Miscarriage bleeding discharge

Common Questions and Answers about Miscarriage bleeding discharge


Avatar n tn I am experiencing the same thing, woke up this morning with slight cramps brown discharge that turned into snot like blood, after a little brown discharge came back with a little bleeding. I am 11 days late on my period.
Avatar m tn i had a miscarriage last month my husband and i have been having sex after i stop bleeding I started today with the brownish discharge and when i go to the restroom I see a very light pink what does that mean
Avatar f tn Hello I have been experiencing many pregnancy symptoms and I am 11 days late on my period, my husband and I were intimate while I was ovulating and might be pregnant. This morning I woke up with slight cramps and brown discharge that turned into snot like bleeding, a couple hours later the discharge came back with bleeding as well, could I be having a miscarriage?? I am only 23 and I'm pretty sure I have miscarried before. Thank you for any answers.
Avatar f tn Yes, definately see a doctor and get a an ultrasound, I had a miscarriage that started off with brown discharge, and with my last pregnancy I had the same bleeding at 7 weeks, but he was fine, it was a hematoma. The only way to know for sure is to get checked out. Oh, and I had no cramps either, with the miscarriage and the hematoma.
Avatar f tn Light brown is ok its old blood. I even had bleeding bright red and i was ok as long as the bleeding doesnt follow by pain as my doctor says u will be ok. With any miscarriage it will hurt, and it is harder to misscarry after 9 weeks without feeling pain.
Avatar f tn I'm 7 weeks pregnant and yesterday The brown discharge turned into heavy bleeding with large clots and slight cramps. That lasted 5 hours. Now the bleeding is lighter but still there.
778012 tn?1304901886 Hmmm tan discharge...not too sure what that could be as usually implantation bleeding is described as a light pink discharge or an extremely light period. Do you think it could've been dried up CM? I know that I started getting a lot more of this discharge around the time I found out I was pregnant. Implantation does occur 6-12 DPO so it may very well be associated with that. Let's hope that's it. Take a test at 14 DPO and let us know how it goes. Good luck.
4456535 tn?1355894638 Although if its a miscarriage they wont be able to help you but you atleast you ll know the reason of bleeding... my miscarriage started with pink spotting and stayed like that for 3 weeks until i started spotting brown blood and at 11wks i started passing tissues... for time being take the bed and dont leave it until you feel better or bleeding stops...
Avatar f tn I was in the ER for bleeding at 5 weeks and everything was fine with the baby. They called it a threatened miscarriage buy I didn't miss carry. Now I get pink discharge sometimes & a lot of people have said it happens a lot in the first trimester for women and as long as the blood doesn't increase & you don't have cramps you should be fine.
Avatar f tn With my miscarriage, the bleeding never really started (I had some spotting only when I wiped)...about a week and a half later, they had to induce me to miscarry. Like Anita said, this is not an easy thing to go through...if you need to talk, plenty of us here have been through it! Hugs!
5409295 tn?1367521298 I had bleeding, not spotting at 6 wks. After running some tests in the ER and having ultrasound done, they told me everything was ok. Bleeding or spotting may happen in the beginning of your pregnancy and don't always signal miscarriage. Go to your obgyn or ER if you want to be sure. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Its now December 6th and Ive had some symptoms of being pregnant and i was pretty sure i was since it was during my ovalution but today morning I had a bloody discharge that kinda seemed like my period. I dont know what it means. Could it of been a miscarriage or is it possible that I MIGHTstill be pregnant. ?
Avatar f tn m 4-5 weeks I know this might be tmi but I wiped last week and saw very very light pink discharge 2 times last week and this week out of know where on my panties I saw a little bit of red blood. I'm scared I might be having a miscarriage. I don't have my appointment until next week. HELP has anyone had this and everything was fine!
Avatar f tn Cramping is absolutely normal as long as no heavy bleeding is involved. I cramped for 2 weeks at the beginning. Its your uterus growing to make room for the baby. I actually had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy and it was very painful. So, as long as you're not bleeding and, you should be fine. If you're still concerned, talk to your doctor.
Avatar n tn It was most likely a period and not a miscarriage, if it was a miscarriage, you might get a faint positive on a HPT, so you can take a pregnancy test just to see if you're even getting a faint positive, but it was most likely a period. As for the discharge, if you were early on it's unlikely you'd be leaking anything, most women, if they do leak, don't leak colostrum until late third trimester.
Avatar n tn Some spotting or light bleeding is normal, as strange as it can sounds.I found this on the web, hope it helps you...........Bleeding or "spotting" during pregnancy happens more often than you might think, with up to 25 percent of all pregnant women experiencing it. Spotting –- bleeding that isn't continuous and isn't enough to fill a tampon or pad -- is especially common in the first three months.
Avatar m tn At 7 weeks i had an early scan and everything looked fine and there appeared no reason for the bleeding. Im still leaking, as to say but, i would class it more as discharge now, pale pinkish/cream. Still every day. This is my second child and i didn't have this with my first. Im trying not to worry but cant help it, does anyone else think i should be concerned or had this please?
Avatar n tn Last night after passing my urine I noticed a light pink discharge on the paper. I woke up this morning and there was nothing, then I passed my stools and noticed a darker discharge. What shall I do? what does it mean? I am really worried.
Avatar f tn Hello mammas i am around 6 to 7 weeks pregnant and i have almost one week with a brownish discharge, this has me very worried because i already had a miscarriage. I already went to the doc but she said it was normal during the first weeks. Has any one experienced this before? (By the way when i go use the restroom and wipe SOMETIMES theres very light bleeding). Help please!
Avatar f tn If you start cramping and the discharge carries on id go to the ER
Avatar n tn Yesterday I had cramping and this evening I have started bleeding. Have any of you experienced this in your early pregnancy? I'm 5weeks 4 days. Hoping it's not a miscarriage! Will be calling the doctor in the morning.
Avatar f tn By that time, i had already miscarried, but it was weird because I started bleeding a few days after my miscarriage. Anyway, it will get better, feel free to talk with me anytime. Hope you feel better!
Avatar n tn I am about 6weeks pregnant nd am having brownish discharge with abdominal pain... should i be worried? Please help..
Avatar f tn it could be more plantation bleeding, but it could be a miscarriage its hard to tell because everyone is so different some people bleed during pregnancy and others don't just take it easy and ask your dr.
Avatar n tn It could just be your regular cycle starting up. If it seems like a normal period, then that's more than likely what it is. If it's just a bit of spotting and you don't have anything else then you could take a test and see.