Pacemaker vs mri

Common Questions and Answers about Pacemaker vs mri


1331422 tn?1326566597 Does an EP have to do an EP study and ablation or can they just look at the monitor readings and put a pacemaker in? Who does the pacemaker? An EP or cardiac surgeon? I hate to go through an EP study if it really isn't necessary. I'm very tired of feeling so bad and want to cut to the chase without waiting much longer. I'd much rather have a pacemaker than mess around with ablations that may or may not work.
Avatar m tn We are trying to figure out if we should go direclty to the insertion of a pacemaker vs. an ablasion procedure. Since ablasion procedure may need to be repeated and flecainide (drug after ablasion) is questionable, should we just go directly to the pacemaker?
Avatar f tn my heart Dr. said that I need a av node ablation and a pace maker, it scares me and I would like to know if it is safe. I am 69 years old. Thank You Jo This discussion is related to <a href=''>Pacemaker and AV Node Ablation, Coumadin vs. ASA</a>.
Avatar f tn Do you have the new MRI approved leads? They were just recently approved, within the past year I think.
Avatar f tn t really want another MRI, worried me to death with the pacemaker in place. As it was, I could feel the leads tingle. No more, absolutely no more! (pacer was for "lazy heart" not hypertension. thanks for your thoughts!
8248259 tn?1397372067 I'm not sure I understand your question ... you've had an MRI since your initial CT scan that you were diagnosed from? So they should have a good idea of your condition. I have a pacemaker. It's MRI safe but only one machine in a 60 mile radius can scan me and it's EXPENSIVE (about $1600) so I had a CT after surgery instead, and it gave my neurosurgeon the information he needed. To a good neurosurgeon, neurologist, neuroradiologist, both are fine ...
Avatar f tn I can help with this! So firstly define what you mean by upper tracking limit? Are you referring to upper *rate* limit? In any case this is all programmable and customizable. Most practices have standard values they like to set for upper and lower rate limits. The only way to know what these are for your device would be to throw a device programmer on it and find out. Alternatively you can look at the paper that prints out of the programmer when you go to your checkup.
Avatar m tn Mom is 90 yrs old and has severe dementia. She is need of a new pacemaker battery. Cardiologist said they don't change batteries - the whole pacemaker is changed. She is using her pacemaker 95% of the day. Is is a good idea to change this? Can you still die with a pacemaker? I know if she could make the decision herself she would tell me to not change it and leave well enough alone. I don't know what to do.
967168 tn?1477584489 I had a Boston Scientific Teligen 100 w/Guidant leads implanted on August 28, 2009. Almost 2 years later my thresh holds remain high at almost 1100 and I was told they want to repair or remove them because my interrogations keep showing loss of capture, noise and tons of events that look like artifacts (254 just since May 19th).
Avatar f tn Hi, you can ask all the questions you want, even if we've covered them before! We like to point people in the right direction for more discussions. Whenever I see a new name pop up here, I always click on their name and see if they are truly new or if I have forgotten them. That's how I saw you were on the thyroid forum as well. Lots of people here have multiple problems - having MS doesn't preclude us from having other things wrong too.
Avatar f tn Interesting re the pacemaker. My mom has an older version and was to NEVER have an MRI, this is exciting it me and will share this with my Mom so she can tell her fantastic team of docs about this. Her docs are excellent and would research this themselves given just a hint of the possibilities. Sending good luck wishes and thoughts your way on the 28th. I hope all goes well.
Avatar f tn Please help us to find an answer! My husband had a pacemaker implanted 6 weeks ago. The doctors implanted the wrong type (not MRI compatible) and now they tell us that they are willing to replace it! How dangerous is it? The leads are more likely to have grown into the heart tissue by now. We are very afraid of this operation!
987762 tn?1671273328 The MRI The purpose of a MRI or magnetic resonance imaging machine, is to harmlessly work out what internally is physically wrong with you, without involving exploratory surgery. MRIs have 3 types: conventional, open bore and fully open. In an conventional MRI, a long toroidal (Doughnut-shaped) electromagnet supplies the electromagnetic force, and the subject is put through a long 'tunnel', where a full-body scan is supplied.
Avatar f tn t say it is MS or not, and had no ideas. Said I needed another MRI but could not have one due to my pacemaker. Cardiologist says I can have one and they are done all the time with pacemakers. So, no treatment, no diagnosis, not getting better. Not been feeling werll lately and symptoms are worse. My partner called Vanderbilt and the lady who makes appointments was not nice and was no help. Don't know what to do, I want to cry. Maybe Jewish Hosp in St. Louis?
Avatar n tn hi there, so, it sounds like the pacemaker they implanted is not working for you? Why did they decide on pacemaker and not a defibrillator? I am just curious, I am learning about both... I'm not sure VT could go on for 19 minutes, though I'm not sure on that...? To be honest, I'm not sure on most stuff. I can relate, however to your situation - I am 34 and am also a mystery to doctors. For the past 10 years I've gotten a lot of shoulder shrugs from them.
Avatar f tn What should be done? MRI is not possible as he has pacemaker.
967168 tn?1477584489 Thanks for responding, this is really confusing trying to understand what's wrong with me when I haven't been given any information by my drs. I was given Midodrine and told my TTT was positive, but I thought that meant I had probs with my blood pressure. I got all my results in the mail Sat, so now I have questions. In June I went to my pcp and he sent me to a cardiologist; she did alot of different tests and sent me to an EP.
723800 tn?1230887234 Hi, I had my first pacemaker when I was 19 due to being born with a congential heart block, so I was given dual wire pacemaker, everything seemed to be working well as far my cardiologist was concerned when they discovered that 1 of the wires was'nt working properly, although I was not having any side affects to this but because of the size of the pacemaker to which they inserted I did recieve quite a few episodes of chest pains.
Avatar n tn Everything went well and I do not have a pacemaker. I was told by my EP that if I needed an AV node ablation then I would need a pacemaker, thankfully that did not need to happen.