immune response to the vaccine. Pneumonia vaccine is an inactivated vaccine containing only a portion of the microbe; therefore the vaccines cannot possibly cause pneumococcal disease. Neither will it cause any permanent immune system damage. It should in no way cause any serious future consequences. Do consult a local health care provider and discuss all your concerns. Hope it helps. Do keep us posted.
Avatar m tn Any ill effects on getting two shots of pneumonia vaccine within 3 years, I am unable to find anything on the net regarding this, please help. Thanks...
Avatar n tn I got the pneumonia shot two days ago and today woke up to a very very red, hot to the touch and swollen arm from injection spot to elbow--is this normal
419309 tn?1326503291 Got my pneumonia shot w/ the seasonal flu vaccine on Monday. My arm is stiiiiiiilllll sore - actually it's maybe still getting worse yet. If they put more mercury in, that might help, plus I'd be better at deciding how warmly to dress in the morning. I'll get the h1n1 whan that's available here in injection. Didn't know there were two pneumonia shots, but I do know they only cover a fraction of the bugs. The deal with h1n1 is it rapidly damages the little hairs (silica?
Avatar f tn Has anyone with CFS had the pneumonia vaccine Pneumo 23 and what was your experience of it?
Avatar n tn My sister's arm has the lump the size of a grapefruit a day after a pneumonia shot and she feels very cold and sick and unable to eat anything. Can you please give some advice on what she might do to ease the situation.
Avatar m tn How long should my arm be sore? Is there anything I can rub on the arm? Currently I am taking Alleve for a sore back. When the pharmacist gave me the shot yesterday, she said there was no bleeding and she might also have said no bruising. I can't really tell that it is swollen. My arm did not get sore until a few hours after the shot. I got a tdap shot with barely any pain and no problems at all, a few weeks ago.
Avatar m tn Hello, It seems the pain is gone but sometimes I can still feel something on my underarm when I press my fingers to it. I'm unsure whether it's a lymph node, though. Also, I don't feel pain when I press my arm against my chest anymore. It seems it went away sooner this time. I was worried about these recurring pains on my underarm but I'm more relieved to know that lymphoma does not typically behave this way. Thanks again for your reply.
Avatar f tn Hello I had COVID and pneumonia 3 weeks ago. I tested negative for COVID today and have no symptoms I'm just dealing with the pneumonia now which should be a few more weeks hopefully til I'm 100. Should I get the vaccine now or is it best to wait??
Avatar n tn I have asthma and 4 years ago I had pneumonia year after year. Than I started getting the pneumonia vaccine. I had no side effects from it expect no pneumonia.
Avatar n tn another thing that i want to add is that they injected me with the Hepatitis A in my left arm and the B in my right arm and i feel a little bit of pain where i had the vaccine for the A but the other arm where i had the vaccine for the B, where the incident happened, it doesn't hurt at least not now. does that means that i didn't get the vaccine inside my body or maybe a got a small dosage and that is why i don't have no pain in that arm?
Avatar f tn ve had not only the flu symptoms for 3 days but my arm was very painful as well. In November I experienced pain in the arm and shoulder only to get worse with neck pain as well. Two orthopedic doctors cannot find anything wrong even after an MRI. They did however admit to having other patients complaining of arm and shoulder pain after getting the flu shot and, discovering rotator cuff tears. Could my pain be a resulf of the flu shot?
Avatar f tn I have my seasonal flu shot and pneumonia vaccine for this season with no ill efects except pain and heaviness in the arm for a few days I asked my doctor about swine flu vaccine. He said: It depends how old you are. If you're over 65: you get the vaccine through injection on the arm and it made with dead viruses. And it is safe. He recomended I should get it. If you are young, you get that through the nose, the vaccine has live virusus. And you'll be the one decide on that.
9062499 tn?1426957962 Definitely get the vaccine. It is in a triple tier for Tetnus, Pertussis, and diptheria. Usually you will get it at 28 weeks or so to pass some immunity to your little one. Whooping cough kills infants. An adult can usually fight it off but a simple cold can cause pneumonia in babies. You should also have your spouse or anyone who will be in prime contact also get vaccinated.
250084 tn?1303307435 , ya know? Did not even know they had a pneumonia vaccine?! Shands is taking over on this, going in Monday. They are all (& our Doc) in Italy next week!! (wanted me there Friday) but already got my ER hosp. records last week. Doing labs-another Dr. for this app. Will see him when he's back or in May if this is gone then. Doing a VL since I'll be there :) Week 19 !!! How you feeling? Despite the Aranesp. Your so tough!!
Avatar n tn I had no symptoms after both my doses except slight pain in arm but after thee booster I too have severe pain in the arm and forearm and numbness.
Avatar f tn Anyone else had the whopping cough vaccine?
Avatar f tn My dad has always gotten a pneumonia vaccine, but this year when he went to get one he was told he didn't need one because he was over 65. What's up with that? He turned 70 this year and hasn't ever been told that. Is this part of Obama's plan for healthcare?
898849 tn?1241811271 How important is it to get the flu and/or pneumonia vaccine, being that I have heart failure. I just heard about the recent death in Washington where the individual had a heart condition, pneumonia and swine flu. I was recently diagnosed with CHF in January, so all this is still very new to me.
Avatar f tn My wife developed pain from Parsonage Turner Syndrome three days after reciveing the H1N1 vaccine. Her pain remains severe in the arm particularly. Her symptoms are classic for PTS and other causes appear very less likely based on w/u to date. MRI of plexus and neck all normal 2 weeks into symptoms. Minimal weekness yet. Interesting I beliew she had Swine flu months before her sho occurred. How atypical is it to have this degree of pain )9 out of 10 pain) three weeks after onset of symptoms.
Avatar n tn I have been hospitalized for pneumonia three times and have received the vaccine. Because I have two implanted Neurostimulators, I have to be very careful amd try prevent any bacteria from spreading into my leads Are their some pictures of pneumonia mucus, so that I could compare know if I need to get additional help? The clinic doctor on campus gave me Azithromycin 250 MG tabs. I had to take two today and for the next four days will take one tablet.
518117 tn?1429276273 sorry i dont know about the pneumonia shots. i just had to jump in and concur about the flu shot idea of making some people ill. my husband says i'm nuts and its "just a coincidence". well he gets the flu shot every year and hasnt had anything wrong with him in 12 years besides a cold! then there's me...i caved into pressure and finally agreed to get the flu shot in November of 2006. Oh my the following year was horrible!
Avatar f tn As a middle-aged adult I am thinking of getting pneumonia vaccine as well. My doctor thinks that the current vaccine - which protects against 23 specific strains of pneumonia - is probably not of much use to an adult because adults are typically stricken by strains of pneumonia not defended by the current vaccine.
Avatar f tn Good morning I'm being treated for pneumonia just started antibiotics last nite feeling a lol worse off but my question is walking pneumonia's funny but ct images showed fluid on right lung and I have side pain ouchee! But now more symptoms are appearing.
Avatar f tn My son is 7 years old has had pneumonia at LEAST 5 times in his life (will find my copies of his record which Ihave to prove it)after having the vaccine, rsv twice before he was 1 year old after having the vaccine, has had a bronchoscopy twice once at 10mos old and one at 5 years old, first one to determine diagnosis second to receive prognosis over time. Today he is 7 with pneumonia again home on Omnicef, spitting out so I can see blood tinged dark green mucous.