Omega 3 benefits for depression

Common Questions and Answers about Omega 3 benefits for depression


Avatar m tn Some experts have said that the balance between Omega 6 fatty acids and Omega 3 is key, but just as many say this is nonsense. Omega 3 do have benefits, mainly reducing inflammation in the body, such as in the arteries or joints. It can also reduce your clotting factor if taken in too high doses, causing excessive bleeding. Experts do agree on one thing, take omega 3 acids from foods rather than supplements. Without a doubt, having enough Omega 3 acids in your diet does improve health.
Avatar m tn Most everyone knows or has heard about omega-3. The omega that many haven't heard about but that is very important to your health is omega-6. While omega-6 isn't bad in and of itself, what's bad about omega-6 is that Americans get too much of it. Having too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3 in your diet leads to many diseases. To avoid these diseases, you must keep these two very important essential fatty acids in balance or the right ratio.
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Avatar m tn Hey there, I haven't used SAM-e, but it does have pretty good benefits. Apparently, quite a bit of testing has proven it has efficacy in treating both anxiety and also depression, so I would not think this is a placebo effect taking place. To test it, you can go off SAM-e for a week and then monitor how you are feeling emotionally, and if you aren't feeling all that well without taking it, then that would prove its working.
Avatar m tn [I]n treating major depression, for example, omega-3s seem to work by making it easier for brain cell receptors to process mood-related signals from neighboring neurons." 4) "The omega-3s found in fish oil are thought to be responsible for the significantly lower incidence of breast cancer in Japanese women as compared to women in the United States." All of these statements are true and have been demonstrated in various scientific studies about omega-3s.
403156 tn?1290150018 ALWAYS take the prescription meds. Omega 3 or 6 is awsome for brain boosting and great for the heart too. Been taking it for years. I know it does not control bipolar because I suffered horrible symptoms before my diagnosis when I was taking Omega 3 already. Just got my diagnosis and added in the bipolar meds!
Avatar m tn try to eat food which contain omega 3 such as sardines or salmon etc If it is difficult for you I would suggest omega 3 capsules but I would also suggest you to confirm this with your doctor because all capsules are not the same!
1053987 tn?1279304510 I take Omega-3 supplements and Vitamin D. For Omega-3, you need to make sure that what you're taking has a high concentration of EPA fats, as these are the ones that will actually help with mood stabilization. Look for capsules that come from fish oil, not flax seed, because flax contains a different type of Omega-3 (ALA). I use a brand called OmegaBrite because my doctor recommended it, actually. Apparently it's one of the best out there to help treat bipolar disorder and depression.
Avatar f tn One study found that fertile men tended to have higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids, while infertile men had higher levels of omega-6 fatty acids. And with diets heavy in grain fed animals most of us get less of the omega-3s and far more of the undesirable omega-6 fatty acids. Switch to fresh all-natural grass-fed meats. Omega-3 fatty acids aren't the only answers.
Avatar m tn There is evidence in support of the use of DHEA for help with adrenal insufficiency, depression, and lupus; however; there are no studies of long term effects. DHEA may increase the risk of prostate, breast, or any hormone sensitive cancers and it is recommended only to be taken under the supervision of a MD.
Avatar n tn one with ADHD/Aspgerger's, one with Oppositional Defiance and one that's just a typical boy. The Omega-3 has helped all of them with moods, concentration, impulsivity & better handwriting. The omega, in addition to a healthier diet, makes me feel like I am helping them get through life in a way that can be managed for the rest of their lives. If you teach them a certain lifestyle early, the hope is that it will travel with them throughout their adult years.
476654 tn?1207852799 Oh no! I'm sorry you lost your post. It's so easy to focus on the first page. I'm sure it is out there somewhere. I'm glad you repeat your question! I know fish oil, Omega 3, works pretty well. It does at least strengthen the immune system. Now depression can come of lower levels of B6, B12 and C-vitamins too so I'd add a multivitamin too. I wish you great luck!
Avatar f tn What brand of Omega 3's are you using? I have been taking just the Kroger brand Omega 3's with fish oil concentrate. Should I maybe look at the health food store for some that are especially for pregnancy? Thanks!
Avatar m tn Oh! I forgot, you would not burp the fish oil if you take the pill each time you eat something or after every meal, I have never had a problem with it.
Avatar m tn Each quartile corresponded to the level of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood. The first quartile was very low in omega-3 fatty acids; the second quartile was higher in omega-3s, etc. The researchers found that the men in the second-lowest quartile had a 45 percent lower risk of sudden cardiac death compared with those in the lowest quartile, and those in the second highest quartile had a 72 percent lower risk of death.
Avatar m tn Krill oil is very good for Omega 3 oils, but it's also environmentally not so good for humans to be using as it's the main source of food for so many endangered and threatened species. Something to think about. Nordic Naturals makes a fine fish oil not made of krill, with a dedicated fishery in clean waters off Scandanavia.
518994 tn?1212242047 I read where Omega 3 was good for your dog. Is it a different Omega 3 or is it the same that humans take?
Avatar f tn you know, I haven't been taking the Omega 3 since I got pregnant - they make me nauseous. I just take my prenatals daily. I try to eat healthy(doesn't always happen) but i do try. I didnt take any Omega 3 with my other kids and their fine, so oh well.
1655526 tn?1330655629 I know that omega 3 is really supposed to be good for the heart, but I get palps after I take them for 3 days, especially krill oil. I've read in this forum that others have also had adverse reactions to taking this supplement. So I wanted to put this poll out to see how omega 3 affects you. The first time I suspected krill oil, which is supposed to be the best omega 3, I used the process of elimination. Still not believing it I did it a second and third time.
Avatar m tn Hello, I've heard the use of omega 3 in Depression, but not in Anxiety. I wouldn't be supprised if it works for Anxiety, as I've heard this stuff can work miracles. I might try it myself to see if I notice any changes.
Avatar m tn I took an Omega-3 supplement for the first time before going to bed last night, and when I woke up one eye was very swollen and puffy. The only allergies I have had are seasonal. Could I be allergic to the Omega-3 supplement?
Avatar f tn I would recommend taking either the omega 3 and resveratrol together or omega 3 and baby aspirin, but not all three together.
Avatar f tn In the end, leaving out the flaxseed oil will not be that big a deal, but I would want to find out why exactly, the omega-3 fish oil was discouraged in your case. I commend you for looking into this area yourself. Keep up the good work. I get a lot of nice information from engaged patients like yourself and it continually stirs me to keep up with the current research as much as possible.