Metrogel bv

Common Questions and Answers about Metrogel bv


Avatar f tn Im 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant with my 3rd baby, this is the first time ive been diagnosed with BV, the hospital prescribed me flagyl for the infection, I asked the pharmacies if it was safe the pharmacists told me theres no guarantee that its not harmfull since it passes thru the placenta, when i seen my widwive she told me it wasnt recommend in the 1st trimester, but didnt instuct me to stop taking it but after reading about it i decided to stop it after 3 days of use, has and mother on here
7757724 tn?1396279586 Bv can come bak at any time during pregnancy
Avatar n tn 1) Could the metrogel i took for bv have cause a false negative result for gonorrhea and chlamydia? 2) My pap smear was normal but it did mention i had cellular changes associated with inflammation, could that be the gonorrhea or chlamydia but if it was then why would the results be negative or was the BV that wasnt fully gone, please someone help me out!!!!
Avatar f tn Was diognosed with urea plasma and bacterial vaginosis the bv cleared on it's own and is gone confirmed 2 times by doctor.I was given metrogel I used 1 dose and had difficulty breathing headache and the doc said stop med.Then went to see a gyno specialist and she said same bv and she removed a polyp from cervix it was benign she also told me I tested positive for urea plasma all my other std test are negative.HIv chlamydia,gonorrhea, trichomonosis all negative.
Avatar f tn Yes, well bv can be cured by a variety of things. It is a lot about the balance of the vaginal Ph. So, if that worked for you that is great. I am a big believer in probiotics too. It does depend on how bad the infection is and what bacteria it is. Sometimes you can't heal bv by probiotics alone sometimes you can. Some UTI's you can heal by cranberry juice there are some that might not respond. Thanks for bringing that up.
Avatar f tn I took metrogel vaginally for bv at 31 weeks. Everything went fine and it cleared it up.
Avatar n tn I am trying to get an appointment for my next day off for I know is BV bacterial vaginosis i need a temporary cure for this....please help.....
Avatar f tn it's not unusual at all for bv to come back over and over again. continue to be seen every time you have discharge for proper testing. if the oral treatment for bv isn't working for you, ask your provider for the vaginal metrogel instead. it's been shown to alter the vagina's ph and keep bv away longer than the pills do. do you have a regular partner? do you use condoms?
Avatar f tn I also have been battling chronic BV. My inner thighs are sensitive, some body aches and I have some itching and tiny tiny bumps that look like chicken skin but a little red. Is it possible my boyfriend gave me HSV on my genitals? Can I give him HSV 1 on his gentiles through oral sex?
Avatar f tn I bought plain yogurt and mixed it with acidophillous powder and inserting it using a metrogel applicator at night, I always wear a liner because of bv anyway, but there is a LOT of discharge. Am I doing this right? has anyone else had good results with this method? how long should it take for symptoms to go away. I shower before and wash with soap but should I use something stronger like hydrogen peroxide???
Avatar n tn Diagnosis can be confirmed after pelvic examination and microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge. Treatment is by metronidazole((Flagyl, MetroGel) and clindamycin (Cleocin).They are available as pills or vaginal gels or creams. Please do not use any vaginal douches. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar f tn After visiting a women’s health center (about two weeks ago) because of these symptoms, I was diagnosed with Bacterial Vaginosis(BV), but the metrogel I was prescribed gave me a yeast infection. It also made my hands and feet feel tingly so I stopped it after 2 applications. The yeast infection went away with my period.
Avatar f tn I have bv and I don't want to actually see my doctor because I know what I got. I just need the medication.
Avatar n tn Hi Sarah, BV it will just keep coming back, and may go on for a few years yet, try the natural way, google bv and sea salt, you could also try bv and boric acid, on earthclinic under symptoms you find BV, and apple cider vinegar as a cure or ACV, just some other ways to try. Who knows one day you will beat it.
Avatar f tn m hoping I can take the valtrex for a couple days, get less sore then try the metrogel( for bv)... Idk.. 2 weeks a ago found out I was pregnant. Is the pregnancy the reasoning had an outbreak? I've been with my boyfriend for 7months. I was ready to go off on him but then the doctor told me I could have had it for years . So now I'm acres to even tell him b I could have had I all along. Another question I have is will the pregnancy make me have breakout more often?
Avatar f tn Can I use metrodizole gel for bv and use monistat creme for yeast infection at the same time.? One during day and 1 at night? Or both at night? I know I have both I just don't know if I can insert both into vagina at same time or once in morning and other at night?
Avatar f tn On the other hand, BV is believed to be caused by bacteria. BV is treated with a course of Flagyl or Metronidazole pills (or Metrogel cream) - which are oral or vaginal antibiotics (anti-bacterial drugs).
Avatar f tn In mid-May 2011, I started experiencing typical yeast infection symptoms (clumpy white discharge and itching). A couple of days later, I started to develop a red rash in my inner thighs. This rash was not pimply, blistered, or significantly raised. I visited my GYN on Wednesday, 5/25 and he suspected an internal and external yeast infection. He prescribed a three-day course of vaginal anti-fungal cream, plus an anti-fungal and steroid cream for the affected skin.
Avatar f tn It's normal to get the white chunkies after treating with metrogel for bv , if that's what you used. I advise not treating for yeast but to wait a few days to see if it clears up. at this point I don't recommend any more otc yeast treatments. wait and follow up properly with your gyn next week and get retested again for vaginitis. did you and your bf get full std testing prior to starting to have sex? do you use condoms?
Avatar f tn It was treated with a 7 day vaginal metrogel and I also began incorporating daily probiotic pearls (l.reuteri, l.rhamnosus) and plain yogurt into my diet. 3 weeks after treatment, i noticed a similar watery, greyish discharge and slight discomfort (no fishy smell after sex though). I thought for sure it was the BV and used a 5 day treatment of Balance Activ (lactic acid vaginal gel with glycogen). The symptoms were relieved during the treatment and for about 4 days after treatment.
Avatar f tn So I just found out two days ago that I am pregnant. According to the fire date calculator I am about 4 weeks prego. My bf and I were planning on going to planned parenthood this Saturday to confirm and have an ultrasound done; however, tonight I recognized signs of BV. I've had issues with bacterial vaginosis ever since I was 17 (I'm now 30) so it's very easy for me to recognize when it creeps up every few months.
Avatar f tn I'm assuming you mean bacterial vaginosis. I just recently was in the ER for going into preterm labor at 22 weeks. They were able to stop it & discovered it was caused by BV.
Avatar f tn I am almost 28 years old, and over the past year (give or take) I have been having symptoms of recurrent BV. I went to my OB/GYN in May, and was prescribed oral Flagyl. I took the medication, and was fine for approximately 2 weeks. I then started having symptoms of BV again. My husband travels for work, and is gone every week, but comes home on weekends. What has happened over the last 5-6 months is that one day I will be fine, with no symptoms of BV, then the next day the smell will come back.