Misdiagnosed miscarriage no heartbeat

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Avatar f tn Hello, My name is Heather. I have 2 little girls ages 5 and 4. I didn't try to conceive for years until about 5 months ago, we began trying. On Decemeber 9th, j was nearly a week late on my period so I took a test and got a BFP. I'm always regular and on time every month. I went to the doctor on December 15 to confirm that I was indeed pregnant with my 3rd child and was scheduled for an ultrasound the next morning.
Avatar f tn The tech took 20 minutes to figure out how to take a picture and barely looked at the yolk sack. The doctor came in and was like no heart beat you miscarried expect heavy bleeding and cramping. ( he was that rude.) However I have no bleeding or spotting anymore, no cramping at all, and I still feel pregnant. My breasts hurt, I'm sick to my stomach.
Avatar m tn I choose to have a natural miscarriage. I have had no bleeding or cramping and did not have a period in September. I did have an ultrasound in August and they saw a sac. I now have what you would call a "baby bump." I did not have it last month even though I did gain weight with the beginning of my pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I think what you are doing is very natural. I remember with my first miscarriage I had had 4 ultrasounds, all with no heartbeat and finally agreed to a D&C around 10 weeks. Even afterward I still not only wondered, but I can remember well beating myself up about every little thing I did or did not do, convinced somehow I had caused it. It was a very difficult time.
Avatar n tn There was a sac, yolk sac and fetal pole, but tech said that baby stopped growing around 7 wks and there was no heartbeat. Dr came in and said I could either wait to miscarry naturally or have a d&c TOMORROW???? Omg, that is so soon. They said that the pregnancy is NON VIABLE!!! I have read many stories about misdiagnosed miscarriages and I felt like I wanted to wait a little while. In the mean time, I did more bloodwork, which came back 41050 at 8w5d, up from 7583 at 6w0d.
Avatar n tn I miscarried at 8 wks w my very 1st pregnancy saw babys heart beat at 6w 6days at 8 wks 6 days had ultra sound and no heartbeat Dr said that baby only measured 8 wks so baby had been gone for almost a wk and I still had preg symptoms. I still had morning sickness bleeding gums and sore breasts I had no cramping or bleeding.. I will be praying for u that all is ok sometimes they can't see heart rate til 10 wks.. i will pray all is well! Get a second opinion for sure !
Avatar m tn I just had my first dr appt. I was thinking that I am 8 wks, but according to the ultrasound, I was only 7 wk 2 days. (The only way I know this is because I looked on the monitor). They also told me there was no heartbeat and the baby had deceased. I was advised to have a D&C, take meds to induce miscarriage, or wait for it to happen naturally. They did not check my HCG levels at all nor did they discuss anything about the ultrasound, except that there was no heartbeat.
Avatar f tn Just got back from my 11 week sono and there was no heartbeat and Baby stopped growing at 8 weeks. Has this happened to anyone else? Baby's still in there. Could it be a mistake? Should I do a d&c or just wait to make sure?
Avatar f tn Ive lost 3babys lost 2 baby girls 23weeks and 21+6days and I had a missed miscarriage now im expecting my baby in a weeks time i no how you feel but think positive i'll pray for you
Avatar f tn Yes. They keep confirming pregnancy. But the doctor just came in & he's the first to tell me there's no heartbeat. I'm just so nervous & scared. They consider me a high risk pregnancy now.
Avatar f tn C to remove everything from you. If there was no heartbeat, there is no chance of the baby being alive. I am so very sorry. I have been there as a healthcare professional and as a mama myself. Hugs to you.
Avatar f tn I found out earlier today my baby has no heartbeat and has been gone for 2 weeks now I have to make the decision on if I'm going to miscarry naturally or do a D&C and I would like to know you ladies experiences with D&Cs.
Avatar f tn Hello I'm 38 yrs old and I thought I was 7 weeks 5 days pregnant. I went to the potty when I wiped I notice brownish blood and a small blood clot so I went to the ER. They drew blood & did a vaginal ultrasound. Tech didn't say anything to me. Dr came in and said my measurements of my baby was about 6 weeks and that there was no heartbeat. I didn't understand.
Avatar n tn I have to believe that they are wrong because its to hard to believe otherwise. Is there anyone else who had u/s with no heartbeat at this stage and their baby was fine.
Avatar f tn I had the same experience with my first pregnancy. No heartbeat at 6 weeks and dr said it was fine that she would check back in two weeks. But the next day I started bleeding and in fact it was a miscarriage. Hope it goes better for u.
Avatar f tn Went in today for my 1st ultrasound at 7 weeks. The baby is on track 7 weeks, but no heartbeat. The sound graph picked up nothing. I go back monday for a 2nd ultrasound so they can determine miscarriage. I can't stop crying. This is my 2nd pregnancy where there was no heartbeat.
Avatar f tn I had an u/s done last week did not see heartbeat said that i was 6wks 1day .
Avatar f tn Just went for my ultrasound and I measured at 7 weeks but no heartbeat. How long will it take for my body to miscarry?
Avatar f tn So at my appt the doc checked again via ultrasound and found a fetus measuring 9 wks 5 days when I should have been 13 and there was no heartbeat. I was diagnosed with a miscarriage and sent to the hospital to discuss my options. I was given the option of having a d & c right away or waiting 2 weeks to see if my body expelled everything on its own. I opted to wait the two weeks but nothing happened so I went for the d&c.
Avatar f tn t see a baby or hear the heartbeat.  Is that normal?  I had a miscarriage 4 years ago and have been trying to conceive since than. So I am very scared. Anyone else ever been through this, please help.
Avatar f tn t want to be the one to make you worry more but with my first pregnancy we saw the heartbeat at 6w2d went back at 9 weeks and baby was only measuring 6w4d and now had no heartbeat. I ended up having a missed miscarriage which is where the baby passed but your body for whatever reason doesn't actually miscarry. I continued to have pregnancy symptoms until my hcg level went back to 0.