Omega 3 kidney disease

Common Questions and Answers about Omega 3 kidney disease


Avatar f tn My shitzu dog is 7 years old and has kidney stones and allergies.He also has high cholesterol(Cushings' disease suspected). He weighs about 10 lbs. Is it safe for me to give him omega 3 capsules and what should be the dosage? Thank you, Mrs.
4274823 tn?1388529098 Thanks for the list. I avoid soy and flax due to a health issue. I do eat pumpkin seeds and walnuts as well as plenty of vegetables and fruit. Interesting about papaya. Ideally I would like to get it from food rather than have to purchase an expensive supplement that I don't feel 100% comfortable with.
Avatar m tn Most risk factors of coronary heart disease are changeable, meaning coronary heart disease is a largely preventable disease (3). Omega-3 oils have been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, but how much is enough? Recent research from the British Journal of Nutrition found consumption of greater than 250 mg per day was associated with a 35% reduction in the risk of sudden cardiac death (4).
Avatar m tn Quite a complex topic this but at the same time an interesting one. Omega 3 isn't just one substance, Omega three are fatty acids just like Omega 6 fatty acids found in oils and meat etc. Omega 3 are EPA, DHA, and ALA . Some experts have said that the balance between Omega 6 fatty acids and Omega 3 is key, but just as many say this is nonsense. Omega 3 do have benefits, mainly reducing inflammation in the body, such as in the arteries or joints.
Avatar m tn Antioxidants reduce the amount of inflammation in your body, which helps the kidneys function properly. The potassium in cauliflower is known to prevent kidney stones. Kidney stones can lead to kidney infections and eventually chronic kidney disease. Eat cauliflower raw with a hummus dip or steam it with a squeeze of lemon. Cauliflower is also delicious smashed with low fat sour cream and fresh parsley.
Avatar m tn Viscosupplementation with hyluronate injections, such as Synvisc, can be very helpful. Natural anti-inflammatories such as Glucosamine or Omega-3 are very useful alternatives. (I favor the omega-3) In addition, if you are overweight, then weight control is imperative. Finally, I have become a big proponent of acupuncture for orthopedic problems, and my experience has been that when combined with traditional orthopedics, acupuncture can have a synergistic effect.
Avatar f tn You should be taking omega 3 in any case. Statins, by lowering cholesterol, also interfere with the absorption of fat soluble nutrients, which of course includes omega 3. The most important for the heart is EFA, which is found in largest amounts in fish oil, but flax and hemp oil are also very high in omega 3 oils. But omega 3 oils don't do the same thing as statins. Statins lower LDL cholesterol, the bad kind, whereas omega 3 oils provide the good kind of cholesterol, HDL.
Avatar f tn Regarding the Omega 3 supplement ... dog supplements normally have a mix of omega 3 and omega 6 in the correct ratio. The problem with omega 6 is it is harder to absorb and causes some toxins, as the kidneys need to deal with it, but in the right ratio with omega 3, it should be fine. Just make sure you use a canine supplement, free of other additives, and NOT a human supplement.
Avatar m tn Fish oil. Omega 3.
Avatar f tn What brand of Omega 3's are you using? I have been taking just the Kroger brand Omega 3's with fish oil concentrate. Should I maybe look at the health food store for some that are especially for pregnancy? Thanks!
Avatar f tn s important to get the mix of omega-3 and omega-6 right, because too much omega-6 can be damaging to kidney disease. These fatty acids are in many food products, and while omega-3 is either absorbed or excreted (as it can't be stored in the canine body), omega-6 cannot be readily excreted, so it builds up. But the two fatty acids work together too, so if the balance is right, one will kepp control of the other. So, omega-3 is good at keeping control of omega-6.
Avatar m tn My GP was not worried at the time but after a year of blood tests and one kidney ultrasound (which showed a couple of cysts but no damage), I have been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. How the heck does this happen so quickly? My numbers in brief are Bun of 22, creatinine of 1.38 and GFR of 40. None of my doctors as of yet have any kind of treatment plan but what should I be doing on my own? I think I'm still pretty much in denial over this.
Avatar f tn Does anyone know if I can just take an omega-3 supplement, or should I eat all the foods this app is telling to to get it. I'm not much of a fish eater.
Avatar f tn you know, I haven't been taking the Omega 3 since I got pregnant - they make me nauseous. I just take my prenatals daily. I try to eat healthy(doesn't always happen) but i do try. I didnt take any Omega 3 with my other kids and their fine, so oh well.
Avatar m tn I took an Omega-3 supplement for the first time before going to bed last night, and when I woke up one eye was very swollen and puffy. The only allergies I have had are seasonal. Could I be allergic to the Omega-3 supplement?
518994 tn?1212242047 I read where Omega 3 was good for your dog. Is it a different Omega 3 or is it the same that humans take?
1655526 tn?1330655629 I know that omega 3 is really supposed to be good for the heart, but I get palps after I take them for 3 days, especially krill oil. I've read in this forum that others have also had adverse reactions to taking this supplement. So I wanted to put this poll out to see how omega 3 affects you. The first time I suspected krill oil, which is supposed to be the best omega 3, I used the process of elimination. Still not believing it I did it a second and third time.
Avatar n tn I am on Synthoid, Metformin and Lovaza (basic Omega-3 acid to help lower triglycerides.) If the medication does not lower my level, should I ask the doctor to look at other underlining causes?
Avatar f tn Hi there, In stage 3 kidney disease the aim is prevention of progression of renal disease and reduce associated risks. This person needs long term monitoring of renal functions and other parameters like Hb, blood pressure, urinary protein.Proteinuria, haematuria and declining GFR are poor prognostic indicators. Such people should avoid smoking, exercise daily and adopt lifestyle changes. Blood cholesterol should be controlled to prevent risk of cardiovascular disease.
Avatar f tn Been on Azodyl for at least 8 weeks and we will be checking her levels via bloodwork later this iweek. I would like to know if supplementing with Omega 3 and B vitamins can help the situation. She currently takes a low dosage of Omega 3 for her skin and also takes Cetyl M daily for joint issues. Appreciate any input to help her maintain a better quality of life through this. Thanks.
9214378 tn?1408881584 Omega 3/Omega 6. Most websites are universal saying that egg whites are a good protein source for dogs with CKF. I have been giving Darbie the whites of a hard boiled egg, chopped and drizzled with raw (local) honey. I stir in some warm water for extra hydration. Now, I am confused with the Omega 6 factor...Am I on the right path?
Avatar f tn Moderate fat diet means = use polyunsaturated (omega 3, corn oil, nuts, etc) fats and monounsaturated (olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, etc) fats, no saturated fats (high fat snack foods, butter, fat spreads) and no trans fats.
Avatar f tn I have just been diagnosed with Stage 3 chronic kidney disease. I am still trying to digest my diagnosis. How did you come to terms with being diagnosed? What advice would you give someone new to this? I am in the process of changing my diet but it takes a lot of learning to do this.