Omega 3 good health

Common Questions and Answers about Omega 3 good health


518994 tn?1212242047 I read where Omega 3 was good for your dog. Is it a different Omega 3 or is it the same that humans take?
1655526 tn?1330655629 I know that omega 3 is really supposed to be good for the heart, but I get palps after I take them for 3 days, especially krill oil. I've read in this forum that others have also had adverse reactions to taking this supplement. So I wanted to put this poll out to see how omega 3 affects you. The first time I suspected krill oil, which is supposed to be the best omega 3, I used the process of elimination. Still not believing it I did it a second and third time.
Avatar n tn I have been taking fish oil for about 5 years now and take approximately 2 grams with an Omega-3 total breakdown of 600 EHA and 400 DHA per day. I know I know, talk to your doctor bla bla bla (and I will to be sure) In the meantime should I trash the pills?
603543 tn?1255294450 m not trying to be a spoiler, but I did the Omega 3 thing for 6 months at high dosages. The Omega 3 suppliment I was using was top grade from a health store. It cost twice as much as other formulas because of it higher quality. 6 full months of this Omega 3 experiment produced absolutly no improvement in my Severe depression. Perhaps my condition is more severe than your and that's why I failed to respond to it.
Avatar n tn Stevens, of the Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University, and co-investigators reported that boys with lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood showed more problems with behavior, learning, and health than those with higher levels of total omega-3 fatty acids.
Avatar f tn You should be taking omega 3 in any case. Statins, by lowering cholesterol, also interfere with the absorption of fat soluble nutrients, which of course includes omega 3. The most important for the heart is EFA, which is found in largest amounts in fish oil, but flax and hemp oil are also very high in omega 3 oils. But omega 3 oils don't do the same thing as statins. Statins lower LDL cholesterol, the bad kind, whereas omega 3 oils provide the good kind of cholesterol, HDL.
Avatar m tn Most everyone knows or has heard about omega-3. The omega that many haven't heard about but that is very important to your health is omega-6. While omega-6 isn't bad in and of itself, what's bad about omega-6 is that Americans get too much of it. Having too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3 in your diet leads to many diseases. To avoid these diseases, you must keep these two very important essential fatty acids in balance or the right ratio.
4274823 tn?1388529098 Thanks for the list. I avoid soy and flax due to a health issue. I do eat pumpkin seeds and walnuts as well as plenty of vegetables and fruit. Interesting about papaya. Ideally I would like to get it from food rather than have to purchase an expensive supplement that I don't feel 100% comfortable with.
Avatar f tn Does anyone know if Omega-3 helps heart arrythmias? It worked for me, but not for my 30 yr old daughter who suffers from PVCs. They can make life hellish but for the most part are benign - but definitely a quality of life issue. I would say avoid all cardiac stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, and believe it or not - anger and sentimental thoughts can cause arrythmias. You can deliver bad hormones into your own body that stimulate your heart by having scary, or sentimental thoughts.
Avatar f tn What brand of Omega 3's are you using? I have been taking just the Kroger brand Omega 3's with fish oil concentrate. Should I maybe look at the health food store for some that are especially for pregnancy? Thanks!
Avatar m tn If I do forget it, I go to the nearest health food store in the area and get a big bottle. You can buy it at any good, health food store and it is well worth the price.
Avatar f tn Does anyone know if I can just take an omega-3 supplement, or should I eat all the foods this app is telling to to get it. I'm not much of a fish eater.
Avatar f tn you know, I haven't been taking the Omega 3 since I got pregnant - they make me nauseous. I just take my prenatals daily. I try to eat healthy(doesn't always happen) but i do try. I didnt take any Omega 3 with my other kids and their fine, so oh well.
Avatar m tn I took an Omega-3 supplement for the first time before going to bed last night, and when I woke up one eye was very swollen and puffy. The only allergies I have had are seasonal. Could I be allergic to the Omega-3 supplement?
Avatar f tn You can go to cheaper brands, however, suggest looking for supplements that have the same content as what you are buying now. If some of the supplement have less omega 6 that is ok. Research has found that omega 6 counteracts omega 3's so the more omega 3s in the supplement, the better. Hoped I helped you and not confused you.
Avatar n tn I am not sure of your question. Are you asking where omega 3 and omega 6 foods come from? Omegas 3 / 6 are polyunsaturated oils that help lower cholesterol and help prevent blood platelets from clotting blood vessel walls. The best source is fish especially mackerel, tuna, salmon, and lake trout. Fish should be eaten 2-3 times a week. Omega 3 are found in whole nuts, soy nuts / oil, and canola oil. Recommend 1-2 teaspoons of nuts daily. Hope this answered your question.
917167 tn?1330255938 Dennis Embry (CEO/Founder PAXIS institute in AZ) talked about taking an Omega 3 supplement especially as a mental health or substance abuse patient because it has shown to restore dopamine receptors in the brain. Has anyone else heard of this? Does anyone out there swear by them? I have been taking them for roughly two weeks, but of course I wouldn't be feeling better today.....bad bad bad. It's you all on here who are keeping me from cracking under the pain.
757137 tn?1347196453 s looking at whether taking a multivitamen plus lutein/omega 3 will prevent age related macular degeneration from developing. AREDS-1 showed that for people with dry macular age degeneration that a multivitamen plus Vit A,C,E, zinc, copper slowed the progression of dry ARMD.
Avatar f tn University of Maryland Medical Center suggests omega-3 fatty acids can help "decrease inflammation and help with immunity" for thyroid support. In addition, some studies have indicated that omega-3 fatty acids can increase thyroid hormone uptake.
Avatar f tn Hi to eevryone! Your cardiologist may not know it, but flax oil hardly converts to omega-3's; only 2% at best of the omega-3 linolenic acid component is converted to the useful omega-3 fats DHA and EPA, and that is IF there are no omega-6 fats competing for uptake. Other than that, the linolenic acid in flax oil has no known use in the body, and flax oil obviously has shortcomings by containing a relatively high amount of inflammatory omega-6 linoleic acid.
Avatar n tn It is working very well, but his dose (after gradual increase to a point of benefit) is more than recommended. Can he overdose on 3 times the normal dose of purified omega 3 fish oil..the brand he takes is Health from the Sea PFO pure fish oil liquid. He takes twice the dose of the flax seed oil (same brand name).
Avatar m tn Recently I heard that taking omega 3 capsules( the transparent one) will increase the risk of prostate cancer. Is there any scientific studies conducted on the subject?
Avatar f tn In addition to being heart healthy, extra Omega-3 can be good for joints, nerves and brain health. When I use it regularly I have little to no problems with irritable bowel or constipation. Without it? Not so much.