Menstrual cramps gas during pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Menstrual cramps gas during pregnancy


Avatar f tn I had cramps @ 5weeks but they werent bad like menstrual cramps u might wanna talk to your doctor about that and as far as gas n constipation dats normal during pregnancy...
Avatar n tn Yeah same here lots of gas haha I go to my first appointment Monday
Avatar n tn When the cramps went away i took a test and got a (+). I havent cramped since. Just gas. You could have your dates off a little but if they are consistent and never go away, only an ultrasound and blood work will be able to tell you forsure whats going on. Hopefully everything comes back fine.
Avatar f tn i had cramps at the begging of my pregnancy then it went away on it's own as I got further along I am on my third trimester now I am due in 8,weeks good luck to you hope everything comes OK for u guys
Avatar f tn Hello everyone. I'm on my second pregnancy and I'm 8 wks along. Is having cramps all the time normal in the 1st trimester? I'm not having any bleeding but my stomach bothers me most of the day.
Avatar f tn Is it normal to have period like cramps during your pregnancy? Im 13 wks. I had those cramps this passed Monday, it woke me out of my sleep. It really made nervous and i checked to make sure i wasn't bleeding and i wasn't.
866560 tn?1265061561 Sometimes I feel like they feel like gas and sometimes they feel menstrual like. Does anybody know if this is normal? This is my first pregnancy and I am just very nervous that these cramps are not normal.
Avatar f tn m really paranoid about something going wrong with this one. I was told its either gas cramps or my appendix. How can I tell the difference between the two?
Avatar f tn I definitely had cramping during the first trimester but if it gets severe I would go to the doctor
Avatar f tn To me, they didn't feel any different. I was prepared for disappointment because I thought my period was about to come. I don't think every woman feels cramping during implantation, just like every woman does not experience spotting.
Avatar n tn You don't have to feel anything. Some women experience symptoms and some don't. Symptoms don't determine pregnancy - only a pregnancy test does. So if you suspect you're pregnant then you need to take a pregnancy test with first morning urine.
Avatar f tn For the past two days I have been having cramps that feel like pre menstrual cramps. I am 15 weeks pregnant and am wondering if this is normal or if i should contact my doctor about it. I have also been having ALOT of gas and this could be the cause of the cramps. But ive heard that's also normal. Any advice?? PS sorry for the tmi.
Avatar f tn I am 9 weeks and still have menstrual cramps. Bodies have to change a lot during pregnancy!
Avatar f tn Ive had my stomach tighten, then untighten without any pain. I had really really bad pain, felt like bad menstrual cramps and gas that would intensify for a bit then go down and i was on a monitor and the nurse said i was having contractions....but there wasnt a definite low, like the pain was always there just kicked up at times so it was hard to just hurt the whole time.
Avatar f tn My contractions started out feeling that way and now feel like super bad menstrual cramps plus horrible gas pains and my back tightens along with my stomach.
Avatar f tn When I got pregnant, I kept getting menstrual cramps right around the time I was supposed to start my period and after it was late. It felt like I would start literally any minute and like you, I kept feeling wet and running to the bathroom to check. So it's definitely an indication but not a sure thing. You should take a pregnancy test first thing in the morning like clysta said. Good luck!!
Avatar n tn So when I was about 4-5 weeks pregnant I had two episodes of what felt like bad menstrual cramps. It scared me because that's about the time I found out I was pregnant. I did go the ER the night of my second episode and they did a transvaginal ultrasound and everything looked normal. Since then I have been to the doctor twice and had two other ultrasounds - the last one revealed a heartbeat! However I still had cramps -no bleeding.
Avatar f tn THIS IS WHAT RESERCH HAS SHOWS Cramping during all stages of pregnancy is normal, unless it’s accompanied by severe pain or bleeding. During the earliest stages of pregnancy some women mistake the cramping for their menstrual cycle. This could be due to the fact that they may experience a little spot bleeding too. Spotting and cramping are classic symptoms of implantation, which occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus.
20922415 tn?1661860103 During the reproductive years, the pituitary gland in the brain generates hormones (follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH] and luteinizing hormone [LH]) that cause a new egg to mature and be released from its ovarian follicle each month. As the follicle develops, it produces the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, which thicken the lining of the uterus called the endometrium.
Avatar f tn Okay. Well, that's pretty much what's going on over here, then. It starts out as light menstrual cramps and sometimes I'll feel the tightness. Othertimes, it's only the light menstrual cramps and they just go away.
Avatar f tn I've heard that having menstrual like cramps during pregnancy is normal. Mine are not that painful, and are not constant. Is anyone else experiencing cramps or have had them in pregnancy? I seem to worry about every little thing or symptom.
Avatar f tn Yeah its normal to have cramps during the early stage of pregnancy and yes you feel bloated.
446156 tn?1275859576 Thanks for replying. I looked up more info on ligament stretching an it said that sould not happen until I'm in my 2nd trimester. When dose the 2nd trimester start? I go to the ob next week. I think I'm 9 weeks. It dose sound like what I'm going through. She I be worried that I'm feeling that an I'm not in my 2nd trimester?
Avatar f tn I am almost 5 weeks pregnant. I have been having cramps that feel like menstrual cramps. I don't have any spotting or anything but it feels like menstrual cramps.. should I be worried? I'm 18 and this is my first pregnancy.
6387609 tn?1393274731 How far along are you? At 30wks I went to dr & hospital for having really bad cramps & back pain and I ended up getting monitored all day & they said I was having uterine irritability (mini contractions) & they had to give me a preterm labor shot. They said it could've been brought on by dehydration or bacterial vaginosis (an infection I had at the time).