Olanzapine mechanism of action

Common Questions and Answers about Olanzapine mechanism of action


Avatar m tn I am not physically restricted - I walk 1 mile or more day and do 10 minutes of other light exercises most days. My BP runs under 120/80 most of the time. I understand carvedilol helps prevent stiffening of the heart muscle and can help restore LV function to some degree. How specially, so it do this? What is the biochemical mechanism?
Avatar f tn My husband was on a similar medication for similar reasons. He experienced EVERYTHING you are dealing with. After he was off of his medication, (Haldol) it did take some time for him to regain "feelings" but they did come back. Hope that gives you some peace of mind :) Take care and hope you are doing better very soon!
Avatar f tn If you put into google floxetine and olanzapine side effects there is a part on skeletal problems it can cause. I take this medication for anxiety, pychosis and obessive complusive disorder predominately obsessions, I know, quite alot going on. Like you I have some strange experiences with and without these drugs, I feel like my mind is full of electricity.
Avatar m tn The mechanism of action of Campral® (acamprosate calcium) Delayed-Release Tablets in maintenance of alcohol abstinence is not completely understood. Originally, several neurotransmitter systems, including GABA, were investigated for a possible role in Campral's mechanism of action. However, recent evidence suggests Campral's main interaction is with the glutamate system. Chronic alcohol exposure is hypothesized to alter the normal balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition.
Avatar m tn http://www.nasdaq.
Avatar m tn Oyakawa I am in my 3rd year of medical school and I was wondering the mechanism of action of steroid injections in the eyelid causing cataracts. It is not an osmotic agent so why does that occur? thanks so much.
Avatar f tn I am no Dr. but if that's what your doc said to do...it is probably fine. If you don't feel comfortable you can always ask him/her to ween you off of the olazapine slowly. But, seroquel is a strong drug..so, I think you will be fine. But, again, I am no dr.
382218 tn?1341181487 Thanks for posting this DV. My favorite part was the mechanism of action for Tecfidera. "Poorly understood...
Avatar f tn I was put on olanzapine an anti phycotic on top of my fluvoxamine meleate 200mg for deap depression after and home invasion. While the olanzaoine was helpful with my depression i think it was also causing leg pain. the longer I took it for the worse the pain got and more pain meds I needed to take to get threw my day to just walk. Once I was strong enough to come off olanzapine I weaned my self off and the leg pain started to get better over time.
Avatar m tn I'm 44 yrs old and experiencing problems with being extremely out of breath, finding it difficult to recover and catch back up during hard exercise. And I'm getting daylong headaches after these more trying bouts of exercise. I swim 5 days a week, 1.5 miles/day. During moderate to moderate to semi strenous swimming I seem to be OK, but still not recovering quickly and breathing harder than my peers. During the swim workouts, my HR is usually between 120-175.
Avatar f tn While I have not taken it, I know that a good deal of the antipsychotics out there, including olanzapine, can cause sedation. Antipsychotics can also be activating where they will cause insomnia if you take them before falling asleep. I'm sure there are people here who have taken it and experienced sedation.
Avatar f tn Plavix has a unique mechanism of action by blocking the amplification of platelet activation by released ADP, and often used with aspirin to prevent the risk of clots for the first year after DES implant. Plavix and aspirin have different mechanism of action to prevent clots. After a year, plavix is usually discontinue as the risk for clots is decreased, and aspirin is continued long term. The risk of a clot is about 3%.
Avatar m tn I was given 4 types of drugs YEARS AGO in 2007 Olanzapine,Risperidone,Depixol,Trihexyphenidyl, i suspect it is the Olanzapine that has caused an internal burning gastric sensation below my navel area and around crotch area and wondered if you know of any drug,vitamins,herbs to reverse the damage caused and if you know what the problem could be?
6452367 tn?1430944592 Will Olanzapine help with withdrawals from Oxycodone. I am down to 10mg of Oxy and it has been a fight for me.. I did wean myself off Hydrocodone which made me happy but then I got on oxy 30 mg and have reduced my dosage. Will this medicine help me.
Avatar n tn Both Olanzapine and Resperidone are atypical antipsychotics. So, basically, you will be taking the same class of antipsychotics. Resperidone is however a very potent antipsychotic. The response to treatment has been found to be more stable with Resperidone, so that’s a plus point with this drug. Both drugs cause similar side effects, but Olanzapine shows fewer motor function side effects than Resperidone in comaparative clinical trials.
603015 tn?1329862973 Hi I have started to tapper off olanzapine because of the weight gain, I have noticed that after just a week on the reduced amount I have started to have sleep problems, I am finding it harder and harder to get to sleep, then when I do get to sleep I am waking through the night, could this be the reduction in the med and what should I do if anything, im not due to see me pdoc until 1 june when I would be fully off this med.
Avatar m tn HIV is transmitted by; Unprotected penetrative anal and/or vaginal sex Sharing works with other IV drug users Mother to child You never had an exposure.
Avatar f tn Anyways ive tried various antipsychotics through my psychiatrist. The most recent one i tried was olanzapine. The thing is, i only took 2 doses and right away i got muscle spasms and tics through my entire body. I came off it. Its been one week and the spasms havent stopped. They happen every few seconds in my toes legs, my fingers also completely jerk and move on their own. My fingers are the worst. There are movements in my face eyes and lips too but they are minor compared to my body.
Avatar f tn Potassium is a chemical element and it is part of the electrolyte that should be in balance with other lytes to adequately conduct an electrical impulse that originates with the sinus node in the right atrium. The mechanism of action is not completely understood, but what is when a voltage (unit of potential for conduction) and electrolyte there will conduction and passage of electrical impluses.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Doctor prescribed Clonazepam .5mg and Buproprion XL 300mg... After a couple months and not much change my doctor adds in Olanzapine 5mg, problem is I've been doing a bit of research online and am now too nervous to take the Olanzapine(Zyprexa) with the Clonazepam(Klonopin). Every thing I've seen has basically said that these two can interact very badly causing shallow breathing, loss of consciousness, etc.
Avatar f tn t try olanzapine, I know the feeling of being over weight, it feels really terrible. You can discuss with your pdoc about Lamictal, the only side effect I have with Lamictal is that I can't take it at night, as I can't sleep so I take it in the morning, which helps alot. But I think all drugs has it's side effect and it depends on individual, it took me almost 5 years to find the correct medicine, so keep trying to find the correct one, as I feel that medicine helps me alot.
Avatar m tn http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/578705 Ribavirin improves early responses to peginterferon through improved interferon signaling. Gastroenterology. 2010 Jul;139 The therapeutic mechanisms of ribavirin for hepatitis C are unclear. Microarray analyses have shown that ribavirin increases induction of interferon-stimulated genes. We evaluated viral kinetics, serum cytokine expression, and viral mutagenesis during early stages of peginterferon therapy with and without ribavirin.
Avatar m tn Seeing an orthodontist is advised.
Avatar n tn Anti-depressants can certainly cause weight gain. The ones that are best known to cause weight gain are: • the Tricyclic antidepressants such as Amitriptyline (Elavil), Imipramine (Tofranil), and Doxepin (Sinequan) • the Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) such as Tranylcypromine (Parnate), Isocarboxazid (Marplan) and Phenelzine (Nardil) • the Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Paroxetine (Paxil) • the atypical anti-depressants such as Mirtazapine (Remeron) and Trazodone.
Avatar n tn Some medications are actually derived from plants. The mechanism of action and effect on the body determines the classification, therefore, laxatives can be synthetic or natural.
Avatar f tn Anyways ive tried various antipsychotics through my psychiatrist. The most recent one i tried was olanzapine. The thing is, i only took 2 doses and right away i got muscle spasms and tics through my entire body. I came off it. Its been one week and the spasms havent stopped. They happen every few seconds in my toes legs, my fingers also completely jerk and move on their own. My fingers are the worst. There are movements in my face eyes and lips too but they are minor compared to my body.
Avatar n tn "Mechanism of Action Oxomemazine, a phenothiazine derivative, is a sedating antihistamine" The above information is about all I could find on this drug. If it is used in the US, I have no idea what label it's under. Even if I had been able to find more information, I am not qualified to tell you to either stop or start or change any medications. You need to speak with your doctor or chemist for an answer to your question.