Pacemaker modes heart block

Common Questions and Answers about Pacemaker modes heart block


Avatar f tn From what I understand, first degree heart block is a delayed transmission, without missed beats, of an impulse from the atria to the ventricles because of an impairment of the conduction (electrical) system and is generally benign. ie usually doesn't progress to complete block as is sometimes the case in 2nd block. What did your doctor say about the type II episodes?
754107 tn?1233668478 hi i also have heart block stage 2 with a pacemaker fitted i was diagnosed 2 years ago at the age of 32 i also found out last month that i have svt too .
468015 tn?1218719780 There must be other heart issues, though, because a complete heart block is 100% treatable with either a permanent or temporary pacemaker. If he had an MI (heart attack) or several that destroyed his heart muscle, then a pacemaker would fire but the muscle could be too damaged to respond and pump appropriately, I suspect that he has coronary artery disease as well as electrical issues.
Avatar f tn 1 av block with heart rate 53 to 70 bpm based on activity.(AV nodal block-infact doctor mentioned above AV node).holter reports show lowest heart rate as 53 bpm and highest 162 bpm.
Avatar n tn I have a pacer for 1st degree heart block and have had it adjusted yesterda because it wasnt tracking and I am still feeling bad
Avatar m tn i then went into complete heart block so the doctor gave me a pacemaker. but ever since when my heart rate gets above 100 bpm i go into heart block i have seen two doctors and nither one knows whats wrong. the pacemaker has been adjusted many times on various settings and i still have the same problem if any one knows anything i would love to hear thoughts.
9576600 tn?1475757952 Unfortunately the only cure for heart block is a pacemaker. It sounds like certain positions create the block situation which are really unavoidable so it makes sense to get a pacemaker. For a few unfortunate people their svt was located too close to vital areas and blocks can occur. I am sorry that happened to you. I would suspect a pacemaker would fix your palpitation issues but if not it is possible that there is still a little svt left.
Avatar m tn It is my understanding the risk with block is a slow heart rate and if heart rate is too low a pacemaker may be the therapy. The heart block of interest requires no treatment as long as the ventricular heart rate remains normal. Source: " Should the ventricular rate become low or the condition progresses to Mobitz type II, a drug that speeds the rate of electrical impulse conduction (anticholinergics or sympathomimetics) may be prescribed temporarily and cardiac depressants withheld.
Avatar n tn For example, if bundle branch block develops during a heart attack, you may need a pacemaker. After a heart attack, your heart is fragile, and bundle branch block may cause a very slow heart rhythm (bradycardia). A pacemaker will help regulate the heart's rhythm after a heart attack. Not having chest pain is not a reliable source whether or not there is a concomitant heart problem.
Avatar n tn ve read that 2nd degree, type 2 can eventually become 3rd degree and a complete heart block. Complete heart block can cause sudden cardiac death. That is why I agreed to the pacemaker implant. If I were you, I'd get a 2nd opinion from another Cardiac Electro Physiologist to confirm your 2nd degree, type 2 diagnosis and also whether or not he recommends a pacemaker implant.
Avatar m tn My first EP, 1.5 years ago, diagnosed me with a complete A/V block and recommended a pacemaker. I have researched complete A/V block and it is my understanding that means no electrical signals pass from the atria to the ventricles. If I had a full-time 3rd degree heart block, prior to the pacemaker, how did I survive? I began seeing a new EP several months ago- he diagnosed me with 2nd degree heart, Mobitz type 2. Does that mean I don't have complete heart or A/V block?
Avatar m tn She reset the pacemaker to fire only when needed - below 60. My question is how is it possible for a complete heart block to "heal" itself? Should I request a consult with my cardiologist?
Avatar n tn There are three fascicles in the heart. They can be thought of as the electrical system of the heart with each fascicle being a separate cable that transfers electical impulses to various parts of the heart. A left antarior block implies that one of those fasciles isn't working as well and the other two are filling in for it. This may be related to a prior heart attack, but more so due to an older age and degenerative disease in the conduction system.
Avatar n tn I am 20 wks pregnant, the baby was diagnosed with fetal heart block. I don't have any underlying conditions, we were told this was random and there is no cure. If the baby makes it to term, it would need a pacemaker as soon as it is born. Has anybody been through a similar diagnosis or know of somebody else who has? What are the chances of survival? Can a baby with a pacemaker from birth grow into a healthy adulthood?
Avatar m tn Hi, I had a complete heart block after av node was touched during abalation procedure and have a pacemaker implanted. Has any one seen AV node recovering from a heart block state?
Avatar m tn Hi, I would go seen another option. Pacemaker isnt that rare at second degree block u r right. Anyway you need to be well followed as block no two can progress to number three. But thats more likely a precaution, if it would be vety dramatic you wouldnt be home! (Thatswhat I sayto myself..
Avatar f tn However, my mother was diagnosed with 3rd degree AV heart block and had a pacemaker put in at 33 years old. She was also adopted and we recently discovered her birth family in which these of her biological uncles passed away from heart conditions and one biological sister recently had surgery for a valve issue. Should I be worried? What symptoms should I be aware of to look for? I've never had any fainting spells or anything like that (like my mother did).
Avatar m tn I have been diagnosed with 3rd degree congenital heart block. I am 38, my heart rate avg is 45, went as low as 35 and can go as high as 109-120 when on a stress treadmill. I have no enlargement of the heart. I have never fainted, but I definitely feel fatigued, occasionally slightly dizzy, and have postural hypotension often. My ep is currently NOT recommending a pacemaker, but would put one in if I chose to anyway...and says he'd like to do echos yearly to watch me close.
2177189 tn?1337555322 I have a pacemaker and pace about 60%. Since my heart block began to not be constant I started having symptoms of SVT. They did an EP but were not able to ablate it. They said it's not typical SVT where the electricity goes in circles. They did a stress test and saw my heart jump into tachycardia then go into block, dropping BPM suddenly and a few seconds later the pacemaker would kick in bringing it to a normal BPM. This causes me to feel dizzy and almost like I could throw up.
Avatar n tn i have a pacemaker for heart block. this is my 3rd one i have in now. it was put in about 4 months ago. i have had it adjusted several times because of symptoms like fast heart rate and fatigue..this last time i went in the tech showed me the readings that the bottom was beating first then the top& they turned something off and it was fixed but as soon as i leave the tech office and return home it is back and it seems to go on one day but not the next! what is going on here? anyone?
326176 tn?1239515689 If the electric system fails, then your heart will stop. The pacemaker will help to prevent your heart from stopping. We just had a friend in his 40's die this week, because of this "the electric systems failed" and his heart stopped.
1535596 tn?1292469791 For two or three weeks after surgery, I felt great, now, back to high blood pressure, faster than normal heart rate and no heart block per pacemaker check. I am worried that I am now stuck with a dual lead Biotronik pacemaker for no reason and that there has been a terrible mistake made. The electrophysicist who implanted the pacemaker is now in California, I am in Arizona and the Cardiologist says that I am fine and that he is done with me.