
Lunesta knocked me out

Common Questions and Answers about Lunesta knocked me out


Avatar f tn It's 3 weeks since I've been having a pretty serious depression, including anxiety & sleeplessness. I was put on a new antidepressant LexiPro (15 days now), xanax as needed, which I only need to "take the edge off" when Im shaky, and Lunesta to sleep. This is the 2nd time I've used Lunesta.
Avatar m tn I feel like my breathing just stops at least once a day now and a weird feeling in my chest it feels like I feel on my back and the wind was knocked out of me it only lasts for about a second when it happens what could this be?
527657 tn?1214051850 I used melatonin a few times, awhile back. It knocked me out fast !! Slept through the night. The only thing, I disliked about it was, when I woke up, I felt super groggy, rather then refreshed, but after an hour or two felt fine. Melatonin will not help anxiety. But Chamomile tea does, distributed by Celestial seasoning. It's natural. Really helps a person relax, and also helps with sleep as well, they have different types.
Avatar f tn Hey all, so I got tired of not sleeping more than 4hrs a night after being off of Tramadol 42days and my Dr gave me Lunesta. I asked if it was addicting and he said yes but you won't buid up a tolerance to it... I would like to hear this though from someone that has taken this medication and has had to come off it... How hard was it? What where the wds like???ect.ect any info on this would be appreciated...Thank You. Jeffi.
2021910 tn?1339896686 so when I was in the Er last night they gave me Lunesta a sleeping pill to help me sleep I'm 31 w 5 d n my mom told me its not it..I mean babys fine n stuff but the hospital wouldn't give it to me if it wasent ok right ?
Avatar m tn he did say that having the flu could very well have knocked me for a loop. He said when you get the flu your thyroid adjusts to accommodate, but having thyroid issues means that it can not adjust accordingly.. that made sense.
Avatar f tn And believed that I would die from lack of sleep. Finally doc.presribed me a lunesta and some xanax. Knocked me out for 12 hours. Then I was fine. Nine months later the anxiety slowly creeped back and I started to lose sleep little by little, till I wad so panicky at bedime that I couldnt sleep at all.
488264 tn?1226520307 Hi Wish, My 1st neuro gave me clonazepam (klonopin) to treat the vertigo I was having at night. It worked in the way that it totally knocked me out!!! So I slept like a rock, but was groggy in the morning. I was directed to take it at dinner, but could not because it knocked me out within an hour of taking it - and I have acid reflux, so I have to wait 2 to 3 hours before going to bed after eating. Only took it for 5 days, because of the grogginess - so not sure how it works long term.
Avatar f tn I take an herb called passionflower when I need help sleeping. It was used in ancient times for insomnia. It usually works for me. You can find it at any health food store or online. The side effects are mild for me, just a little nausea.
Avatar m tn The highest available dose of Lunesta is 3mg. Recently, thought is that Lunesta, Ambien, and others in this class are very similar to benzodiazepine drugs. But I haven't read much about addiction or withdrawl from these meds. Seems like insomnia would be a given, but you could try melatonin or valerian root to combat that. Good luck either way.
Avatar f tn It's been recommended to me that I begin to *think* about stopping my Lunesta. Ive been on Lunesta for YEARS (since probably 2006). I have NEVER abused the Lunesta. I've never taken it at inapproriate times. I've never doubled my dose. Nothing like that ever. I take it and go to sleep. There are PLENTY of nights I dont take it - especially on the weekend when I am not trying to force myself to go to sleep at a certain time.
Avatar n tn I dont know why it is making me nausea. My doc then perscribed lunesta 3mg. Has anyone tried lunesta and experienced better sleep with it? I am afraid of trying lunesta because i dont want to feel so nausea again. I didn't take any sleep med last night...didnt have a very good sleep but still i feel nausea. I need something to help me sleep without causing nausea and to help me sleep like a baby throughout the night pleaseee.
266660 tn?1189755834 Lunesta seems to work okay for me. I've only taken it three or four times (I only take it as needed and not on a nightly basis.) I was prescribed Klonopin for anxiety and sleep and she said to not take it with Lunesta (this is after I asked *her*, she didn't mention it until then.) The Klonopin seems to work as well as the Lunesta, BTW. Kevin, I've read that Lunesta and Ambien are the same "types" of sleep aids but that is all I know. I hope Ryan can clear this up for us.
572651 tn?1530999357 The mfg of Lunesta will send you a discount card that will pay your copay on insurance, up to $50 per month ($600 per year) if you use their sleep medicine. I figure this is information worth sharing with you .....
6511333 tn?1381974810 Hey there. I'm 22-years-old and I have hypothyroid disease. My periods were few and far between before I was diagnosed with thyroid disease in January of 2010, and from 2008-Jan of 2010 I didn't have a period at all. Ever since I started my regular medication in '10 my periods have been completely regular and on time (minus the rare occasion where it was a few days late once or twice). I currently have no children. I know things like that can definitely interfere with my cycle.
Avatar n tn I was taking Lunesta 3mg prior to the Lexapro for 1 1/2 years. With the Lexapro, the Lunesta was ineffective. The MD put me on 15mg of Remeron with the Lunesta and this really helped. In an attempt to ward off tolerance to Lunesta, I now alternate ( 2 weeks at a time) between Lunesta 3mg and zolpiedem ( Ambien) Since the zolpiedem has a much shorter 1/2 life than the Lunesta, I take 5mg about 11:30 and another 5mg at 3:00 or whenever I awake.
1102799 tn?1269237714 I'm having a slightly different problem. I'm exhausted by bedtime but when I sleep, I'm up after 4-5 hours. After that I just toss and turn in the bed all night. Then I end up having to take a 2-3 hour nap during the day. But even when I skip the nap, I still don't sleep well. I thought it was just because I worked 3rd shift for years but I don't know. I don't have any helpful suggestions though. Sorry.
Avatar n tn Now I am post TX and the insomnia has not yet left, so they prescribed Ambien and Lunesta for me (i grew allergic to something in the benedryl). They are all harmless to liver but the ambien & lunesta do cause dependence so I alternate them: Ambien for a couple nights, then lunesta (which does not work as well for me) for one night. The 'dependence' is not a big deal; just means you'll have a several very sleepless nights after you quit them.
Avatar n tn the sleep deprivation i have to say was the worst for me....the only thing that helped me was knocked me out and the rls too.....i took lunesta once i think that is like ambien did help with sleep but i dont know about rls because i was past the rls by then...which for me was about 2 weeks....hope this helps....
Avatar m tn My doctor offered me Lunesta, but I'm not excited about another pill. I haven't slept much for two weeks and wondered if it was worth a try. Melatonin and Benadryl haven't helped much.
Avatar m tn I have been on 80 mg. Of oxy for a year now n quit cold turkey Friday night. I had no idea what I was in for. The muscle spasms , migriane followed by vomiting. Can't sleep so tried. Final call some local abuse hotline. They were closed for mlk. Call my doc. On 4th day gave Xanax for a week and lunesta at night is this a bad idea? My wife.