Miscarriage at two weeks of pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Miscarriage at two weeks of pregnancy


Avatar f tn I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and 3 months later was pregnant again and had a totally normal pregnancy n my little boy is almost 5, sometimes if the baby isn't forming properly you'll miscarry, that's how I think of my little angel❤
Avatar f tn 1. This is my second pregnancy, the first ended with a miscarriage at 12 weeks, now this pregnancy at 6 weeks im already showing, does this happen to any one else?? 2. Can anyone give advice on cramping while bloating???
Avatar n tn Miscarriages are more common than people think. As a matter of fact, about 25 percent of women who become pregnant have a miscarriage at some point in their life. It can even happen early enough that the woman never knows she was pregnant. Between 15 and 20 percent of all diagnosed pregnancies end in a miscarriage in the first or early second trimester. Chance chromosomal errors that occur while the embryo is first developing are the chief causes of most first trimester miscarriages.
Avatar f tn i was having dreams that i went to the toilet and wiped blood and after that just felt like something was wrong..at 10 weeks 3 days i miscarried and then 5 months later miscarried again at 3 weeks and it broke my heart..my mother grandmother and antie's all had miscarriages some of them multiple but i never thought genetics could play a role..
Avatar f tn I would go to the hospital. Bleeding is not abnormal in some women, but the heaviness and the clots are signs of possible miscarriage. At least they can tell you if you're in active miscarriage...if they don't tell you, ask if your cervix is open or closed. If its closed, it means you're not actively miscarrying. This happened to me, though not heavy or with clots, and they said that when you bleed in pregnancy it means your chance of miscarriage is about 50/50.
Avatar f tn That happens to me too. I miss my period now I'm bleeding lightly some times with lots of clumps. The Dr's said my test were negative but I feel so pregnant. I've had two this happened with both of my children. Maybe five weeks is too soon. Any input would be appreciated.
Avatar f tn This time baby and I are perfectly healthy. At the beginning of this pregnancy I was really scared it would happen again so it was difficult for me to get emotionally attached to her. Once I was a few weeks into the second trimester though I started to fall in love with her, and now I love seeing her at my ultrasounds and feeling her move all the time:) give yourself time to grieve and your body enough time to heal and try again. It is scary but it's so worth it.
Avatar n tn Completely normal for very early pregnancy. Does not mean you had a miscarriage. Cramping is also normal through out your entire pregnancy as your body changes to accommodate your growing baby. I would get a second opinion from a different Dr as these things are very common in healthy pregnancies. When did you originally find out you were pregnant.
Avatar m tn The doc told me to wait for two weeks and do a home pregnancy test suspecting that it is either an early miscarriage or a blight ovum. I couldn't wait for two weeks going nothing and thinking of miscarriage so I went for another blood test 2-3 days later, and my results were 4470 units. Which proved that I was pregnant and it's not a miscarriage. Because in miscarriage the hormone level would drop and in pregnancy it doubles every 36-48 hours at this stage in pregnancy.
Avatar f tn t bleed or even know I had a miscarriage til two weeks after I had lost it when I went to the doctor then a few days after thati started bleeding. I was at the same weeks as I am now when I found out about that miscarriage. I even had very very bad cramping when I had my son which was my only full term pregnancy. But I only bleed when I cramp mostly. It's been enough bleeding for me to have towear a pad and change at least every hour to an hour and a half maybe a little long.
Avatar n tn Hi everyone. I had a miscarriage at 18 weeks three weeks ago. I started bleeding on 9/23, went to ER and they did an ultra sound and tested my blood for the pregnancy hormone. The ultra sound was fine. There were no placenta problems and my blood was fine. The bleeding continued along with period like cramps for two more days. The 25th I went to my obgyn. He didn't examine me because the bleeding had turned into more of a discharge. The cramps continued too.
Avatar f tn Hi, I posted on 18-34 pregnancy forum as I was unsure if I was pregnant, doctor confirmed I was however a few days later suffered a miscarriage at 5-6 weeks...this was only a week or so ago, I know I'm hardly going to be on cloud 9, but how do I work my way through this? I keep looking at my stomach and thinking I should have a little bean growing in there, I feel let down by my body...I feel a touch depressed and this is a route I don't want to go down.
1815473 tn?1336171200 He left for two weeks in those two weeks I took a pregnancy test on August 29 and it was negative, then another on September 3rd & one of the lines was real faded, then the day my husband came home on Sept 10th I took another pregnancy test & it showed two solid red lines. My last period was on August 15... Sooo on Sept 20 I rushed to the ER bleeding red like regular period passing almost black blood clots and my HG # was 68! Which is low, and I have no cramps or pains for that matter.
Avatar n tn Hi to answer your question yes it is possible to get pregnant a few weeks after a miscarriage. Did the doctors follow your hCG numbers down to 5? I also had a miscarriage on March 16th, the doctor followed my numbers down to 32 then a week and a half later I took 2 HPT and they were negative(meaning no longer pregnant). My hubby and I started TTC about April 1st we used OPK and BBT(also cervical position).
547512 tn?1273245025 hello there i did bled for a week in november and few days in december. ( miscarriage was end of october). i think its possible it will be from the last miscarriage. i rang today again and they will see me on thursday because i had dentist appointment on february and i dont want to risk if this is a new pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I had suffer from the same situation at 19 weeks and ended up giving birth to a 19 weeks baby boy. My cervix was open at 2 cm and there was nothing that they could do at that moment.
Avatar f tn baby is just implanting at 2 weeks and pregnancy symptoms happen due to build up of the hormones from the pregnancy which takes a bit of time. Most women get things like morning sickness around 6 to 7 weeks because of that. Early pregnancy may make you a bit more tired than usual and breast tenderness are probably the two most common.
Avatar f tn My girlfriend took gynaecosid and ampiclox bcham weeks ago after we found out she was six weeks pregnant, I’ve changed my mind and want her to keep it but she recently started complaining of serious stomachache and dizziness, she can’t stand for too long, she can’t sit for too long and she’s mostly always sleeping to help her relieve the pain. Any idea if this is the result of the pills I made her take?
Avatar f tn What would happen with a miscarriage at around 9 weeks. Like would there be blood clot or clots and what size would they be. Cause around the night of two days ago I had some pinkish discharge and then I started bleeding the next day and passed a little blood clot. Now the bleeding has slowed. Could this be normal or did I have a miscarriage?
364288 tn?1300144506 Its quite scary for sure anytime it happens but especially with a history of miscarriage. When i first found out I was pregnant, for several weeks (and still now) I have alot of discharge all normal so far but I would run to the bathroom frequently thinking i was bleeding.. i still check for blood every time because another miscarriage is just a nightmare. You could go to your doctor... The way to think about the situation..
Avatar f tn The start of my last period was March 10th that makes me 7 1/2 weeks. But we conceived on Marcy 20 or 23rd that is 6 weeks. I had my first u/s today and they told me that after the measurement the size of the baby(?) is 6 weeks and it should be the size of 7 ½ weeks. They gave me two options: 1- I had a miscarriage 2- it is too early to tell. I have no bleeding and cramping and I am not feeling anything abnormal.
Avatar m tn I was just curious if you thought there was a chance I may be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Also, this is my second pregnancy. I know I'm probably just over reacting, but my first pregnancy went so smoothly, this one has me on edge.. and it's only the beginning. Also, this is my first post on here, so if there are other posts related to this same topic.. links would be wonderful.
Avatar m tn I had a scan at 7.5 weeks and there was nothing but an empty sac, blighted ovum. Scanned again at 8.5 weeks and still there was nothing but a healthy well formed empty sac. My husband and I mourned the loss on the first scan. It was much easier to be devastated at home, than in the office with a semi-non emotional doctor looking at you. You can still be hopeful!! But be prepared for the worst. Plus, it took 5 weeks for me to have my miscarriage.
547512 tn?1273245025 hi to everybody. I just posted a question in the wrong place. I am not very good with computers. anyway. I had a miscarriage ten days ago. I was 8 weeks pregnant . the doctor did the scan and he couldn't feel the beat. The baby stopped developing at 6 weeks. i am very sad about it. I had a lot of hope and it was my first pregnancy and I wasn't really aware of the dangers of the first three months.
Avatar f tn This s my 4th pregnancy (2 sons, 1 miscarriage)and with my precious pregnancies ive ive never had any spotting. I should be around 5 weeks and i woke up this morning with light pink spottind and some dull cramping. Nothing like my period cramps or symptoms. Im still experiencing morning sickness and sore breasts. But the spotting is making me uneasy. Have any mommies had spotting early on and went on and had healthy a pregnancy? I really dont want to go through another miscarriage.